State of Minnesota Thirty-Second Meeting
House of Representatives Eighty-Sixth Session
Energy Finance and Policy Division
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair, called the thirty-second meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. on February 15, 2010 in the Basement hearing room of the State office Building.
The Clerk noted the roll.
Members present:
Hilty, Bill
Falk, Andrew
Westrom, Torrey
Anderson, Bruce
Atkins, Joe
Beard, Michael
Bly, David
Brynaert, Kathy
Gunther, Bob
Hackbarth, Tom
Hoppe, Joe
HORTMAN, Melissa
Johnson, Sheldon
Kalin, Jeremy
Knuth, Kate
Kulick Jackson, Gail
Magnus, Doug
Nornes, Bud
Obermueller, Mike
Persell, John
Sailer, Brita
Welti, Andy
Members excused:
A quorum was present.
Rep. Falk moved approval of the minutes of February 8, 2010. The motion prevailed. The minutes were adopted.
3:03 p.m.
HF1182 (Bly) Public service corporation exemptions repealed.
Rep. Hilty noted that the amendment coded
H1182A6 should be coded
Rep. Bly moved that HF1182 be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Civil Justice.
Rep. Bly moved the H1182DE3 (was coded A6) amendment.
Rep. Bly incorporated the following oral amendment:
Line 1.18, after "transporting" insert "natural".
The motion prevailed. The DE3 amendment was adopted.
Rep. Bly explained the DE3 amendment.
Rep. Obermueller moved the following oral amendment:
Line 2.13, after "transporting" insert "natural".
The motion prevailed. The oral amendment was adopted.
Members discussed the bill.
Rep. Westrom moved the
H1182A7 amendment.
Rep. Westrom explained the A7 amendment.
Testifying on the A7 amendment.
Mr. David Seykora, Attorney
Dept. of Transportation
651-366-4791 (w) |
395 John Ireland Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155
Bob Eleff, House Research, read a MN/DOT amendment regarding rights-of-way while copies were distributed.
3:38 p.m.
Expressing concerns about the A7 amendment:
Ms. Paula Maccabee, Attorney-at-Law
Just Change Consulting
651-646-8890 (w) | 651-775-7128 (c) | 651-646-5754 (fax) |
1961 Selby Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104
Rep. Westrom incorporated the following oral amendment.
Line 1.1, Change DE2 to DE3.
Substitute lines 2.21-2.23 with language from the MN/DOT amendment.
Members discussed the A7 amendment.
Testifying against HF 1182:
Ms. Priti Patel, Co-Executive Director
612-215-4546 (w) |
Members asked questions.
Testifying on the bill:
John Schmick, Commercial Real Estate Appraiser
Shenehon Company, Business and Real Estate Valuations
612-333-6533 (w) | 612-344-1635 (fax) |
88 South 10th Street, Suite 400, Minneapolis, MN 55403 | 612-333-6533
Testifying on the A7 amendment.
Mr. John Apitz, Attorney
Minnesota Regional Railroads Association
651-556-9211 (w) |
145 University Ave W, Ste 450, St. Paul, MN 55103
Rep. Westrom incorporated the following oral amendment in the A7 amendment.
Substitute "public railway" with "publicly owned railway".
The A7 amendment as amended was adopted.
Rep. Bly renews his motion that HF1182 be recommended to pass as amended and be re-referred to the Committee on Civil Justice
The motion prevailed the bill was passed.
4:20 p.m. - The meeting was adjourned.
Representative Bill Hilty, Chair
Committee Legislative Assistant