of the
Representative Jim Davnie, Chair of the Division, called the sixth meeting to order at 10:06 A.M. on, February 23, 2007, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Davnie, Jim, Chair
Benson, John, Vice-Chair
Anderson, Sarah
Dittrich, Denise
Fritz, Patti
Gunther, Bob
Hornstein, Frank
Howes, Larry
Laine, Carolyn
Nelson, Michael
Scalze, Bev
Shimanski, Ron
Swails, Marsha
Members excused:
Peterson, Neil W.
Representative Davnie called the meeting to order at 10:06 A.M. A quorum was present.
HF966 (Howes), relating to labor; allowing the commissioner of Labor and Industry to issue orders of compliance relating to overtime for nurses.
Mary Jo George from the Minnesota Nurses Association testified on behalf of HF966.
Representative Howes moved approval of HF 966 be recommended to pass and sent to the Commerce and Labor committee.
Representative Howes moved approval of amendment to HF966,
The amendment was adopted.
Representative Fritz moved an oral amendment after the period insert "this provision shall not supercede a valid collective bargaining agreement."
The oral amendment was incorporated.
Representative Howes moved HF 966 as amended be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF648 (Mahoney), relating to unemployment insurance; making various policy, housekeeping, and style changes to the Minnesota Unemployment Insurance Law; incorporating certain administrative rules into Minnesota Statutes and fraud penalties modified.
Representative Gunther moved approval of HF 648 be recommended to pass and sent to the Commerce and Labor committee.
Representative Gunther moved amendment
The amendment was adopted.
Lee Nelson, Legal Director, Minnesota Department of Employment of Economic Development gave testimony explaining the bill.
Representative Gunther moved HF648 to pass as amended be recommended to pass and rereferred to Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF554 (Nelson), Employee Free Choice Act support memorialized by resolution to Congress relating to workers' rights to form and join unions.
Representative Nelson moved approval of HF554 be recommended to pass and sent to the Commerce and Labor committee.
Handouts were given to division members from the Office of U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar and from Congressman Keith Ellison.
An editorial from the Star Tribune dated February 19, 2007 was also given to division members.
Testifying on the bill:
Brad Lehto, MN AFL-CIO
Tim Donovan, Vice President, CWA Local 7200
Geri Katz, Organizer, SEIU
Rhys Ledger, Teamsters Local 120
Mark Gustafson, Teamsters Local 120
Phil Raines, Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.
Handout "Coalition for a Democratic Workplace" was given to division members.
Representative Nelson moved approval of HF554 be recommended to pass and sent to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF643 (Hansen), relating to labor relations; establishing certain rights for workers in the
meatpacking industry; providing civil and criminal penalties; establishing the position of meatpacking industry workers rights ombudsman in the Department of Labor and Industry; requiring a report; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 179.
Representative Davnie moved approval of HF643 be recommended to pass and sent to the Commerce and Labor committee.
A handout "Meatpacking Industry Worker's Bill of Rights State of Nebraska, 2005 Annual Report" was given to division members.
Representative Davnie moved amendment
The amendment was adopted.
Testifying on the bill:
Bernie Hesse, UFCW Local 789
Rafel Espinosa, UFCW Local 789.
Stephanie Bates, UFCW Local 789.
Handout given to division members and a letter from a testifier who was unable to attend the division hearing.
Dave Dederichs, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce testified against HF643.
Abdul Onrg and Fardo Uliegi both from Faribault, Minnesota also testified regarding the bill.
Representative Davnie moved HF 643 as amended be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF219 (Walker), relating to employment; modifying use of personal sick leave benefits; amending Minnesota Statutes 2006, section 181.9413.
Representative Davnie moved approval of HF219 be recommended to pass and sent to the Commerce and Labor committee.
A letter from the "Alzheimer's Association" and “AARP" was given to division members
Testimony from Karen Eileen, AARP
Representative Hornstein moved the
A07-0106 amendment.
An oral amendment to the amendment on line 1.5 strike everything after adult and add a period.
The oral amendment was incorporated.
The amendment was adopted.
Representative Davnie moved HF219 as amended be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
Representative Swails moved approval of the February 16, 2007 minutes.
The meeting adjourned at 11:55 A.M.
Mary Elizabeth Faust
Committee Legislative Assistant