Representative Paul Marquart, Chair of the Committee, called the meeting to order at 8:00 A.M. on Friday, March 9, 2007, in Room 10 of the State Office Building.
Committee Legislative Assistant Paul Cumings noted the roll.
Members present:
MARQUART, Paul (Chair)
BROWN, Robin (Vice-Chair)
PAYMAR, Michael
HF242 (Eken) Mahnomen County tax jurisdictions temporary aid payments made permanent.
Representative Eken testified on behalf of the bill. Wallace McEid and Frank Thompson from Mahnomen County Government testified in favor of the bill.
A quorum was present at 9:11 A.M.
Representative Dittrich moved that HF242 be heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
Representative Marquart, Chair of the Division, laid over HF242 for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
HF1745 (Bunn) Homestead market value maximum valuation limit indexed. (REVISITED FROM MARCH 5, 2007)
Representative Marquart, Chair of the Division, explained that this bill was heard on March 5th, 2007 but was not introduced yet. Therefore it could be laid over at that time.
Representative Paymar moved that HF1745 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
Representative Marquart, Chair of the Division, laid over HF1745 for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
Representative Demmer moved approval of minutes for Wednesday, March 7, 2007. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF848 (Marquart) Agricultural homestead distance limitation eliminated, agricultural market value homestead credit increased, and agricultural homestead class rate reduced.
Representative Marquart moved that HF848 be heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
Representative Marquart testified on behalf of the bill. Gloria Pinke from the Minnesota Association of Assessing Officers testified in opposition to the bill.
Representative Brown, Vice-Chair of the Division, laid over HF848 for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
HF1436 (Hamilton) Relative agricultural homestead minimum acreage modified.
Representative Demmer moved that HF1436 be heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
Representative Hamilton testified on behalf of the bill. Larry Liepold from Okebena, Minnesota testified in favor of the bill.
Representative Marquart, Chair of the Division, laid over HF1436 for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
HF715 (Haws) Truth in Taxation property tax program evaluation study provided.
Representative Dittrich moved that HF715 be heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
Representative Haws testified on behalf of the bill. Dewayne Merrick, County Commissioner in Stearns County, testified in favor of the bill. Joe Mathews with the Association of Minnesota Counties testified in favor of the bill.
Representative Marquart, Chair of the Division, laid over HF715 for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
HF1769 (Marquart) Joint public truth in taxation advertisements and hearings authorized.
Representative Marquart moved that HF1769 be heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
Representative Marquart testified on behalf of the bill.
Representative Brown, Vice-Chair of the Division, laid over HF1769 for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
HF1368 (Olin) County program aid appropriation increased. HF1777 (Liebling) County program aids restored, and county program aid inflation adjustment provided.
Representative Lenczewski moved that HF1368 and HF1777 be heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
Representative Olin testified on behalf of HF 1368. Keith Carlson, Executive Director for the Minnesota Inter-County Association, testified in favor of HF1777 and distinguished the differences between HF1368 and HF1777. Joe Mathews, Lobbyist for the Association of Minnesota Cities, testified in favor of both bills. Joe Harris, Dakota County Commissioner, testified in favor of the bill.
Representative Marquart, Chair of the Division, laid over HF1368 and HF1777 for possible inclusion in the Property Tax and Local Sales Tax Division Report.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:34 A.M.
Representative Paul Marquart, Chair
Paul Cumings, Committee Legislative Assistant