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Health Care and Human Services Finance Division


2009-2010 Regular Session - Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Thomas E. Huntley, Chair

Chair Thomas Huntley called to order the fifty-third meeting of the Health Care and Human Services Finance Division at 1:08 p.m. on Tuesday, March 16, 2010, in Room 200 of the State Office Building. A quorum was present. The clerk noted the roll:

Members Present:
Huntley, Thomas, Chair
Abeler, Jim, Vice Chair
Anzelc, Tom
Brod, Laura
Bunn, Julie
Dean, Matt
Emmer, Tom
Fritz, Patti
Gottwalt, Steve
Hayden, Jeff
Hosch, Larry
Kiffmeyer, Mary
Liebling, Tina
Murphy, Erin
Otremba, Mary Ellen
Peppin, Joyce
Peterson, Sandra
Ruud, Maria
Scalze, Bev
Slawik, Nora
Thao, Cy
Thissen, Paul

HF 2841 (Hayden) - Long term care ombudsman directed to expand the volunteer ombudsman program, and money appropriated

Representative Hayden moved HF 2841 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services Finance omnibus bill and gave a brief overview of the bill. Testifying were:

Deb Holz, State Ombudsman for Long Term Care
Tracy Keibler, Public Policy Chair, Minnesota Board on Aging

Discussion followed and Representative Hayden renewed his motion that HF 2841 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health and Human Services Finance omnibus bill. The motion prevailed.

HF 3246 (Liebling) - Chemical dependency treatment pilot projects created

Representative Liebling gave a brief overview of the bill. Testifying were:

Cindy Rupp, Division Manager, Washington County, and on behalf of Minnesota
Association of County Social Service Administrators (MACSSA)
Carol Falkowski, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division, Department of Human Services
responded from the audience to a member’s question

Health Care and Human Services Finance
March 16, 2010
Page 2

Rep. Liebling moved an oral amendment to H.F. 3246 as follows:

Page 2, line 2.28, before the period insert "except that any chemical dependency treatment funded through the pilot project shall continue to be provided by a licensed Rule 31 treatment provider"

Discussion followed and Representatative Liebling moved adoption of her oral amendment, incorporating a deletion of the words "Rule 31". The motion prevailed.

Rep. Liebling moved HF 3246, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill. The motion prevailed.

HF 1896 (Clark) - Alcohol health and judicial impact fund established, and impact fee imposed

The Chair moved HF 1896 and HF2125 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill. Rep. Clark gave a brief overview of HF 1896 and HF 2125.

Testifying in favor of the bill were:

Bob Melson, Public Policy, Minnesota Association of Resources for
Recovery and Chemical Health (MARRCH)
Mark Casagrande, Director, Park Avenue Center and MARRCH
Larry Blair, Director, Fountain Centers, Albert Lea

Carol Falkowski, Chemical and Mental Health Division, Department of Human Services

Testifying in opposition to the bills was Joe Bagnoli of McGrann Shea on behalf of the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association.

Discussion followed and the Chair moved HF 1896 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill. The motion prevailed.

The Chair then moved HF 2125 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill. The motion prevailed.

Representative Fritz moved approval of the minutes from March 11, 2010. The motion prevailed.

Chair Huntley adjourned the meeting at 2:34 p.m.

Thomas E. Huntley, Chair

Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF2614 (Huntley) - Omnibus health and human services bill.
  • HF3246 (Liebling) - Chemical dependency treatment pilot projects created.
  • HF1896 (Clark) - Alcohol health and judicial impact fund established, and impact fee imposed.
  • HF2125 (Clark) - Chemical dependency aggressive initiative provided, alcoholic beverage tax increased to fund the initiative, obsolete language eliminated, technical corrections made, and money appropriated.
  • HF2841 (Hayden) - Long-term care ombudsman directed to expand the volunteer ombudsman program, and money appropriated.
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05:23 - Gavel.
05:44 - HF2841 (Hayden) Long term care ombudsman directed to expand the volunteer ombudsman program, and money appropriated.
20:48 - HF3246 (Liebling) Chemical dependency treatment pilot projects created.
52:03 - Discussion of HF1896 (Clark) Alcohol health and judicial impact fund established, and impact fee imposed; and HF2125 (Clark) Chemical dependency aggressive initiative provided, alcoholic beverage tax increased to fund the initiative, obsolete language eliminated, technical corrections made, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 25 minutes.