State of Minnesota Forty-First Meeting
House of Representatives Eighty-Sixth Session
Energy Finance and Policy Division
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair, called the forty-first meeting to order at 10:48 p.m. on March 19, 2010 in the Basement hearing room of the State office Building.
The Clerk noted the roll.
Members present:
Hilty, Bill
Falk, Andrew
Westrom, Torrey
Beard, Michael
Bly, David
Brynaert, Kathy
Hackbarth, Tom
Hoppe, Joe
Johnson, Sheldon
Kalin, Jeremy
Knuth, Kate
Kulick Jackson, Gail
Magnus, Doug
Obermueller, Mike
Sailer, Brita
Welti, Andy
Members excused:
Anderson, Bruce
Persell, John
Gunther, Bob
HORTMAN, Melissa
Atkins, Joe
Nornes, Bud
A quorum was present.
Rep. Falk moved approval of the minutes of March 17, 2010. The motion prevailed. The minutes were adopted.
HF3641 (Welti) Community-based energy development program modified.
Rep. Welti moved that HF3641 be recommended to pass and be placed on the General Register.
Rep. Welti moved the
H3641A2 Amendment.
Rep. Welti explained the A2 amendment.
The motion prevailed the amendment was adopted.
Rep. Welti moved the
H3641A6 Amendment.
Rep. Welti explained the A6 amendment.
The motion prevailed. A6 amendment was adopted, including language written in on Line 1.3.
Testifying in favor of the bill:
Mr. Blake Nixon, President
Geronimo Wind Energy, LLC
952-988-9000 (w) | 952-988-9001 (fax) |
5050 Lincoln Dr, Suite 420, Edina, MN 55436 | 952-988-9000
Ms. Linda Taylor
Fresh Energy
651-726-7571 (w) | 651-225-0870 (fax) |
408 St. Peter St., Suite 220, St. Paul., MN 55102 | 651-225-0878
Byron Christoffer, Landowner. Worthington, MN
Mr. Dan Juhl, CEO
Juhl Wind
996 190th Ave, Woodstock, MN 56186 | 877-584-5946
Members discussed the bill.
11:37 a.m.
Bob Eleff, House Research, addressed some questions about ownership requirements of a C-BED.
Rep. Falk moved the following oral amendment
Lines 3.23-3.24, Reinstate the stricken language.
The motion did not prevail.
Rep. Welti renewed his motion that HF3641 be recommended to pass as amended and be placed on the General Register. The motion prevailed. The bill was passed to the General Register.
11:52 p.m.
HF3493 (Hilty) Rates charged to low-income customers regulated, and inverted block rates provided.
Rep. Hilty moved that HF3493 be recommended to pass and be placed on the General Register.
Rep. Hilty moved the
H3493A2 Amendment.
Rep. Hilty moved the following oral amendment.
Lines 1.9, after "usage" insert "residential".
The motion prevailed. The oral amendment to the A2 amendment was adopted.
The motion prevailed. The A2 amendment was adopted as amended.
Testifying in favor of the bill:
Ms. Pam Marshall
Energy CENTS Coalition
651-774-9010 (w) | 651-470-4500 (c) |
823 East 7th St, St Paul, MN 55106-5016 | 651-774-9010
Testifying on the bill:
Mr. Bill Glahn, Deputy Commissioner
Dept. of Commerce - Office of Energy Security
651-296-9325 (w) | 651-297-7891 (fax) |
85 7th Place E, Suite 500, St. Paul, MN 55101-2198
Rep. Westrom moved the
H3493A1 Amendment (light bulbs)
Rep. Hoppe requested for a roll call vote:
There being 6 ayes and 8 ayes, the motion did not prevail. The amendment was not adopted.
Voting in the affirmative: Westrom, Beard, Hoppe, Kulick Jackson, Seifert, Welti.
Voting in the negative: Hilty, Falk, Bly, Brynaert, Kalin, Knuth, Obermueller, Sailer.
Absent: Anderson, Atkins, Gunther, Hackbarth, Hortman, Johnson, Magnus, Nornes, Persell
Rep. Hilty renewed his motion that HF3493 be recommended to pass as amended and be placed on the General Register. There being 9 ayes and 5 nays the bill was passed to the General Register.
Voting in the affirmative: Hilty, Falk, Bly, Brynaert, Kalin, Knuth, Kulick Jackson, Obermueller, Sailer.
Voting in the negative: Westrom, Beard, Hoppe, Seifert, Welti.
Absent: Anderson, Atkins, Gunther, Hackbarth, Hortman, Johnson, Magnus, Nornes, Persell
12:22 p.m.
HF3667 (Hilty) Electric generating plant emission reduction programs modified.
Rep. Hilty moves that HF3667 be recommended to pass and be placed on the General Register
Rep. Hilty moved the
H3667A4 Amendment. The motion prevailed. The amendment was adopted.
Testifying in favor of the bill:
Ms. Margaret Hodnik, Vice President, Regulatory &
Minnesota Power
218-723-3966 (w) | 218-591-8623 (c) | 218-723-3983 (fax) |
30 West Superior St, Duluth, MN 55802-2093 | 218-722-5642
Testifying on the bill:
Mr. Bill Grant, Associate Executive Director
Izaak Walton League of America - Midwest Office
651-649-1446 x 11 (w) | 651-649-1494 (fax) |
1619 Dayton Ave, Suite 202, St. Paul, MN 55104 | 651-649-1446
12:32 p.m.
Rep. Hilty renewed his motion that HF3667 be recommended to pass as amended and be placed on the General Register. The motion prevailed. The bill was passed to the General Register.
12:30 p.m. - The meeting was adjourned.
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair
Committee Legislative Assistant