Chair Wagenius called the meeting to order at 8:31 A.M. on March 17, 2009 in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Committee members present:
Anderson, Sarah
Anzelc, Tom
Clark, Karen
Dill, David
Doty, Al
Gunther, Bob
Hackbarth, Tom
Hamilton, Rod
Hansen, Rick
Hortman, Melissa
Knuth, Kate
Lillie, Leon
McNamara, Denny
Persell, John (Vice-Chair)
Scalze, Bev
Torkelson, Paul
Wagenius, Jean (Chair)
A quorum was present.
Bob Meier, DNR Assistant Commissioner, presented the Operations Support portion of the 2010-2011 budget.
Terry Kuhlman of the Public Facilities Authority testified on clean water fund budget requests.
Informational Hearing: HF217 Faust, Agricultural property tax law modified, and certain property classification requirements changed.
Steve Hinze of House Research presented a history of the Green Acres program.
Karen Baker of House Research explained the changes made to Green Acres in 2008.
Representative Faust presented his bill.
HF1325 Doty, County geologic atlas program funding provided, and money appropriated.
Representative Doty moved his bill for possible inclusion in the committee’s clean water fund recommendations.
Representative Doty presented his bill.
Dale Setterholm of the Minnesota Geological Survey testified on the county geologic atlas program.
Jim Berg, hydrogeologist with the DNR Division of Waters, testified on the bill.
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over for possible inclusion in the clean water fund recommendations.
The committee recessed at 9:58 A.M.
The committee reconvened at 6:35 P.M.
HF1445 Knuth, Solar energy projects at regional parks grant program established, and money appropriated for solar energy projects in metropolitan parks and state parks and recreation areas.
Representative Knuth moved HF1445 for possible inclusion in the committee’s parks and trails fund recommendations and presented her bill.
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over.
HF1348 Juhnke, Kandiyohi County; Green Lake water quality pilot program funding provided, money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved HF1348 for possible inclusion in the clean water recommendations.
Testifying in favor:
Greg Roverud, President, Green Lake Property Owners’ Association
Jay Michaels, Project Manager, Green Lake Inlet Partnership Group
Chad Anderson, Administrator, Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District
Ronald Schneider, property owner and former Spicer city council member
Chair Wagenius laid the bill over.
HF977 Juhnke, Let's Go Fishing community outreach grants provided, money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved that HF977 be recommended to pass and re-referred to Finance with a recommendation for re-referral to Agriculture Finance.
Joe Holm of Let’s go Fishing testified in favor.
Bob Meier testified on the bill.
Scott Nagel, chair, DNR budget oversight committee, testified against the bill.
Craig Norenberg testified on the bill.
Chair Wagenius renewed her motion. The motion prevailed and HF977 is returned to Finance.
HF345 Hansen, Minnesota Conservation Corps funding provided for parks, natural resource protection and restoration, and flood protection contracts, and money appropriated.
Representative Hansen moved HF345 for possible inclusion in the clean water and parks and trails fund recommendations.
Representative Hansen moved the
H0345A2 amendment. The motion prevailed and the amendment is adopted.
Len Price of Minnesota Conservation Corps testified on HF345 as amended.
Representative Hansen renewed his motion.
The chair laid over HF345.
HF63 Atkins, Inver Grove heights; Appropriating money for the completion of Heritage Village Park.
Chair Wagenius moved HF63 for possible inclusion in the parks and trails recommendations.
Representative Atkins presented his bill.
Eric Carlson, Parks and Recreation Director, City of Inver Grove Heights, testified in favor.
Chair Wagenius renewed her motion and HF63 was laid over.
HF60 Hamilton, State trail established.
Representative Hamilton moved HF60 for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill.
Charles Lucht, Chairman of Friends of Jackson County Trails, testified in favor.
Representative Hamilton renewed his motion and HF60 was laid over for possible inclusion.
Representative Persell took the gavel at 8:02 P.M.
HF230 Magnus, Casey Jones Trail extended.
Representative Clark moved HF230 for possible inclusion.
Representative Magnues presented his bill.
Representative Clark renewed her motion and HF230 was laid over.
HF661 Torkelson, Floodplain management money appropriated.
Representative Gunther moved HF661 for possible inclusion.
Representative Hamilton presented the bill.
Kerry Netzke testified in favor.
Representative Gunther renewed his motion.
Chair Persell laid the bill over.
HF381 Eken, Discrimination in auto insurance based upon geographical area prohibited.
The chair moved HF381 for possible inclusion in an environment finance omnibus bill.
Representative Eken presented his bill.
Ron Harnack of the Red River Watershed Management Board testified in favor.
The chair laid it over.
HF865 Welti, Wabasha and Olmsted Counties; Great River Ridge Trail established.
The chair moved HF865 be recommended to pass and returned to the committee on Finance.
Representative Welti presented his bill.
Ron Potter of DNR Parks and Trails testified on the bill.
The chair laid over HF865.
HF1618 Persell, Beneficial reuse of wastewater grants funding provided, money appropriated.
Representative Persell moved HF1618 be laid over for possible inclusion in the clean water recommendations.
Representative Persell presented his bill and renewed his motion.
Chair Wagenius laid over HF1618.
Representative Knuth moved the minutes of March 12. The motion prevailed and the minutes are approved.
HF1031 Wagenius, Comprehensive statewide sustainable water resources detailed framework funding provided, and money appropriated.
Chair Wagenius moved that HF1031 be recommended to pass and referred to the committee on Finance with a recommendation for re-referral to Cultural and Outdoor Resources Finance.
Representative Wagenius moved the
A09 amendment. The motion prevailed and the amendment is adopted.
Representative Wagenius presented her bill as amended and renewed her motion.
The motion prevailed and HF1031 is returned to Finance, with a recommendation for re-referral to Cultural and Outdoor Resources Finance.
The committee adjourned at 8:33 P.M.
Jean Wagenius, Chair
Melissa Hysing, Committee Legislative Assistant