Joint Meeting: Higher Education Budget and Policy Division and Senate K-12 Finance, Senate Education Policy, House Workforce Development and Higher Education Finance and Policy, House Education Policy and House Education Finance
Friday, January 25, 2008
10:00 AM, Room 200, State Office Bldg.
Present: Senator Sandra L. Pappas, Chair, Senator Kathy Sheran, Vice-Chair, Senator Ann Lynch, Senator David J. Tomassoni, Senator Charles W. Wiger
Absent: Senator Tarryl L. Clark, Senator Richard J. Cohen, Senator Paul E. Koering, Senator Ron Latz, Senator Geoff Michel, Senator Claire A. Robling, Senator David H. Senjem
Senator Sandra L. Pappas called the meeting to order at 10:00 am
Opening remarks & Introduction of Gaston Caperton & Committee Chairs
Rep. Margaret Kelliher, Speaker of the House
Senator Sandy Pappas, Chair, Senate Higher Education Budget & Finance Division
Rep. Tom Rukavina, Chair, Higher Education & Work Force Development & Finance Division
The College Keys Compact - Getting Ready, Getting In and Getting Through College: Expanding Options for Low-Income Students
Gaston Caperton, President, College Board
Tricia Renner, College Board
AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination
Jim Nelson, Executive Director, AVID
Dr. Barbara Smith, Vice-president for Equity & Gov't Relations, AVID
Mary Lou Dresbach, Director of Community Outreach, OHE
Laurie Ollhoff, Integration Specialist, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan ISD 196
Scott Thomas, Integration/Equity Coordinator, Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan ISD 196
Magaly Ortiz, Student at Apple Valley
Marcus Jones, Student at Apple Valley
Pang Vang, Student at St. Paul
Katori Morgan, Student at St. Paul Central High School
Dr. Darlene Fry, Director AVID, Apple Valley
The meeting was adjourned at 11:57 pm
Senator Sandra L. Pappas, Chair
Katy Lehmann, Legislative Assistant