of the
Representative Jim Davnie, Chair of the Division, called the eleventh meeting to order at 10:05 A.M. on March 16, 2007, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Davnie, Jim, Chair
Benson, John, Vice-Chair
Anderson, Sarah
Dittrich, Denise
Fritz, Patti
Gunther, Bob
Hornstein, Frank
Howes, Larry
Laine, Carolyn
Nelson, Michael
Peterson, Neil W.
Scalze, Bev
Shimanski, Ron
Swails, Marsha
Representative Davnie called the meeting to order at 10:05 A.M. A quorum was present.
HF1334 (Lesch) Health Families, Healthy Workplaces Act adopted establishing minimum standards of sick leave.
Representative Davnie moved approval of HF1334 to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
Testifying on the bill:
Molly Luskey - ACORN
Lindy Ellenbaum, school bus driver
David Dedericks, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Mike Hickey, National Federation of Independent Business Owners
Representative Howes moved an oral amendment "page 3, line 26, delete everything after blood,
Page 3, line 27,
Roll call was requested.
Chair, Davnie - no
Anderson - yes
Benson - no
Dittrich - no
Fritz - no
Gunther - yes
Hornstein - no
Howes - yes
Laine - no
Nelson - no
Peterson - yes
Scalze - no
Shimanski - yes
Swails - no
5 - yes and 9 no.
The amendment does not prevail.
Representative Davnie renewed his motion that HF1334 be recommend to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF0456 (Rukavina) Minimum wage increased and indexed, training wage eliminated, and new employee notice required.
Representative Nelson moved approval of HF0456 to pass and be re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee
Testifying on the bill:
Brian Rusche, Joint Religious Legislative Coalition
Carrie Thomas, Jobs Now Coalition
Renee Kroeten, UNITE Here
Kevin Matzek, Director of Government Affairs, Minnesota Restaurant Association
A handout "Tipped Employee Average Compensation - More Than $18/Hour Statewide" was given to division members.
Peggy Rasmussen, owner, Countryside Café, Hamel, Minnesota
David Dedericks, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Buzz Anderson, President of Minnesota Retailers Association
Mike Hickey, National Federation of Independent Business Owners
Representative Howes moved amendment
The amendment was withdrawn.
Representative Nelson renewed his motion that HF0456 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
Representative Benson assumed the chair.
HF1515 (Davnie) Credit counseling and debt management services businesses regulated, and
Money appropriated.
Representative Davnie moved approval of HF1515 to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
Representative Davnie moved amendment
The amendment is adopted.
Representative Davnie moved an oral amendment
Page 3, line 2, after unions, insert "and collection agencies"
Page 4, line 6, after valid delete “registration" and insert “license"
The amendment is incorporated.
Ron Elwood, staff attorney, Legal Aid
Jim Kroening, Family Means
Susan Aulie, Lutheran Social Services
Kevin Murphy, Deputy Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Commerce
Representative Davnie renewed his motion that HF1515 be recommend to pass as amended and be re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
Representative Davnie resumed the chair.
HF0872 (Anzelc) Ainsworth Lumber Company; extra unemployment benefits provided for certain workers.
Representative Benson moved approval of HF0872 to pass and be re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee
Representative Davnie moved amendment
The amendment is adopted.
Testifying on the bill:
Lee Nelson, Unemployment Insurance Director of Legal Affairs, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
David Dedericks, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Representative Benson renewed his motion that HF0872 be recommended to pass as amended and is re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF1599 (Masin) Northwest Airlines, Inc., mechanics unemployment benefits eligibility and extra benefits provided.
Representative Laine moved approval of HF1599 to pass and be re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
Testifying on the bill:
Ted Ludwig, President of Aircraft Mechanics Union
Robert Poore, Former Northwest Airline Mechanic
Dean Bramstad, Former Northwest Airline Mechanic
Lee Nelson, Unemployment Insurance, Director of Legal Affairs for the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
David Dedericks, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Representative Laine renewed her motion that HF1599 be recommended to pass and is re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF0635 (Masin) Minnesota Wireless Telephone Consumer Protection Act adopted.
Representative Fritz moved approval of HF0635 to pass and be re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
Representative Davnie moved amendment
The amendment is adopted.
Representative Benson assumed the chair.
Testifying on the bill:
Jessica Palmer-Denig, Office of Minnesota Attorney General
Beth Canuteson, AT&T
Scott Bergs, CEO of Minnesota Wireless
Representative Fritz renewed her motion that HF0635 be recommended to pass as amended and is re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF1443 (Mullery) Contractors requirements and prevailing wage provisions modified, and penalties imposed.
Representative Benson moved approval of HF1443 to pass and be re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee
Representative Hornstein moved amendment
The amendment is adopted.
Testifying on the bill:
Paul Iverson, Attorney
David Dedericks, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Harry Melander, Executive Secretary, St. Paul Building and Construction Trades Council
Jim Rhodes, Minnesota Department of Administration
Carl Crimmins, Executive Director, Minnesota Pipe Trades
Representative Benson renewed his motion that HF1443 be recommended to pass as amended and is re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF1665 (Gardner) Consumer reports security freezes regulated, and fees provided.
Representative Benson moved approval of HF1665 to pass and be re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee
Representative Benson renewed his motion that HF1665 be recommended to pass and is re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
Representative Nelson moved approval of the March 12, 2007 minutes.
The meeting adjourned at 2:15A.M.
Mary Elizabeth Faust
Committee Legislative Assistant