State of Minnesota Seventeenth Meeting
House of Representatives Eighty-Sixth Session
Energy Finance and Policy Division
Representative Andrew Falk, Chair, called the seventeenth meeting to order at 2:54 PM on March 16, 2009 in the Basement hearing room of the State office Building.
The Clerk noted the roll.
Members present:
Hilty, Bill
Falk, Andrew
Westrom, Torrey
Anderson, Bruce
Atkins, Joe
Beard, Michael
Bly, David
Brynaert, Kathy
Gunther, Bob
Hackbarth, Tom
Hoppe, Joe
Johnson, Sheldon
Kalin, Jeremy
Knuth, Kate
Kulick Jackson, Gail
Magnus, Doug
Nornes, Bud
Obermueller, Mike
Persell, John
Sailer, Brita
Welti, Andy
A quorum was present.
Rep. Persell moved approval of the minutes of March 11, 2009. The motion prevailed.
2:56 PM
HF689 (Knuth) Strategic tree planting included as eligible for direct expenditures as energy conservation improvement.
Rep. Knuth moved that HF689 be recommended to pass and be placed on the General Register.
Rep. Knuth moved the
H0689DE2 amendment. The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted.
Rep. Knuth renewed her motion that HF689 as amended be recommended to pass and be placed on the General Register. The motion prevailed. The bill was passed.
HF1250 (Hornstein) Electric vehicle infrastructure regulated, and incentives for use and adoption established.
Rep. Falk moved that HF1250 be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Commerce.
Rep. Falk moved the H1250A5 amendment. The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted.
3:16 PM
Testifying in favor of the bill.
Mr. Ethan Fawley, Transportations Connections Coordinator
Fresh Energy
651-294-7141 (w) | 651-225-0870 (fax) |
408 St. Peter St., Suite 220, St. Paul., MN 55102 | 651-225-0878
Ms. Erin Stojan Ruccolo, Senior Policy Associate
Fresh Energy
651-726-7567 (w) | 651-829-0581 (c) | 651-225-0870 (fax) |
408 St. Peter St., Suite 220, St. Paul., MN 55102 | 651-225-0878
Rep. Falk renewed his motion that HF1250 as amended be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Commerce. The motion prevailed. The bill was passed.
Rep. Hilty assumed the gavel.
HF1473 (Seifert) Wind energy and ethanol fuel training facility construction authorized.
Rep. Hilty moved that HF1473 be recommended to pass and be returned to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Capital Investment Finance Division
Rep. Seifert explained the bill.
Rep. Hilty renewed his motion that HF1473 be recommended to pass and be returned to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Capital Investment Finance Division
HF214 (Bly) School boards authorized to form business entity solely for wind energy projects, and production tax exemption provided.
Rep. Bly moved that HF214 be recommended to pass and be returned to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the K-12 Education Finance Division
Rep. Bly moved the H0214A1 amendment. The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted.
Rep. Bly explained the bill.
Rep. Bly renewed his motion that HF214 as amended be recommended to pass and be returned to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the K-12 Education Finance Division. The motion prevailed. The bill was passed.
HF1553 (Persell) Local government renewable energy grant funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Rep. Persell moved that HF1553 be recommended to pass and be returned to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Capital Investment Finance Division.
Testifying in favor of the bill:
Ms. Anne Hunt, Deputy Policy Director / Environment
St. Paul Mayor's Office
651-266-8520 (w) |
390 City Hall, 15 W Kellogg Blvd, St. Paul, MN | 651-266-8520
Rep. Persell renewed his motion that HF1553 be recommended to pass and be returned to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Capital Investment Finance Division
At about 4:15 PM the meeting was adjourned.
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair
Committee Legislative Assistant