State of Minnesota Eleventh Meeting
House of Representatives Eighty-Fifth Session
Energy Finance and Policy Division
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair, called the eleventh meeting to order at 2:22 PM on February 14, 2007 in Room 200 of the State office Building.
The Clerk noted the roll.
Members present:
Hilty, Bill
Ruud, Maria
Westrom, Torrey
Beard, Michael
Bly, David
Brynaert, Kathy
Gardner, Paul
Gunther, Bob
Hackbarth, Tom
Hoppe, Joe
Johnson, Sheldon
Kalin, Jeremy
Knuth, Kate
Magnus, Doug
Nornes, Bud
Ozment, Dennis
Peterson, Aaron
Sailer, Brita
Slocum, Linda
Wagenius, Jean
Welti, Andy
A quorum was present.
Representative Brynaert moved approval of the minutes of Monday February 12. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Brynaert moved approval of the minutes of Monday February 13. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF0446 (Kahn) Outdoor light pollution restricted.
2:24 PM - Rep. Kahn explained HF 0446.
Testifying in favor of the bill:
2:25 PM - Tine Thevenin, P.O. Box 180, Lake City, MN; 651-345-4755; The
Minnesota Dark Sky Association.
2:34 PM - Rep. Kahn talked more about HF 0446.
2:35 PM - Shann Finwall, AICP, Planner, Maplewood; (651) 249-2304;
2:41 PM - The Chair moved HF0446 to be recommended to pass and
referred to the committee on Local Government and Metropolitan Affairs.
2:42 PM - Rep. Kahn explained the following author's amendments:
1.16 Remove the word "full" before the word "cutoff" both times it appears
Subd. 3 Cutoff luminaire. "Cutoff luminaire means…"
2.7 insert the word "or" before the word "replaced" and remove "maintained, or operated" (a) An outdoor lighting fixture may be installed or replaced using public funds only if:
2.9 remove the word "full" before the word "cutoff"
2:46 PM - The Chair moved the amendments.
The motion prevailed. The amendements were adopted.
Discussion about HF0446 continued.
3:05 PM - Dave Fielding, Director, Plant Management, Dept. of Administration.
Rep. Hackbarth requested a roll-call vote.
Testifying against the bill:
3:07 PM - Ray Starr, Assistant State Traffic Engineer, Office of Traffic Security and Operations, MnDOT, 651-634-5264.
The results of the roll-call vote were:
Yes (11) No (8) Abstain (1) Absent (1)
Hilty, Bill Beard, Michael Kalin, Jeremy Nornes, Bud
Bly, David Gardner, Paul
Brynaert, Kathy Gunther, Bob
Johnson, Sheldon Hackbarth, Tom
Knuth, Kate Hoppe, Joe
Peterson, Aaron Magnus, Doug
Ruud, Maria Ozment, Dennis
Sailer, Brita Westrom, Torrey
Slocum, Linda
Wagenius, Jean
Welti, Andy
There being 11 ayes, 8 nays and 1 abstention, The motion prevailed.
HF0472 (Morrow) Renewable energy production incentives eligibility period extended.
The Chair moved HF0472 be recommended to pass and be referred to the General Register.
3:12 PM - Rep. Morrow explained HF0472.
Testifying in favor of the bill:
3:13 PM - Dave Arnold; 1028 Oak Terrace, North Mankato, 56003; 507-387-2689; Arnold Windfarm, LLC.
3:17 PM - Jeremy DeFiebre, Energy Finance Coordinator, Department of Commerce.
3:18 PM - The Chair renewed his motion that HF0472 be recommended to pass and be referred to the General Register.
The motion prevailed.
HF0607 (Anzelc) Plasma torch gasification facility feasibility study funding provided, and money appropriated.
3:19 PM - Rep. Anzelc explained HF0607.
The Chair moved HF0607 to be recommended to pass and referred to the
committee on Finance with a recommendation to be re-referred to the committee on Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division.
Testifying in favor of the bill:
3:22 PM - Stephen Korstad, Chief Financial Officer, Coronal.
3:22 PM - John Howard, Chief Technical Officer, Coronal, 651-206-1565.
3:52 PM - The Chair renewed his motion that HF0607 be recommended to pass
and referred to the committee on Finance with a recommendation to be re-referred
to the committee on Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division.
The motion prevailed.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:53 PM.
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair
Committee Legislative Assistant