State of Minnesota Twenty-Eighth Meeting
House of Representatives Eighty-Fifth Session
Energy Finance and Policy Division
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair, called the twenty-eighth meeting to order at 2:31 PM on March 29, 2007 in Room 200 of the State office Building.
The Clerk noted the roll.
Members present:
Hilty, Bill
Ruud, Maria
Beard, Michael
Bly, David
Brynaert, Kathy
Gardner, Paul
Gunther, Bob
Hackbarth, Tom
Hoppe, Joe
Johnson, Sheldon
Kalin, Jeremy
Knuth, Kate
Magnus, Doug
Nornes, Bud
Peterson, Aaron
Sailer, Brita
Slocum, Linda
Wagenius, Jean
Welti, Andy
Members excused:
Westrom, Torrey
Ozment, Dennis
A quorum was present.
Representative Slocum moved approval of the minutes of March 28. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1790 (Knuth) Commerce department license technology fees provided, producer training requirements established, and money appropriated.
2:33 PM - Rep. Knuth moved HF1790 to be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Finance.
Testifying in favor of the bill:
2:36 PM - Susan Diovvy, Chief Lobbyist, Minnesota Association of Realtors; 5750 Lincoln Dr., Edina, MN 55436; 952-912-2661.
2:37 PM - Rep. Knuth renewed her motion that HF1790 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Finance.
The motion prevailed. THE BILL WAS PASSED.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 PM.
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair
Committee Legislative Assistant