of the
Representative Jim Davnie, Chair of the Division, called the fifthteenth meeting to order at 10:14 A.M. on February 29, 2008, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Davnie, Jim, Chair
Benson, John, Vice-Chair
Anderson, Sarah
Dittrich, Denise
Fritz, Patti
Gunther, Bob
Hornstein, Frank
Howes, Larry
Laine, Carolyn
Nelson, Michael
Peterson, Neil W.
Scalze, Bev
Shimanski, Ron
Swails, Marsha
Representative Davnie called the meeting to order at 10:14 A.M. A quorum was present.
HF2100 (Clark) Bisphenol-A and phthalates prohibited in products for young children.
Representative Laine moved approval of HF2100 before the committee to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
Representative Davnie moved the
H2100DE7 amendment.
The amendment was adopted.
Representative Davnie moved an oral amendment to amendment.
Page 2 line 3, Delete "person" and insert "manufacturer"
Page 2, line 13 Delete "person" and insert "manufacturer"
Page 2, line 15, Delete "or a container"
Page 2, line 17, Delete "person" and insert "manufacturer"
The oral amendment was adopted.
Handouts to division members:
Healthy Legacy "Healthy Products for Minnesota Kids".
Letter from the Grocery Manufactures Association.
Letter from Gradient Corporation.
Testimony was given by:
Lindsey Dahl - Healthy Legacy
Liza Stolt-Rasmussen - citizen - Woodbury, MN
Beth Fandell - Arc Greater Twin Cities
Representative Laine renewed her motion that HF2100, as amended be recommended to pass and is re-referred to Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF0934 (Clark) Polybrominated diphenyl ether manufacture and sale restricted;
Representative Horstein moved approval of HF934 before the committee to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
Representative Hornstein moved amendment
The amendment was adopted.
Testifying on the bill:
Dr. Kathleen Schuler - Healthy Legacy
Representative Shelly Madore
Steve Maki, VP for RTP Company, Winona, MN
Dan Hall, RTP Company, Winona, MN
A handout was given to division members:
Healthy Legacy " Protect Public Health: Phase Out Toxic Flame Retardants".
Representative Hornstein renewed his motion that HF934, as amended be recommended to pass and is re-referred to Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF3533 (Davnie) Regulating consumer small loans;
Representative Davnie moved approval of HF3533 before the committee to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
Representative Davnie moved amendment
The amendment was adopted.
Handouts were given to division members.
Letter from Minnesota AFL-CIO.
Packet from Legal Aid
Two articles from Star Tribune.
Testifying on the bill:
Ron Elwood - Attorney, Legal Aid
Professor Prentiss Cox, University of Minnesota
Ann Hoyt Taft - University of Minnesota student
Tess Rice - General Counsel - Minnesota Bankers Association
Jeff Schwalen - Hiway Federal Credit Union
Testifying in opposition of the bill:
Remi Stone, Government Affairs - Advance America
Paul Cassidy, Leonard, Street and Dynart
Brad Rixmann - owner - Pay Day America
Randy Fowler - Pay Day America consumer
Janice Blumlow - Pay Day America consumer
Kirk Williams - Mendota Heights, MN citizen
Stuart Tapper - Minnesota Financial Service Centers
Representative Davnie renewed his motion that HF3533 be recommended to pass as amended and re-referred to Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
HF3511 (Simon) Regulating consumer small loan lender charges.
Representative Davnie moved approval of HF3511 before the committee to pass and re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
A handout was given to division members.
Center for Responsible Lending - Executive Summary.
Testifying on the bill:
Erin Anderson - MN ACORN
Corrine Bowers - Citizen
Remi Stone - Government Relations Attorney - Advance America
Brad Rixmann - owner Pay Day America
Stuart Tapper - Minnesota Financial Service Centers
Representative Davnie renewed his motion that HF3511 be recommended to pass and is re-referred to the Commerce and Labor committee.
The motion prevailed.
The meeting adjourned at 1:07 P.M.
Mary Elizabeth Faust
Committee Legislative Assistant