Representative Madore, Vice Chair of the Committee, called the meeting to order
at 2:22 P.M. on, Tuesday, March 21, 2007, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Hornstein, Chair
Madore, Vice Chair
Nelson, M.
A quorum was present.
HF 1475 Hornstein
Rep. Hornstein moved the bill be rereferred to the Transportation Finance and Policy committee for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. The following spoke regarding the bill:
Joel Ulland, VP of Public Affairs, MS Society
Barbara Marsh, Metromobility Client, MS Society
Annette Bair, Physical Development Director, SW Regional Dev. Commission
Jim Heilig, Director of Adminstration & Planning, Duluth Transit Authority
Rep. Hornstein renewed his motion. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Hornstein assumed the Chair.
HF 1713 Erhardt
Rep. Erhardt moved the bill. Rep. Erhardt moved that HF 1713 be recommended to pass and rereferred to Transportation Finance and Policy for possible inclusion in the Policy bill. Rep. Erhardt moved the
The following spoke regarding the bill:
Lee McGrath, Executive Director, Institute for Justice
Bruce Ebnet, Owner B&C Piano Movers, Kasson, MN
James Hardman, Retired Attorney, Dart Trucking, Little Canada
James Hovland, Attorney, Minneapolis
Howard Marcus, Exc. Director, MN Transport Services Association
Jon Archbold, President, Metcalf Moving & Storage Co.
Dan Allen, Vice President, Harco Moving & Storage Inc.
Douglas Harrison, President, Harco Moving & Storage Inc.
Betsy Parker, Director, Office of Government Affairs, MnDOTTransportation and Transit Subcommittee
March 21, 2007
Rep. Erhardt renewed his motion. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 1909 Tinglestad
Rep. Hornstein moved HF 1909 be rereferred to the Transportation Finance and Policy committee and be recommended for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. The following spoke regarding the bill:
Mike Gamache, Mayor, City of Andover
Eric Rudeen, Legislative Assistant/Project Specialist, MnDOT
The Hornstein motion was renewed. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 1550 Hortman
Rep. Hortman moved HF 1550 pass, be rereferred and recommended for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. Ken Urquhart, Commander, MN State Patrol spoke regarding the legislation. The Hortman motion was renewed. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 1706 Mullery
Rep. Hornstein moved HF 1706 pass and be recommended for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. Rep. Hornstein moved the
A07-0456 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. Bryon Laher, Director, Public Policy, Greater Twin Cities United Way, spoke to the bill. The Hornstein motion was again before the committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 1966 Morgan
Rep. Hornstein moved the bill. Rep. Hornstein moved the A07-0490 amendment with a verbal amendment as follows:
On page 1, delete lines 6 through 10
THE MOTION PREVAILED. Michael Weidner, Executive Director, MN Paratransit Providers Association and Ward Briggs, Director, Commercial Vehicle Operations, MnDOT, spoke to the bill. Rep. Hornstein moved the
H1966A2 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. Rep. Hornstein moved that HF 1966, as amended, be rereferred to the Transportation Finance and Policy committee for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The committee went into recess at 4 PM.
Vice Chair Madore reconvened the committee in Room 10 State Office Building at 6:05 PM.
HF 1351 Hornstein
Rep. Hornstein moved the bill. Rep. Hornstein moved the
H1351DE1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. Dave VanHattum, Transit for Liveable Communities and Betsy Parker, Government Relations, MnDOT, spoke to the bill. Rep. Hornstein moved that HF 1351 be recommended to pass, as amended, and rereferred to the Transportation Finance and Policy committee for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Transportation and Transit Subcommittee
March 21, 2007
HF 1630 Hornstein
Rep. Hornstein moved the bill. Matt Zeller, Executive Director, The Concrete Paving Association of MN and Betsy Parker, Government Relations, MnDOT spoke to the bill.
Rep. Hornstein moved that HF 1630 be recommended to pass and rereferred to the Transportation Finance and Policy committee for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 1714 Hornstein
Rep. Hornstein moved the bill. Rep. Hornstein moved the
A07-0514 amendment.
THE MOTION PREVAILED. The following spoke to the bill:
Philip Qualy, Legislative Director, United Transportation Union
John Apitz, Attorney, Messerli & Kramer, MN Regional Railroads
Brian Sweeney, Legislative Counsel, BNSF Railway Company
Tim Jeske, Director Mechanical & Maintenance, Twin Cities & Western Railroad
Bill Gardner, Director Freight, Rail & Waterways, MnDOT
Rep. Hornstein moved that HF 1714 be recommended to pass, as amended, and rereferred to the Transportation Finance and Policy committee for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 673 Hornstein
Rep. Hornstein moved the bill. Rep. Hornstein moved that HF 673 be tabled.
Rep. Hornstein assumed the Chair.
HF 571 Hillstrom
Rep. Hornstein moved the bill. Rep. Hornstein moved the
H0571DE1 amendment with the following verbal amendment:
On page 5, line 18, delete Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey, and St. Louis counties;
THE MOTION PREVAILED. The following spoke to the bill:
Dick Anfang, President, MN State Building & Construction Trades Council
Richard Miller, Attorney
Michael Perkins, Assoc. Vice President, Capital Planning & Project Mgmt.UofM
Linda Taylor, Government Relations, MnDOT
Rep. Hornstein moved an oral amendment to the
H0571DE1 delete everything amendment as follows:
On page 9, line 15, after "161.32," insert "161.321,"
On page 9, line 18, delete 41 and insert 4A
THE MOTION PREVAILED. Rep. Hornstein moved that HF 571 be recommended to pass, as amended, and rereferred to the Transportation Finance and Policy committee for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Rep. Madore moved the minutes of March 20, 2007. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Transportation and Transit Subcommittee
March 21, 2007
HF 1975 Kranz
Rep. Hornstein moved the bill. Rep. Hornstein moved the A07-0492 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. The following spoke to the bill:
Mike Rosa, Legislative Director, Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division
Tom Perkovich, Chairman, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
David Brown, Legislative Representative/Hazmat & Radiation Trainer, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen
Phil Qualy, Legislative Director, United Transportation Union
Gayle Bonneville, Citizen and Railyard Neighbor
Amber Backhaus, Leonard Street & Denard, Canadian Pacific Railway
Phillip Marbut, Canadian Pacific Railway
Brian Sweeney, Attorney, BNSF
Greg Jeffries, BNSF
Bob Suko, Twin Cities & Western Railroad
Bill Gardner, Director, Freight, Rail & Waterways, MnDOT
Michael Ritchie, Hazmat Materials Specialist, MnDOT
Rep. Hornstein moved that HF 1975 be recommended to pass, as amended, and rereferred to the Transportation Finance and Policy committee for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 296 Solberg
Hornstein moved the bill. Rep. Hornstein moved that HF 296 be recommended to pass, and rereferred to the Transportation Finance and Policy committee for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 1767 Hausman
Rep. Hausman moved the bill. Sarah Mullens, ISAIAH; Kevin Gray, Finance and Administration Divison, MnDOT; and Hope Jenson spoke regarding the bill. Rep. Hausman moved that HF 1767 be recommended to pass and rereferred to the Transportation Finance and Policy committee for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Transportation Policy bill. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 P.M.
REP. Hornstein, CHAIR
Susie Maher, Committee Legislative Assistant