Chair Wagenius called the meeting to order at 1:11 P.M. on Friday, February 15th, 2008, in the Basement of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
WAGENIUS, Jean (Chair) MAGNUS, Doug
CLARK, Karen OZMENT, Dennis
DOTY, Al (Vice Chair) SCALZE, Bev
Members excused:
DILL, David
MOE, Frank
A quorum was present.
Terry Kuhlman and Jeff Freeman of the Public Facilities Authority presented an overview of the agency's 2008 legislative initiatives.
HF2801 Anzelc, Voyageurs Heritage Center and Voyageurs National Park Headquarters funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Representative Anzelc presented HF2801.
The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the committee's omnibus bonding recommendations.
HF2733 Mahoney, St. Paul; Keller and Phalen Parks master plan funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Representative Mahoney presented HF2733.
HF1880 Swails, Washington County; Big Marine Park Reserve land acquisition and development funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Representative Hansen moved HF1880.
Representative Hansen moved the
A08-1097 amendment.
Representative Swails presented HF1880.
Don Theisen, Washington County Public Works Director, testified in favor.
Representative Hansen renewed his motion of the
A08-1097 amendment.
The bill was laid over for possible inclusion.
HF1243 Bunn, Big Marine Park Reserve improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF1243.
Representative Bunn presented HF1243.
Don Theisen, Washington County Public Works Director, testified in favor.
The bill was laid over for possible inclusion.
Representative Doty moved that the minutes of February 14 be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED.
HF2556 Eken, State park rehabilitation and development funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
Representative Eken moved HF2556.
Representative Eken presented HF2556.
Judy Erickson, Parks and Trails Council, testified in favor.
The bill was laid over for possible inclusion.
HF2825 Atkins, Inver Grove Heights; Heritage Village Park funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF2825.
Representative Atkins presented HF2825.
George Tourville, mayor of Inver Grove Heights, testified in favor.
Eric Carlson, Parks and Recreation Director for Inver Grove Heights, testified in favor.
The bill was laid over for possible inclusion.
HF378 Johnson, St. Paul National Great River Park improvements provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF378.
Representative Johnson presented HF378.
Gregory Page, Director of Special Projects for the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation, testified in favor.
The bill was laid over.
HF2485 Johnson, St. Paul; National Great River Park including the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary improvements and infrastructure provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
Representative Johnson presented HF2485.
Dan McGuinness, Director of the Audubon Society, testified in favor.
HF2845 Ward, Cuyuna State Recreation Area improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF2845.
Representative Ward presented HF2845.
Jennifer Smith of Cuyuna Lakes Trail Association testified in favor.
Gary Sjoquist of the International Mountain Biking Association testified in favor.
The bill was laid over for possible inclusion.
HF2698 Haws and HF2661 Severson, Sartell; Central Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails grant provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
Chair Wagenius moved both bills.
Representatives Haws and Severson presented the identical bills.
Tim O'Driscoll, Mayor of Sartell, testified in favor.
The bills were laid over.
HF2836 Haws, Nonmetro regional parks and trails system recommendations required, funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
Chair Wagenius moved HF2836.
Representative Haws presented HF2836.
Wayne Sames, Local Grants Manager with the Department of Natural Resources, testified in favor.
Representative Doty assumed the gavel at 3:17 P.M.
HF2944 Kohls, Carver County; Lake Waconia Regional Park funding provided, bonds issued and money appropriated
Representative Hoppe moved HF2944.
Representative Kohls presented HF2944.
Testifying in favor:
Martin Walsh, Carver County Parks Director
Mark Schiffman, Mayor of Waconia
Tim Lynch, Carver County Commissioner
The bill was laid over.
HF2597 Hosch, Stearns County; Warner Lake Park land acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
Representative Doty moved HF2597.
Representative Hosch presented HF2597.
Pete Theisman, Operations Coordinator, testified in favor.
Representative Scalze presented the language of SF2621, Metropolitan council recreational open space lands acquisition and improvements bond issue and appropriation, which does not have a House file number yet.
Testifying in favor:
Ann Beckman, Met Council Parks Manager
Boe Carlson, Associate Superintendent, Three Rivers Park District
John VonDeLinde, Director of Parks and Recreation for Anoka County
HF2849 Gottwalt, Stearns County; Quarry Park and Nature Preserve land acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
Representative Doty moved HF2849.
Representative Gottwalt proposed an oral amendment as follows: line 1.9, change "3.5" to "39.5"
Representative Doty moved the oral amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED.
Representative Gottwalt presented HF2849 as amended.
Pete Theisman, Operations Coordinator, testified in favor.
HF2675 Urdahl, State park and recreation area acquisition funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
Representative Doty moved HF2675.
Representative Urdahl presented HF2675.
Dorian Greeley, Executive Director of the Parks and Trails Council of Minnesota, testified in favor.
The bill was laid over.
HF2743 Kalin, Chisago County; Ojiketa Regional Park created, bonds issued and money appropriated
Representative Doty moved HF2743.
Representative Kalin presented HF2743.
John Peckman and Jeanne Miller testified in favor.
Representative Kalin proposed an oral amendment as follows: insert "$1,400,000" into the blank appropriation on lines 1.6 and 1.11, delete the last sentence in line 1.8. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT IS ADOPTED.
Wayne Sames, Local Grants Manager with the Department of Natural Resources, testified in favor.
The bill was laid over.
HF2954 Anderson, B., Wright County; Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park land acquisition grant provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
Representative Doty moved HF2954.
Representative Anderson presented HF2954.
Testifying in favor:
Marc Mattice, Wright County Parks Administrator
Thomas Pawell, Monticello Parks Superintendent
The meeting adjourned at 4:33 P.M.
Jean Wagenius, Chair
Melissa Hysing, Committee Legislative Assistant