Representative Nora Slawik, Chair of the Early Childhood Finance & Policy Division, called the meeting to order at 4:35 pm on Thursday, February 12, 2009, in Room 200 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
House Members Present:
Slawik (Chair)
Rosenthal (Vice-Chair)
House Members Excused:
House Members Absent:
A quorum was not present.
Emily Adriaens, House Fiscal Analyst, presented on the committee’s fiscal position.
Ms. Adriaens was asked for the reason for the year-to-year variations in funding numbers.
Chair Slawik asked Mike Scholl, new researcher for the Republican caucus, to introduce himself.
A quorum was present at 4:39 pm.
Representative Ward moved that the minutes from Thursday, February 5, 2009 be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Kulick-Jackson moved that HF179 (Davnie), Head Start program modified, be heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Early Childhood Finance & Policy Division bill.
Testifying in favor of HF179:
Gayle Kelley, Executive Director, Minnesota Head Start Association
Chair Slawik asked former Senator Gary DeCramer to introduce himself and his students.
Continued testimony in favor of HF179:
Jan Herseth, Head Start Director, Otter Tail Wadena Community Action, New York Mills
Julie Cutkay, Parent, Tri-County Community Action, Brainerd
Questions regarding the bill focused on where the money will come from for an expansion of Head Start; if any head start applicants were being denied because of Early Head Start; whether a non-Head Start facility seeking Early Head Start funding could result in over reimbursement; and why low-income allocation numbers are being omitted by the bill.
Representative Kulick-Jackson moved that HF179 be laid on the table.
Vice-Chair Rosenthal assumed the gavel at 5:07 pm.
Representative Slawik moved that HF276 (Slawik), Dependent care credit modified, be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Finance.
Testifying in favor of HF276:
Marsha Avner, Public Policy Director, Minnesota Council of Non-Profits
Amy Brenengan, Director, Office on the Economic Status of Women
Questions pertaining to the bill asked if there was a fiscal note; are there any budget recommendations for balancing the credit’s lost revenue to the state; what are the societal benefits of the credit; and if the credit could be filed on the tax short form.
Nina Manzi, House Research Legislative Analyst, answered questions pertaining to the technical tax implications of the bill as well as questions asking if it is possible to receive a smaller credit from this bill, and how many people may receive a smaller credit.
Representative Slawik renewed the motion that HF276 be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Committee on Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Slawik moved that HF203 (Slawik), Minnesota child savings account initiative established, and money appropriated, be heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Early Childhood Finance & Policy Division bill.
Representative Slawik moved the
H0203DE1 amendment (attached). THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Testifying in favor of HF203, as amended:
Catherine Solheim, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Family Social Science, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota
Steve Nagle, Executive Director, West Central Community Action
Kate Ouverson, Statewide Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota (FAIM) Coordinator, West Central Community Action
A question asked if how this bill differed from 529 college savings plans.
Representative Slawik moved that HF203, as amended, be laid on the table.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:03 pm.
Representative Nora Slawik, CHAIR
Matthew M. Collie
Committee Legislative Assistant