Chair Wagenius called the meeting to order at 8:07 A.M. on March 13th, 2008, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Wagenius, Jean (Chair)
Anzelc, Tom
Clark, Karen
Dill, David
Doty, Al (Vice Chair)
Eken, Kent
Gardner, Paul
Gunther, Bob
Hackbarth, Tom
Hansen, Rick
Hoppe, Joe
Knuth, Kate
Magnus, Doug
McNamara, Denny
Moe, Frank
Ozment, Dennis
Scalze, Bev
Tingelstad, Kathy
Members excused:
Peterson, Aaron
Bob Meier, Assistant Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources (DNR), testified in response to questions from the committee on DNR's supplemental budget.
Dave Schad, Director of DNR's Fish and Wildlife Division, testified on the private aquaculture permit program.
Steve Hirsch, Acting Director of DNR Ecological Resources, testified on the aquatic plant management permit program.
A quorum was present at 8:27 A.M.
Myrna Halbach, Chief Financial Officer with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA), testified in response to questions from the committee on PCA's supplemental budget.
Paul Egger, Assistant Commissioner with the PCA, testified on the ethanol and mining permit programs.
Lyle Mueller, Finance Manager with the PCA, testified on the supplemental budget.
Judy Erickson of the Parks and Trails Council of Minnesota testified in opposition to parks and trails reductions in the supplemental budget.
HF3506 Howes, Leech Lake; Walleye stocking funding provided and money appropriated.
Representative Moe moved HF3506 for possible inclusion in the committee omnibus bill.
Representative Howes presented HF3506.
Brad Walhof, mayor of Walker and member of the Leech Lake Fishing Task Force, testified in support.
Dick Sternberg of the Leech Lake Fishing Task Force testified in support.
Ron Payer of DNR's Fish and Wildlife Division testified on the bill.
Representative Moe renewed his motion.
HF3506 was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.
HF2694 Doty. Little Falls; Pine Grove Zoo funding provided.
Representative Doty moved HF2694 for possible inclusion and presented his bill.
Marnita VonHoecke, Pine Grove Zoo Director, testified in support.
HF2694 was laid over.
HF2927 Eken, Red River Valley flood protection farmstead ring levees construction funding provided, and money appropriated.
Representative Eken moved HF2927 and presented his bill.
Warren Seykora, chair of the Wild Rice Watershed Board, testified in support.
HF2927 was laid over.
Representative Scalze moved that the minutes of March 11th be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED.
The meeting adjourned at 9:49 A.M.
Jean Wagenius, Chair
Melissa Hysing, Committee Legislative Assistant