State of Minnesota Seventh Meeting
House of Representatives Eighty-Sixth Session
Energy Finance and Policy Division
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair, called the seventh meeting to order at 2:54 PM on February 4, 2009 in the Basement hearing room of the State office Building.
The Clerk noted the roll.
Members present:
Hilty, Bill
Falk, Andrew
Westrom, Torrey
Anderson, Bruce
Atkins, Joe
Beard, Michael
Bly, David
Brynaert, Kathy
Gunther, Bob
Hackbarth, Tom
Hoppe, Joe
Johnson, Sheldon
Kalin, Jeremy
Knuth, Kate
Kulick Jackson, Gail
Magnus, Doug
Nornes, Bud
Obermueller, Mike
Persell, John
Sailer, Brita
Welti, Andy
Members excused:
A quorum was present.
Rep. Nornes moved approval of the minutes of February 2, 2009. The motion prevailed.
Update on Conservation Improvement Program (CIP)
2:57 p.m.
Mr. Bill Glahn, Deputy Commissioner
MN Dept. of Commerce - Office of Energy Security
651-296-9325 (w) |
85 7th Place E, Suite 500, St. Paul, MN 55101-2198
Mr. Jeffrey Haase, Demand Efficiency Program Supervisor
MN Dept. of Commerce - Office of Energy Security
651-297-5648 (w) | 651-297-7891 (fax) |
85 7th Place E, Suite 500, St. Paul, MN 55101-2198
Handout: 2006-2007 Minnesota Conservation Improvement Program Energy and CO2 Savings Report – Office of Energy Security, MN Dept of Commerce
3:23 PM
Mr. Kenric Scheevel, Government Relations Representative
Dairyland Power Co-op
608-787-1246 (w) | 608-787-1420 (fax) |
P.O. Box 817, La Crosse, WI 54602 | 608-788-4000
Handout: Dairyland Power Cooperative
3:37 PM
Mr. Gary Connett, Director of Member Services & Demand Side Mmgt
Great River Energy
763-445-6127 (w) | 612-309-8493 (c) | 763-445-5248 (fax) |
12300 Elm Creek Blvd, Maple Grove, MN 55369-4718
Handout: CIP Program Update
4:05 PM
Mr. Bruce Sayler, Manager of Government Relations and Conservation
Connexus Energy
763-323-2685 (w) | 763-350-5119 (c) | 763-323-2603 (fax) |
14601 Ramsey Boulevard NW, Ramsey, MN 55303 | 763-323-2600
4:15 PM
Mr. Bob Jagusch, Director of Energy Services
MN Municipal Utility Association
763-746-0727 (w) | 612-840-9697 (c) | 763-551-0459 (fax) |
3025 Harbor Lane N, Suite 400, Plymouth, MN 55447-5142 | 763-551-1230
4:20 PM - The meeting was adjourned.
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair
Committee Legislative Assistant