Representative Greg Davids, Chair of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee, called the twenty-fifth meeting to order at 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 21, 2006, in the Basement Hearing Room of the State Office Building.
The Clerk noted the roll.
A quorum was present.
Members present:
DAVIDS, Greg, Chair KOENEN, Lyle
BLAINE, Greg, Vice Chair MAGNUS, Doug
Members excused: FINSTAD, Brad
Rep. Hamilton moved approval of the minutes from March 15, 2006. The motion prevailed.
HF2846 (Johnson, J.) relating to eminent domain; defining public use or purpose; prohibiting the use of eminent domain for economic development; requiring clear and convincing evidence for certain takings; providing for attorney fees and other additional elements of compensation; making other changes in the exercise of eminent domain; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 117.025; 117.075, subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 117.
Chair Davids moved HF2846 be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance.
Rep. Johnson, J. explained HF2846.
Chair Davids moved to amend HF2846, 3rd Engrossment, with an oral amendment as follows:
Page 4, delete lines 4.20 through 4.29 (Subdiv. 4)
Chair Davids withdrew his motion to amend while Rep. Scalze was notified about the proposed amendment.
Testifying in support of HF2846, 3rd Engrossment:
Alyssa Schlander, MADA
Chair Davids moved to amend HF2846, 3rd Engrossment, with an oral amendment as follows:
Page 4, delete lines 4.20 through 4.29 (Subdiv. 4)
The motion prevailed, the amendment was adopted.
Testifying in support of HF2846, 3rd engrossment:
Kevin Papp, MN Farm Bureau
Doug Peterson, MN Farmers Union
Bryan Lawrence, farmer, Princeton
Testifying against HF2846, 3rd engrossment:
Jim Grube, Hennepin County Engineer
Dave Sonnenberg, Short Elliot Hendrickson, League of Cities
Tom Scott, attorney, Eagan
Chair Davids moved to amend HF2846, 3rd Engrossment (H2846A51, attached).
Testifying against the H2846A51 amendment:
Keith Carlson, Metropolitan Inter-County Association
Tom Grundhoefer, League of MN Cities
Chair Davids renewed his motion to amend HF2846, 3rd Engrossment (H2846A51). The motion prevailed, the amendment was adopted.
Rep. Heidgerken moved to amend HF2846, 3rd Engrossment (H2836A50, attached). The motion prevailed, the amendment was adopted.
Rep. Koenen moved to amend HF2846, 3rd Engrossment (H2846A52, attached). The motion prevailed, the amendment was adopted.
Rep. Heidgerken moved to amend HF2846, 3rd Engrossment (H2846A54, attached).
Testifying in support of the H2846A54 amendment:
Bob Krogman, MN Petroleum Retailers
Rep. Urdahl moved to amend the H2846A54 amendment as follows:
Page 1, line 8, after the period, insert “Determination of the loss must be based on a comparison of revenues in the year immediately prior to the project resulting in the loss of access and one year immediately following completion of the project.”
The motion prevailed, the amendment to the amendment was adopted.
Testifying against the H2846A54 amendment:
Don Theisen, MN County Engineers Association
Dave Sonnenberg, League of Minnesota Cities
Nathan Richman, MN County Engineers Association
Rep. Heidgerken renewed his motion to amend HF2846, 3rd Engrossment (H2846A54, as amended). The motion prevailed, the amendment, as amended, was adopted.
Chair Davids renewed his motion that HF2846, 3rd Engrossment be recommended to pass, as amended and be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance. The motion prevailed.
HF3441 (Juhnke) relating to agriculture; providing for a check off for fertilizer, soil amendment, and plant amendment; establishing a Minnesota Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council and program; exempting on-farm storage from fertilizer facility safeguarding and permitting; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section etc.
Rep. Juhnke moved that HF3441 be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs.
Rep. Juhnke moved to amend HF3441 (H3441DE2, attached). The motion prevailed, the amendment was adopted.
Testifying in support of HF3441, as amended:
Thom Peterson, MN Farmers Union
Rep. Juhnke renewed his motion that HF3441 be recommended to pass, as amended and be re-referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs. The motion prevailed.
HF3418 (Hansen) relating to water; creating a task force on public drainage ditch buffers.
Chair Davids moved HF3418 be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Finance.
Rep. Hansen explained HF3418.
Testifying in support of HF3418:
Lance Ness, President, Fish and Wildlife Alliance
Ray Bohn, MN Association of Watershed Districts
Chris Radatz, MN Farm Bureau
Chair Davids laid over HF3418 until Wednesday, March 22, 2006.
HF3670 (Hamilton) relating to agriculture; changing certain food law provisions; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 25.33, subdivision 11; 25.39, subdivisions 2, 3; 25.40; 25.41, subdivisions 1, 2, 4, 7, by adding a subdivision; 25.42, subdivision 1.
Rep. Hamilton moved HF3670 be recommended to pass and be placed on the General Register.
Rep. Hamilton explained HF3670.
Testifying in support of HF3670:
Kevin Elfering, MN Department of Agriculture
Rep. Hamilton renewed his motion that HF3670 be recommended to pass and be placed on the Consent Calendar. The motion prevailed.
HF3666 (Davids) relating to agriculture; appropriating money for a grant to Second Harvest food banks for the purchase of milk.
Chair Davids moved HF3666 be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Finance.
Chair Davids explained HF3666.
Testifying in support of HF3666:
Jane Brown, Second Harvest Heartland
Newell Searle, Second Harvest Heartland
Chair Davids renewed his motion that HF3666 be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources Finance. The motion prevailed.
HF2883 (Dorman) relating to taxes; property; increasing the maximum market value of agriculture land eligible for the homestead classification; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, section 273.13, subdivision 23.
HF2903 (Seifert) relating to property taxation; providing that the tier structure in the classification of agricultural homestead property is based on acreage rather than market value; amending Minnesota Statutes 2004, sections 273.13, subdivision 23; 273.1384, subdivision 2.
Reps. Dorman and Seifert explained their bills.
Testifying on HF2883 and HF2903:
Rob Vanacek, MN Association of Assessions Officers
Chris Radatz, MN Farm Bureau
Rep. Magnus moved to amend HF2883 as follows:
Page 1, line 11, delete “$750,000” and insert “$1,000,000”
Page 1, line 12, delete “$750,000” and insert “$1,000,000”
The motion prevailed, the amendment was adopted.
Chair Davids moved HF2883 be recommended to pass, as amended and be re-referred to the Committee on Taxes. The motion prevailed.
Chair Davids moved HF2903 be recommended to pass, as amended and be re-referred to the Committee on Taxes. The motion prevailed.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:53 p.m.
Rep. Greg Davids, Chair
Cris Wohlford
Committee Legislative Assistant