Representative Steve Smith, Chair of the Public Safety Policy and Finance Committee, called the forty-eighth meeting to order at 10:22 a.m. on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 in the Basement Hearing Room of the State Office Building.
The Clerk noted the roll.
Members present:
SMITH, Steve, Chair
EASTLUND, Rob, Vice Chair
NELSON, Michael
PAYMAR, Michael
Members Excused:
Rep. Johnson moved approval of the minutes of March 21, 2006, Public Safety Policy and Finance Meeting. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved HF1014 (Clark) relating to impaired driving and chemical dependency counteraction initiative provided, alcoholic beverage tax increased, obsolete language eliminated, technical corrections provided, and money appropriated.
Rep. Smith moved to amend HF1014 with the DE1-1 Amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith renewed his motion that HF1014 pass with no recommendation, as amended, to the Committee on Health Policy and Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved HF3312 (Holberg) relating to commercial driver's license revocation provision federal conformity provided, and definitions and driver's license content modified.
Rep. Smith moved to amend HF3312 with the A06-1263 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Holberg presented HF3312.
Rep. Smith laid HF3312 over for possible inclusion in the Public Safety Omnibus Bill.
Rep. Johnson moved HF3433 (Johnson) relating to governor's appointees and residence positions background checks authorized.
Rep. Johnson presented HF3433.
Rep. Smith laid HF3433 over for possible inclusion in the Public Safety Omnibus Bill.
Rep. Newman moved HF3413 (Newman) relating to state fire marshal decision to suspend, revoke, or refusal to issue fireworks operator permit appeal process provided.
Rep. Newman renewed his motion that HF3413 be recommended to pass, and that it be re-referred, to the Committee on Civil Law and Elections. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Eastlund moved HF3338 (Eastlund) relating to inmate tuberculosis testing required annually.
Rep. Smith laid HF338 over for possible inclusion in the Public Safety omnibus bill.
Rep. Eastlund moved HF3565 (Eastlund) relating to inmate health care decision making by Department of Corrections medical director authorized in certain cases.
Rep. Eastlund moved to amend HF3565 with the A1 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith laid HF3565 over, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Public Safety Omnibus Bill.
Rep. Meslow moved HF3357 (Meslow) relating to destruction of arrestee biological specimen upon acquittal of a felony request required.
Rep. Meslow presented HF3357.
Testifying on HF3357:
Jim Iverson, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
Chair laid HF3357 on the table.
Rep. Smith moved HF3336 (Lanning) relating to alcohol without liquid devices prohibited.
Rep. Smith moved to amend HF3336 with the A1 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Lanning presented HF3336.
Testifying on HF3336:
Marlene Kjelsberg, Department of Public Safety
Paul Kaspszak, MN Municipal Beverage Association
Rep. Smith laid HF3336 over, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Public Safety Omnibus Bill.
Rep. Smith moved HF3521 (Cybart) relating to unauthorized racing classified as reckless driving, and exhibition driving prohibited.
Rep. Cybart presented HF3521.
Testifying on HF3521:
Al Smith, Major, MN State Patrol
Rep. Smith laid HF3521 over for possible inclusion in the Public Safety Omnibus Bill.
Rep. Smith pulled HF3357 from the table.
Rep. Meslow renewed his motion that HF3357 be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Civil Law. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Murphy moved HF3412 (Murphy) relating to uniform Fire Code variance provision modified.
Rep. Murphy moved to amend HF3412 with the A06-1233 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith laid HF3412 over for possible inclusion in the Public Safety Omnibus Bill.
Rep. Nelson moved HF 3532 (Nelson) relating to combined local access surcharge requirement modified; 911 system service contracts, wireless provider reporting requirements, cost accounting requirements, and system costs modified.
Rep. Smith laid HF3532 over for possible inclusion in the Public Safety Omnibus Bill.
Rep. Nelson moved HF3529 (Nelson) relating to statewide public safety radio system terms modified and obsolete provisions repealed.
Rep. Nelson moved to amend HF3529 with the A1 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith laid HF3529 over, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Public Safety Omnibus Bill.
Rep. Paymar moved HF1318 (Atkins) relating to electronic mail messages regulated, and criminal penalties prescribed for false and deceptive commercial messages.
Rep. Atkins presented HF1318.
Rep. Smith laid HF1318 over for possible inclusion in the Public Safety Omnibus Bill.
Rep. Davnie presented HF1943 as an informational hearing relating to consumer credit report security freeze authorized, identity theft and Social Security number protections, credit monitoring, personal record destruction, and civil and criminal penalties provided.
The meeting was recessed and later adjourned at 11:43 a.m.
David Anderson
Committee Legislative Assistant