Representative Tom Rukavina, Chair of the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division, called the meeting to order at 6:05 P.M. on Monday, March 19, 2007, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Rukavina, Tom, Chair
Poppe, Jeanne, Vice-Chair
Atkins, Joe
Bly, David
Brynaert, Kathy
Clark, Karen
Dettmer, Bob
Eastlund, Rob
Gunther, Bob
Haws, Larry
Hortman, Melissa
Mahoney, Tim
McFarlane, Carol
Moe, Frank
Murphy, Mary
Nornes, Bud
Norton, Kim
Ruth, Connie
Severson, Dan
Slocum, Linda
Welti, Andy
A quorum was present.
HF 1149 (Morrow)
HF 1150 (Morrow)
Representative Morrow presented HF1149, appropriating money for the Rural Policy and Development Center Fund; and HF 1150, appropriating money for the Rural Policy and Development Center.
Representative Morrow introduced Jack Geller, President, Center for Rural Policy and Development.
Jack Geller, President, Center for Rural Policy and Development, introduced himself and provided testimony in support of HF 1149 and HF 1150.
Representative Gunther moved that HF 1149 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Representative Gunther moved that HF 1150 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Questions and discussion followed.
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March 19, 2007
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HF 1471 (Morrow)
Representative Welti moved that HF 1471 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Representative Morrow presented HF 1471, adding a representative of private colleges to the Minnesota Agriculture Education Leadership Council.
Questions and discussion followed.
HF 1654 (Peterson)
Representative Poppe moved that HF 1654 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Representative Peterson presented HF 1654, requiring a study of higher education training needs in the renewable energy economy; requiring a report; appropriating money.
Representative Peterson introduced Jim Bernstein, Administrator, Anoka Technical College.
Jim Bernstein, Administrator, Anoka Technical College, introduced himself and provided testimony in support of HF 1654.
Questions and discussion followed.
Frank Jossi, Journalist, Humphrey Fellows, provided testimony in support of HF 1654.
Questions and discussion followed.
HF 1755 (Poppe)
Representative Poppe moved that HF 1755 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Representative Poppe moved to amend HF 1755 with an oral amendment as follows:
Page 1, line 12, delete "and the Austin campus of"
Representative Poppe presented HF 1755, authorizing collaborative Minnesota State Colleges and Universities community-based energy development pilot projects; appropriating money.
Representative Poppe introduced Gary Cerkvenik, Consultant, Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority.
Gary Cerkvenik, Consultant, Mountain Iron Economic Development Authority, introduced himself and provided testimony in support of HF 1755.
Questions and discussion followed.
HF 1773 (Nelson)
Representative Mahoney moved that HF 1773 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
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Representative Nelson introduced Dave Semirad, CEO, Associated General Contractors of Minnesota as a replacement to the original testifier noted on the agenda.
Representative Nelson presented HF 1773, establishing grants for construction management education; adding a surcharge to permit fees; establishing an account; requiring a report; appropriating money.
Questions and discussion followed.
Dave Semirad, CEO, Associated General Contractors of Minnesota, introduced himself and provided testimony in support of HF 1773.
Questions and discussion followed.
HF 1497 (Johnson)
Representative Atkins moved that HF 1497 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Representative Johnson presented HF 1497, appropriating money for workforce development for adjudicated youth reentering the community and at-risk youth.
Representative Johnson introduced Peter Jessen-Howard, Youth Council Member, Ramsey County, supervisor of juvenile probation for Ramsey County.
Peter Jessen-Howard, Youth Council Member, Ramsey County, supervisor of juvenile probation for Ramsey County, introduced himself, mentioned other persons in the audience who would be available to provide information, and provided testimony in support of HF 1497.
Questions and discussion followed.
HF 1689 (Hortman)
Representative Hortman moved that HF 1689 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance omnibus bill.
Representative Hortman presented HF 1689, appropriating money for industry sector training initiatives.
Representative Hortman introduced Jane Samargia, Executive Director, HIRED.
Jane Samargia, Executive Director, HIRED, introduced herself and provided testimony in support of HF 1689.
Vice Chair Poppe assumed the chair at 7:50 P.M.
Jane Samargia continued with her presentation.
Chair Rukavina resumed the chair at 7:57 P.M.
Questions and discussion followed.
HF 1929 (Mahoney)
Representative Mahoney moved that HF 1929 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Representative Mahoney presented HF 1929, appropriating money for a research and training facility at St. Paul College.
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Representative Mahoney introduced Craig Anderson, Vice President of Administration, St. Paul College.
Craig Anderson, Vice President of Administration, St. Paul College, introduced himself and provided testimony in support of HF 1929.
Questions and discussion followed.
HF 2127 (Clark)
Representative Clark moved that HF 2127 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Representative Clark moved to amend HF 2127 with an oral amendment, as follows:
Page 1, line 6, after each "$" delete "255" and insert "300"
Representative Clark renewed her motion that HF 2127 as amended be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Representative Clark presented HF 2127 as amended, appropriating money for the Metropolitan Economic Development Association.
Representative Clark introduced Yvonne Cheung Ho, Metropolitan Economic Development Authority.
Yvonne Cheung Ho, Metropolitan Economic Development Authority, introduced herself and provided testimony in support of HF 2127.
Questions and discussion followed.
Vice Chair Poppe assumed the chair at 7:25 P.M.
HF 1457 (Rukavina)
Representative Rukavina moved that HF 1457 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Representative Rukavina presented HF 1457, increasing the size of the MnSCU Board of Trustees and changing appointments to the board.
Questions and discussion followed.
Representative Hortman assumed the chair at 7:30 P.M.
Questions and discussion continued.
Representative Poppe resumed the chair at 7:35 P.M.
Questions and discussion continued.
Stacia Smith, Manager, Policy, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce, introduced herself and provided testimony in opposition to HF 1457.
Further questions and discussion followed.
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Representative Rukavina renewed his motion that HF 1457 be held over for possible inclusion in the Higher Education and Work Force Development Policy and Finance Division omnibus bill.
Representative Nornes moved that the minutes of March 15, 2007 be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
Representative Tom Rukavina, Chair
Susan Scott, Committee Legislative Assistant