Representative Tom Rukavina, Chair of the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division, called the meeting to order at 12:38 P.M. on Wednesday,
February 7, 2007, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Rukavina, Tom, Chair
Poppe, Jeanne, Vice-Chair
Atkins, Joe
Bly, David
Brynaert, Kathy
Clark, Karen
Dettmer, Bob
Eastlund, Rob
Gunther, Bob
Haws, Larry
Hortman, Melissa
McFarlane, Carol
Mahoney, Tim
Moe, Frank
Murphy, Mary
Nornes, Bud
Norton, Kim
Ruth, Connie
Severson, Dan
Slocum, Linda
Welti, Andy
A quorum was present.
Chair Rukavina invited University of Minnesota President Robert Bruininks to continue his presentation on the budget of the University of Minnesota.
Robert Bruininks, President of the University of Minnesota, introduced himself and provided further testimony on the University of Minnesota's budget request.
Questions and discussion followed.
Chair Rukavina invited Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Chancellor James McCormick to begin his presentation on the budget of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.
James McCormick, Chancellor of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, introduced himself and provided an overview and Powerpoint presentation of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities budget request.
David Paskach, Chair, MnSCU Board of Trustees, introduced himself and provided testimony on the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities budget request.
Chancellor McCormick provided further testimony on the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities budget request, and indicated that he would have other staff members continue the presentation, as follows.
Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division
February 7, 2007
Page Two
Laura King, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Chief Financial Officer, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, introduced herself and provided testimony on the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities budget request.
Ken Niemi, Vice Chancellor for Information Systems and Chief Information Officer, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, provided testimony on the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities budget request.
Linda Baer, Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, provided testimony on the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities budget request.
Rick Straka, Vice President for Finance, Minnesota State University Mankato, introduced himself and provided testimony on the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities budget request.
Questions and discussion followed.
Representative Dettmer moved that the minutes of February 6, 2007 be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Laura King provided further testimony.
Questions and discussion followed.
Chair Rukavina announced that tomorrow's meeting agenda is a continuation of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities budget presentation.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 P.M.
Representative Tom Rukavina, Chair
Susan Scott, Committee Legislative Assistant