Representative Carlson, Chair of the Finance Committee, called the meeting to order at 10:11 A.M. on Monday, March 19, 2007, in Room 200 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Carlson, Chair
Sailer, Vice Chair
Anderson, B.
Murphy, M.
A quorum was present.
Rep. Howes moved approval of the minutes of Monday, March 12, 2007. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED.
Rep. Hausman moved adoption of the Capital Investment Finance Division Report on HF274 Second Committee Engrossment. (See language at THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE DIVISION REPORT WAS ADOPTED.
HF274 Second Committee Engrossment (Juhnke) Rural Finance Authority agricultural loan funding provided.
Rep. Juhnke moved that HF274 Second Committee Engrossment be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Carlson recessed the meeting at 10:16 A.M.
Chair Carlson reconvened the meeting at 6:40 P.M.
Rep. Lieder moved adoption of the Transportation Finance and Policy Division Report for HF946 First Committee Engrossment. . (See language at THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE DIVISION REPORT WAS ADOPTED.
HF946 First Committee Engrossment (Lieder) Transportation finance omnibus bill.
Rep. Lieder moved that HF946 First Committee Engrossment be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Rep. Lieder moved to amend HF946 First Committee Engrossment. (See attached amendment
Rep. Lieder moved to amend HF946 First Committee Engrossment, as amended. (See attached amendment
Rep. Lieder moved to amend HF946 First Committee Engrossment, as amended. (See attached amendment
Rep. Lieder moved to amend HF946 First Committee Engrossment, as amended. (See attached amendment
Rep. Lieder moved to amend HF946 First Committee Engrossment, as amended, as follows:
In the language of the
Page 1, line 1.5, delete "2008" and insert "2009"
Page 1, line 1.6, delete "2012" and insert "2013"
Rep. Erhardt moved to amend HF946 First Committee Engrossment, as amended. (See attached amendment
Rep. Erhardt moved to amend HF946 First Committee Engrossment, as amended, as follows:
Page 35, line 1.8, delete "ways"
Matt Burress, House Research, responded to questions regarding the proposed amendment.
Mark Dunaski, Minnesota State Patrol, responded to questions regarding HF946 First Committee Engrossment, as amended.
Rep. Lieder renewed the motion that HF946 First Committee Engrossment, as amended, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Rep. Seifert requested a roll call on the motion.
Voting Aye: Carlson, Clark, Erhardt, Hausman, Hilty, Jaros, Juhnke, Kahn, Lenczewski, Lieder, Mahoney, Mariani, Murphy, Paymar, Pelowski, Poppe, Sailer, Sertich, Simon, Slawik, Solberg, Wagenius, Walker
Voting Nay: Anderson, B., Cornish, Finstad, Garofalo, Hackbarth, Howes, Kohls, Otremba, Peppin, Seifert, Sviggum, Westrom
There were 23 Ayes and 12 Nays. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The following Finance Committee Bills were referred by memo during the week of March 12,
To the Division on Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs.
Monday, March 12, 2007
HF1901 (Faust) World War II veterans memorial dedication activities funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1926 (Severson) Veterans affairs funding provided, and money appropriated.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
HF1936 (Wardlow) Veterans memorial grant program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2051 (Beard) Biomass fuel supply depot located in Scott or LeSueur county grant provided, and money appropriated.
HF2077 (Magnus) NextGen Energy Board established, renewable energy technology funding provided, and money appropriated.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HF1134 (Doty) Minnesota National Guard Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality established.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF364 (Olin) Bovine tuberculosis disease transmission prevention funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1525 (Hackbarth) Aquaculture water use permitting fees limited.
HF1065 (Otremba) Health screening benefit provided for eligible members of the armed forces, notification required, and money appropriated.
As of Monday, March 12, 2007, the following bills are hereby recalled from the Division on
Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs after consultation with the division chairs.
HF291 (Dominguez) Veterans home employees granted commissary privileges when working ouble shifts.
HF1742 (Thao) St. Paul; Asian Pacific Cultural Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
As of Thursday, March 15, 2007, the following bill is hereby recalled from the Division on
Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs after consultation with the division chairs.
HF1134 (Doty) Minnesota National Guard Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality established.
To the Division on Capital Investment.
Monday, March 12, 2007
HF1938 (Lanning) Multicounty regional chemical dependency treatment facility andcorrectional center in west central Minnesota predesign funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1944 (Anderson, B.) Clear Lake/Clearwater Sewer Treatment Facility expansion funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1951 (Knuth) Energy-efficient design and construction grants provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1962 (Ward) Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area trail development funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1964 (Westrom) West Central Research and Outreach Center in Morris addition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1965 (Hackbarth) Oliver H. Kelley Farm Historic Site improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1742 (Thao) St. Paul; Asian Pacific Cultural Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
HF2061 (Atkins) Baseball fields with disabilities access funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1833 (Urdahl) Greenleaf Lake state park land acquisition required by a specified date.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HF2110 (Lieder) Greater Minnesota transit funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF978 (Hortman) Independent School District No. 11, Anoka-Hennepin, authorized to purchase and restore native prairie and wetland adjacent to Riverview Elementary School; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
HF1120 (Sailer) Independent School District No. 38, Red Lake, maximum effort capital loan provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
HF1563 (Cornish) Cooperative secondary facilities program eligibility expanded, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF1522 (Lillie) Gateway Trail tunnel funding provided, and money appropriated.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
HF1181 (Kahn) Noncommercial television grants money appropriated.
HF1934 (Olin) Minnesota Public Radio grant provided to assist with conversion to a digital broadcast signal, and money appropriated.
To the Division on Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness.
Monday, March 12, 2007
HF1412 (Benson) Location equity index created, general education revenue formula modified, and specified school districts' revenue increased.
HF196 (Greiling) Mental health provisions modified, inmate assessments required, children's mental health grants and training established, medical assistance covered services modified, Crisis Intervention Team State Council created, and money appropriated.
HF643 (Hansen) Meatpacking industry workers bill of rights and ombudsman position established, and money appropriated.
HF670 (Liebling) School districts authorized to include energy efficiency improvement projects in alternative facilities plan.
HF1925 (Severson) State colleges and universities instructional services costs state share modified.
HF1929 (Mahoney) St. Paul College research and training facility funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1931 (Mariani) Minnesota campus compact and postsecondary initiatives funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1943 (Mariani) Employment opportunities for persons with disabilities grant provided to a nonprofit organization.
HF1974 (Hortman) Law school loan repayment assistance provided, and money appropriated.
HF1995 (Sailer) Independent School District No. 38, Red Lake, declining pupil unit aid provided.
HF1996 (Dittrich) Compensatory revenue pupil units minimum amount increased.
HF2010 (Sailer) Elementary sparsity revenue minimum qualifying mileage level lowered from 19 to 17 miles to increase the number of eligible schools.
HF2015 (McFarlane) Special education statutory funding provisions modified.
HF2017 (McFarlane) Extended time revenue modified.
HF2018 (McFarlane) Educational Planning and Assessment (EPAS) program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2029 (Dettmer) Basic general education revenue amounts uniform increase proposed.
HF2030 (Dettmer) Uniform increase in the basic general education revenue amounts proposed.
HF2031 (Buesgens) Eligibility for extended time revenue clarified.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
HF2032 (Dittrich) Technology and library media aid for school districts established, and money appropriated.
HF2033 (Slawik) Hennepin and Ramsey Counties licensed family child care providers connections increased, and money appropriated.
Hf2053 (Mahoney) Deaf students summer youth program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2074 (Kahn) Relative homesteads registration required, University of Minnesota area neighborhood alliance funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF234 (Benson) School district reserve fund requirements and reports eliminated, and school district primary elections required only after adoption of a resolution.
HF236 (Greiling) School districts authorized to delay the implementation of special education tuition billing for an additional two years.
HF1197 (Mariani) Prekindergarten through grade 12 education provided including general education, education excellence, special programs, technology, nutrition and accounting, libraries, early childhood education, self-sufficiency and lifelong learning.
HF1256 (Masin) Bioscience business development and commercialization grants provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1699 (Peterson, S.) Student counseling services in high-need public high schools grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF926 (Peterson, A.) Septic systems' impact on the environment study provided through the
University of Minnesota Extension Service, and money appropriated.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HF769 (Hansen) Native plant agronomic research funding provided, technical advisory committee established, and money appropriated.
HF2086 (Cornish) Marginal cost pupil units and equalized debt service levy calculation modified.
HF2089 (Hackbarth) Pupil unit count increased for certain growing school districts.
HF2127 (Clark) Metropolitan Economic Development Association funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF452 (Mahoney) Technology and commercialization unit established in the Department of Employment and Economic Development, and money appropriated.
HF924 (Dominguez) Unpaid work for cash assistance prohibited.
HF1160 (Hilstrom) Local governments and school districts postemployment benefits trusts authorized, and money appropriated.
HF2081 (Anzelc) Retired school district employee health benefits authorization provision modified.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF916 (Thissen) Child care centers and homes inspections and reports required.
HF1321 (Bunn) World languages provided as a required academic standard, and money appropriated.
HF1424 (Paulsen) World language academic standards, proficiency, resources, and capacity development provided; and money appropriated.
HF1698 (Norton) Scholar loan program established to encourage teacher diversity in schools, revolving account established, and money appropriated.
HF2151 (Hilstrom) Minnesota State High School League rules subjected to the Administrative Procedure Act.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF420 (Ward) Health and physical education course requirements provided, approved local school wellness policies posted on department website, grant program established, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
Hf615 (Walker) Comprehensive family life and sexuality education programs provided, and money appropriated.
HF1087 (Mullery) Teacher residency induction program provided supporting effective instruction for diverse student populations, and money appropriated.
HF1208 (Mahoney) Construction code and licensing provisions modified, penalties and enforcement provided, statutes recodified, and money appropriated.
HF1794 (Slawik) Children's early literacy funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2151 (Hilstrom) Minnesota State High School League rules subjected to the Administrative Procedure Act.
HF2152 (Bly) Higher education facilities authority revenue bond authority increased.
HF2154 (Murphy, M.) Low referendum school district funding increased.
To the Division on Energy Finance and Policy.
Monday, March 12, 2007
HF933 (Tillberry) Vehicle Protection Product Act adopted.
HF1251 (Atkins) Insurance actions; direct actions authorized and direct liability imposed on insurers in certain actions, actions regulated, claims preserved, and money appropriated.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
HF2067 (Hornstein) Linden Hills Power and Light community digester and neighborhood district heating and cooling demonstration project grant provided, and money appropriated.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HF2094 (Koenen) Renewable energy grants for schools and public buildings provided, and money appropriated.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF2155 (Hackbarth) Elk River Economic Development Authority; plasma gasification of waste into methanol for biodiesel production process study funding provided, and money appropriated.
To the Division on Environment and Natural Resources Finance.
Monday, March 12, 2007
HF1903 (Sailer) Conservation officer position funding provided, and money appropriated.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
HF1666 (Eken) Terrestrial and geologic carbon sequestration reports and studies required, and money appropriated.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HF2101 (Cornish) Faribault Soil and Water Conservation District funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF278 (Hansen) Deer license surcharge imposed for deer management, venison donations provided, and money appropriated.
HF631 (Anzelc) Natural resources department sales authority modified, forest resource assessment products and services account established, sustainable resources provision expiration removed, timber sales provided, and money appropriated.
HF632 (McNamara) Vermillion Highlands Wildlife Management Area designated.
HF849 (Moe) Shoreland resorts development regulation provided.
HF1035 (Solberg) Itasca County; tax-forfeited land assurance fee exemptions provided, and tax-forfeited lands leases authorized.
HF2101 (Cornish) Faribault Soil and Water Conservation District funding provided, and money appropriated.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF904 (Dill) Land acquisition, land owners' bill of rights, and mineral interest record requirements modified; state park additions and deletions provided; and public and private sales and conveyances of state lands authorized.
HF593 (Juhnke) Public waters wetlands access restrictions modified.
As of Tuesday, March 13, 2007, the following bill is hereby recalled from the Division on
Environment and Natural Resources Finance after consultation with the division chairs.
HF1833 (Urdahl) Greenleaf Lake state park land acquisition required by a specified date.
To the Division on Health Care and Human Services Finance.
Monday, March 12, 2007
HF444 (Johnson) Senior nutrition funding restored, grants provided, and money appropriated.
HF1985 (Liebling) Health care access fund purpose clarified, MinnesotaCare provider tax contingent reduction provided, and health care access fund transfers eliminated.
HF1988 (Abeler) Nursing facility private pay resident rates modified.
HF2002 (Eken) Mahnomen County group residential housing supplemental rate provided.
HF2004 (Atkins) Communities for a Lifetime Initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
Hf2005 (Ruud) Kinship navigator program established for grandparents and relatives raising related children, and money appropriated.
HF636 (Dittrich) Pediatric dentist participation in a state health care program definition modified.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
HF2041 (Huntley) Duluth nursing facility payment rates increased to the seven-county metropolitan median rates.
HF707 (Thao) Dental access for persons with disabilities study required.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HF2091 (Huntley) Medical assistance funds transfer provided.
HF2111 (Hosch) Workforce U; Minnesota Family Investment Program pilot program established, and money appropriated.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF2149 (Lenczewski) Hennepin County nursing facility property payment rate increased.
HF2158 (Loeffler) International Adoption Project funding provided, and money appropriated.
Hf2160 (Gunther) Faribault County nursing facility rate increase provided.
HF2161 (Cornish) Methamphetamine treatment programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
As of Saturday, March 17, 2007, the following bill is hereby recalled from the Division on
Health Care and Human Services Finance after consultation with the division chairs.
HF2161 (Cornish) Methamphetamine treatment programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
To the Division on Housing Policy and Finance and Public Health Finance.
Monday, March 12, 2007
HF291 (Dominguez) Veterans home employees granted commissary privileges when working double shifts.
HF1908 (Clark) Lead cleanup funding provided from the petroleum tank fund, and money appropriated.
HF1980 (Swails) Point of use water treatment evaluation provided, and money appropriated.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
HF1623 (Clark) Dental care for children access pilot program established, and money appropriated.
HF298 (Huntley) Family planning access increased to prevent unintended pregnancies, nurses authorized to dispense oral contraceptives at clinics, reimbursement rates increased, grant reductions eliminated, and money appropriated.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF2138 (Abeler) Licensed professional counselors fees modified, and licensed professional clinical counselor fee established.
HF1301 (Moe) Residents right of first refusal established when a manufactured home park is being sold.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
HF2161 (Cornish) Methamphetamine treatment programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
To the Division on Minnesota Heritage Finance.
Monday, March 12, 2007
HF1934 (Olin) Minnesota Public Radio grant provided to assist with conversion to a digital broadcast signal, and money appropriated.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
HF2050 (Kahn) Minnesota Humanities Commission funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2068 (Jaros) Minnesota Film and TV Board funding provided, and money appropriated.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HF2099 (Morrow) Minnesota Historical Society grant-in-aid program provided for county and local historical societies, and money appropriated.
HF2123 (Murphy, E.) Concordia University Hmong Studies Center historical preservation grant provided, and money appropriated.
HF756 (Doty) National Historic Places property sale restriction repealed.
As of Saturday, March 17, 2007, the following bills are hereby recalled from the Division on
Minnesota Heritage Finance after consultation with the division chairs.
HF1181 (Kahn) Noncommercial television grants money appropriated.
HF1934 (Olin) Minnesota Public Radio grant provided to assist with conversion to a digital broadcast signal, and money appropriated.
To the Division on Public Safety Finance.
Monday, March 12, 2007
HF1904 (Hilstrom)Community dispute resolution programs report required, grants requirements modified, and money appropriated.
HF1952 (Dill) Hotel fire inspections funding provided, fees removed, and money appropriated.
HF1979 (Anzelc) County probation officers reimbursement funds provided, and money appropriated.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HF2133 (Olin) Precommitment detention of persons costs state's share funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2134 (Simon) Sexual abuse against a minor civil actions limitation period clarified, and money appropriated.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF767 (Dominguez) Offender reentry pilot project funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1043 (Simon) Predatory offenders required to register electronic mail addresses and related information to law enforcement.
Hf1823 (Paymar) High-risk adults five-year demonstration project established to improve and promote recovery of adults who frequently use costly public services, and money appropriated.
To the Division on State Government Finance.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
HF2066 (Kahn) Building replacement fund established.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HF2117 (Berns) Administration Department funding provided for promotion of document imaging work to be done by persons with developmental disabilities, and money appropriated.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF2147 (Bly) Office of Enterprise Technology funding provided for grants to counties participating in the development of the integrated financial system.
HF1110 (Hilty) Election definitions and procedures modified, complaint and resolution process established, penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
HF1546 (Simon) Driver's license and identification card applicants automatic voter registration provided, and money appropriated.
HF1134 (Doty) Minnesota National Guard Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality established.
To the Division on Transportation Finance and Policy.
Monday, March 12, 2007
HF1893 (Morgan) Trunk Highway 13 and Dakota County State-Aid Highway 5 interchange construction provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1906 (Tingelstad) U. S. Highway 10 in Coon Rapids additional travel lanes provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1910 (McNamara) Trunk Highway 61 median barriers construction funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1920 (Hornstein) Local transportation sales taxes authorized through joint powers boards, and grants for transportation and transit projects required.
HF1921 (Solberg) Vehicle height, gross vehicle weight, and axles weights regulated; recreational vehicle combinations defined; permits authorized; and penalties imposed.
HF1940 (Beard) Airport funding advisory task force and state airports fund established, and money appropriated.
HF1966 (Morgan) Special transportation service and small vehicle passenger service definitions modified, and complaints regarding special transportation providers regulated.
HF1670 (Otremba) Construction impact grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF1178 (Lillie) Driver's license endorsement required to operate three-wheeled motorcycle.
SF108 (Prettner Solon) Voyageur highway route designation modification; Duluth Walter F.
Mondale drive designation
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
HF2055 (Doty) Special motor vehicle disabled veteran license plates authorized.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
HF2116 (Lieder) Gross vehicle weights and axle weights of vehicles and combinations regulated, allowable weight limits and permit fees and requirements modified, and permits for certain vehicles and combinations authorized.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
HF693 (Lesch) Driver's license reinstatement fee and surcharge partial installation payments authorized.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:34 P.M.
Representative Lyndon Carlson, Chair
Lill Pohlkamp, Committee Legislative Assistant