Representative Steve Smith, Chair of the Public Safety Policy and Finance Committee, called the fifty-fifth meeting to order at 10:34 a.m. on Tuesday, April 11, 2006 in the Basement Hearing Room of the State Office Building.
The Clerk noted the roll.
Members present:
SMITH, Steve, Chair
EASTLUND, Rob, Vice Chair
NELSON, Michael
PAYMAR, Michael
Rep. Johnson moved approval of the minutes of April 4, 2006, Public Safety Policy and Finance Meeting. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Newman moved approval of the minutes of April 6, 2006, Public Safety Policy and Finance Meeting. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved HF2953 (Smith) relating to omnibus public safety bill appropriating money and establishing programs and policies for the courts, corrections, public safety, law enforcement, illegal immigration, and other criminal justice agencies.
Rep. Smith presented HF2953.
Rep. Smith moved to amend HF2953 with the DE1-1 Amendment:
Rep. Soderstrom moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with the A26 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A26 amendment:
Kathy Tingelstad, State Representative
Diane Cushman, Legislative Coordinating Commission
Rep. Soderstrom renewed her motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with the A26 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A36 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A37 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A40 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A27 amendment (see attached):
Rep. Hilstrom moved to orally amend the A27 amendment as follows:
Page 1, line 6 delete, “illegal” THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment as amended: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A48 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Murphy moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A13 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Murphy moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A12 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Murphy moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A28 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Murphy moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A43 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Hilstom moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A34 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Hilstom moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A34 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Nelson moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A35 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Murphy moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A15 amendment (see attached):
Rep. Murphy moved to orally amend the A15 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Murphy renewed her motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A15 amendment as amended: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Hilstom moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A5 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Murphy moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A25 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A1 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Newman moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A4 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A4 amendment:
Eric Lipman, Minnesota Sex Offender Policy Coordinator
Rep. Newman renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A4 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Johnson moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A29-1 amendment (see attached):
Rep. Eastlund moved to orally amend the A29-1 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A29-1 amendment:
Denny McNamara, State Representative
Jerry Rosendahl, State Fire Marshall
Doug Franzen, First Alert
Dave Griggs, Citizen
Rep. Eastlund renewed his motion to orally amend the A29-1 amendment: THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL.
Rep. Johnson renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A429-1 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Cornish moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A47 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Meslow moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A39 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Meslow moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A21 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Meslow moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A22 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Meslow moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A7-1 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the a7-1 amendment:
Pete Cahill, Hennepin County Attorney’s Office
Rep. Meslow renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A7-1 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The meeting was recessed to the call of the Chair.
Rep. Smith reconvened the meeting at the 4:34 p.m. in the Basement Hearing Room.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A2 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A2 amendment:
Dennis Ozment, State Representative
Rep. Smith renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A2 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A8 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A8 amendment:
Larry Howes, State Representative
Rep. Smith renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A8 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A32 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A32 amendment:
Bruce Anderson, State Representative
Tom Workman, ABATE
Allyson Hartle, MN Bikes
Pete Cahill, Hennepin County Attorney’s Office
Rep. Smith renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A32 amendment: THE MOTION DOES NOT PREVAIL.
Rep. Hilstrom moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A42-1 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A50-1 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A50-1 amendment:
Henry Erdman, MN Professional Firefighters
Rep. Smith renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A50-1 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Meslow moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A9 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Meslow moved to orally amend the DE1-1 amendment as follows:
Page 33, line 20 delete, “substantial and compelling” THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with 16-1 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A16-1 amendment:
John Lips, Long Term Care Imperative
Rep. Smith renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A16-1 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Newman moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A11 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A811 amendment:
Will Fluegel, MN Trial Lawyers
Rep. Newman renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A16-1 amendment: THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL.
Rep. Newman moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with the A20 amendment (see attached):
Rep. Newman withdrew the A20 amendment.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A41 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A41 amendment:
Bert Black, Secretary of States Office
Bonita Harnent, Secretary of States Office
Rep. Smith renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A41 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A49 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A49 amendment:
Isabel Gomez, Sentencing Guidelines Commission
Jim King, Department of Finance
Dennis Benson, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Corrections
Rep. Smith renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A49 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Johnson moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A51 amendment (see attached):
Testifying on the A51 amendment:
Karrin Lang, MNCASA
Glen Jacobson, Renville County Attorney
Pete Cahill, Hennepin County Attorneys Office
Rep. Johnson moved to orally amend the A51 amendment as follows:
Page 4, delete lines 21-32: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Johnson renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A51 amendment, as amended: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Paymar renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A31 amendment: THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL.
Rep. Eastlund moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with the A44 amendment orally amending it to include the A14 amendment (see attached):
Rep. Paymar moved to divide the A44 amendment: Rep. Paymar requested a Division. With 5 Ayes and 6 Nayes: THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL.
Rep. Eastlund renewed his motion to amend the DE1-1 amendment with the A44 amendment orally amending it to include the A14 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL.
Rep. Eastlund moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A46 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Soderstrom moved to amend the DE1-1 amendment with A33 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to orally amend the DE1-1 amendment (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved to direct staff to make any technical corrections to HF2953: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith renewed his motion to amend HF 2953 with the DE1-1 amendment: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith renewed his motion that HF2953 be recommended to pass, as amended, and that it be re-referred to committee on Taxes. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith moved HF2843 (Kohls) relating to identity theft victims assisted and penalties provided.
Rep. Smith moved to orally amend HF2843 (see attached): THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Smith renewed his motion that HF2843 be recommended to pass, as amended, and that it be referred to the committee on Rules and Legislative Administration: THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m.
David Anderson
Committee Legislative Assistant