Representative Nora Slawik, Chair, called the eighteenth meeting to order at 4:07 p.m. on Thursday, March 15, 2007 in Room 400 North of the State Office Building. Quorum was present.
Members present:
SLAWIK, Nora - Chair
BLY, David - Vice Chair
LAINE, Carolyn
WARD, John
FRITZ, Patti
MURPHY, Mary Ex-Officio
HF894 (Davnie) Head Start funding increased, and money appropriated
Representative Slawik moved HF 894 to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
Representative Slawik moved amendment
H0894A2 (attached). THE MOTION WAS APPROVED.
People testifying:
Tami Alfahed, parent, Fridley
Testified on the benefits of Head Start on her children and her family.
Representative Jim Davnie
Testified on details of the legislation.
Gayle Kelley, Executive Director, Minnesota Head Start Association
Testified on the breadth of the Head Start program and the need for this program in Minnesota.
Representative Slawik moved HF 894, as amended, to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
Representative Fritz moved approval of the minutes for Tuesday, March 13, 2007. THE MOTION PREVAILED and the minutes are approved.
HF796 (Murphy, E) Family, friend, and neighbor grant program established to promote children's early literacy, healthy development, and school readiness, and to foster community partnerships; and money appropriated
Representative Murphy, E moved HF 796 to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
People testifying:
Representative Erin Murphy
Testified on importance of legislation.
Kit Hadley, Director, Minneapolis Public Library
Testified on importance of library early learning programs.
Terry Vasquez, FFN Outreach and Employer Services Outreach Coordinator, MN Child Care Resource and Referral Network
Testified on how partnerships contribute to developing FFN providers and thus improve children's lives
Richard Chase, Consulting Scientist, Wilder Research
Testified on research about who uses FFN providers and that the providers want support.
Ann McCully, Executive Director, MN Child Care Resource and Referral Network
Testified on the organization, where they get funding and what they do.
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March 14, 2007
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Representative Murphy, E moved HF 796 to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
HF1089 (Peterson, S) Child care quality improved and professional development of childcare practitioners expanded, and money appropriated
Representative Peterson moved HF 1089 to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
Representative Peterson moved amendment
H1089A2 (attached). THE MOTION WAS APPROVED.
Representative Peterson moved an oral amendment be incorporated in H1089A2 as follows:
Page 2, line 30-31 delete "Office of Higher Education"
insert "Commissioner of Human Services"
Representative Peterson moved amendment
H1089A3 (attached). THE MOTION WAS APPROVED.
Representative Peterson moved amendment
H1089A4 (attached). THE MOTION WAS APPROVED.
Representative Peterson moved an oral amendment be incorporated in
H1089A4 as follows:
Page 1, line 2, delete "12", insert “8"
Delete lines 1.7 and 1.8.
People testifying:
Representative Sandy Peterson
Testified on the legislation.
Ann Kaner-Roth, Executive Director, Child Care WORKS
Testified on the importance of funding child care.
Karen Cadigan, Director of Outreach and Public Policy, Center for Early Education and Development
Testified on the importance of early learning for children.
Kim Stoll, Resources for Child Caring
Testified on importance of grants for FFN.
Ann McCully, Executive Director, MN Child Care Resource and Referral Network
Testified on the TEACH Program.
Representative Peterson, moved HF 1089, as amended, to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
Meeting recessed at 5:37 p.m.
Meeting reconvened at 6:14 p.m.
HF1325 (Peterson, S) High five kindergarten program authorized
Representative Peterson moved HF 1325 to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
Representative Peterson moved an oral amendment be incorporated to HF 1325 as follows:
Page 1, line 11, after “." add “Districts receiving funds must submit an annual report to the Commissioner of Education."
People testifying:
Representative Sandy Peterson
Testified on the importance of the legislation.
Sally Ginn, Coordinator, Robbinsdale Area Schools
Testified on Five's Alive program.
Nancy Kaczrowski, Early Reading First, Bloomington Public Schools
Testified on Early Reading First program and its benefits for the children of Bloomington.
Annie Pearson, teacher, Minneapolis Public Schools
Testified on the High Five program and its benefits for children.
Representative Peterson, moved HF 1325, as amended, to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
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March 15, 2007
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HF580 (Dominguez) After-school enrichment program reinstated; grants provided to improve academic achievement, reduce crime, improve community involvement, and increase character development; and money appropriated
Representative Slawik, moved HF 580, to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
Representative Slawik moved amendment
People testifying:
Representative Willie Dominguez
Testified on need for afterschool programs.
VJ Smith, Virginia Binger McKnight award recipient and Executive Director, MAD DADS
Testified on MAD DADS program
Brandon Kirk, student
Testified on his involvement with MAD DADS.
Montrell Donaldson, student
Testified on his involvement with MAD DADS.
Richard Mammen, Minneapolis Park Board, Director of Youth Services.
Testified on the importance of youth programs and the funding created in this legislation.
Laura LaCroix-Delluhn, Executive Director, Youth Community Connections
Testified on aligning of this legislation with Representative Slawik’s bill, HF 976.
Representative Bly assumed the gavel at 6:55 p.m.
Representative Bly, moved HF 580, as amended, to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
HF916 (Thissen) Childcare centers and homes inspections and reports required
Representative Bly moved HF 916 to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
People testifying:
Representative Paul Thissen
Introduced the bill.
Ann Kaner-Roth, Executive Director, Child Care WORKS
Testified on importance of licensing visits.
Richard Chase, Consulting Scientist, Wilder Research
Testified on importance of support provided by this legislation.
Representative Bly moved HF 916 to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
HF1187 (Laine) Minnesota Learning Resource Center money appropriated
Representative Laine moved HF 1187 to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
People testifying:
Representative Carolyn Laine
Testified on importance of legislation to help the brain development of children.
Bob DeBoer, Minnesota Learning Resource Center
Testified on programming at the Minnesota Learning Resource Center.
Monica Marks, Anoka/Washington County Head Start
Testified on positive effects of the programming developed by the Minnesota Learning Resource Center.
Representative Slawik moved to incorporate an oral amendment to the bill as follows:
Page 1, line 14, insert: "By January 15, 2008, the MRLC shall report in writing to the legislative committees responsible for early childhood policy on the conduct of the training provided under this section, and on the applicability of this training in improving the performance of early childhood educators, and in improving the quality of outcomes for children."
Representative Laine moved HF 1187, as amended, to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
HF1839 (Slawik) Childcare provider standards study and reports required, and money appropriated
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March 15, 2007
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Representative Slawik moved HF 1839 to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
People testifying:
Representative Nora Slawik
Testified on legislation.
Representative Slawik moved an oral amendment be incorporated in HF 1839 as follows:
Page 1, line 8, delete “. By January 1, 2008, the commissioner is directed to report back to the chairs of the house and senate committees having jurisdiction over child care providers with a report that includes."
Insert “and to publish the results no later than January 1, 2010. The study should include:"
Byron Laher, Director of Public Policy, Greater Twin Cities United Way
Testified on support for legislation.
Representative Slawik moved HF 1839, as amended, to be considered for inclusion in the omnibus bill.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:35p.m.
Representative Nora Slawik, Chair
Tricia Kiefer, Committee Legislative Assistant