Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Chair Thomas Huntley called to order the fifty-eighth meeting of the Health Care and Human Services Finance Division at 4:50 p.m. on Thursday, March 25, 2010, in Room 200 of the State Office Building. A quorum was present and the clerk noted the roll:
Members Present:
Huntley, Thomas, Chair
Abeler, Jim, Vice Chair
Bunn, Julie
Dean, Matt
Emmer, Tom
Fritz, Patti
Gottwalt, Steve
Hayden, Jeff
Hosch, Larry
Kiffmeyer, Mary
Liebling, Tina
Murphy, Erin
Otremba, Mary Ellen
Peppin, Joyce
Peterson, Sandra
Ruud, Maria
Scalze, Bev
Slawik, Nora
Thissen, Paul
Members Excused
Anzelc, Tom
Thao, Cy
Members Absent
Brod, Laura
HF 3123 (Morgan) K-12 special education third-party billing process made more cost effective
The Chair moved HF 3123 be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance.
Discussion followed and the Chair renewed his motion, which prevailed.
HF 3010 (Bigham) Firefighters and volunteer ambulance attendants allowed to purchase MinnesotaCare at full cost
The Chair moved HF 3010 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services Finance omnibus bill. Representative Bigham explained her bill. Testifying was:
Dave Greeman, Fiscal Manager, Department of Human Services
Discussion followed and Chair Huntley laid the bill over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services Finance omnibus bill.
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March 25, 2010
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HF 3686 (Hosch) St. Cloud; nonprofit memory care clinic grant provided, and money appropriated
Chair Huntley moved HF 3686 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill and Representative Hosch gave a brief overview of the bill. Testifying in favor of the bill was:
Sandra L. Wenner, Executive Director, Memory Care Clinic, St. Cloud
Discussion followed. Representative Hosch moved HF 3686 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 3269 (Bunn) Medical assistance dental coverage modified, covered services modified under the critical access dental program, criteria set for designating and terminating critical access dental providers, and money appropriated
Representative Bunn moved HF 3269 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services Finance omnibus bill and further moved adoption of the
H3269DE2 amendment, incorporating the following oral amendment:
Page 3, line 3.27, delete "or" and insert "and"
The motion prevailed. Representative Bunn explained her bill. Testifying in support of the bill were:
Dr. Michael Helgeson, Chief Executive Officer, Apple Tree Dental, Minneapolis
Barb Jacobson, Chief Operating Officer, ARRM
Dr. Richard K Marlow, DMD, Associates in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Mankato
The Chair moved HF 3269, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 677 (Bunn) Body art procedures and establishments regulated
Representative Bunn moved HF 677 be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance and further moved adoption of the H0677A5 amendment. Following discussion, Representative Bunn renewed her motion that HF 677, as amended, be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance. The motion prevailed.
HF 3066 (Thissen) Administrative expense data reporting required, the Advisory Group on Administrative Expenses established, and money appropriated
Representative Thissen moved HF 3066 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill and further moved adoption of the
H3066A7 amendment. The motion prevailed. Rep. Thissen explained the bill and then moved adoption of the
H3066A6 amendment. The motion prevailed.
The Chair laid the bill over, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill.
HF 3742 (Thissen) Community health center grants provided, additional subsidies provided for federally qualified health centers, and money appropriated for long-term homeless supportive services and homeless shelters, other supportive services, and the temporary uncompensated care pool
Representative Thissen moved HF 3742 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill and gave a brief overview of the bill.
The Chair laid the bill over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill.
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March 25, 2010
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HF 3250 (Thissen) PACE programs authorization modified, and money appropriated
Representative Thissen moved HF 3250 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services Finance omnibus finance bill and further moved adoption of the
H3250A3 amendment. The motion prevailed. Testifying were:
Toby Pearson, Vice President Advocacy, Care Providers
Jen McNertney, Aging Services of Minnesota and the Long Term Care Imperative
Representative Thissen renewed his motion that HF 3250, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill.
HF 1640 (Liebling) Prescription drug academic detailing program established, and money appropriated
Representative Liebling moved HF 1640 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill and further moved adoption of the
H1640DE2 amendment, incorporating the following oral amendment:
Page 1, line 1.3, after "PROGRAM" insert a period
Page 1, line 1.4 delete "RECOMMENDATIONS."
The motion prevailed. Representative Liebling gave an overview of the bill. Testifying were:
Marilyn Speedie, Dean, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota
Peter Wyckoff, Director, Minnesota Prescription Coalition Community Catalyst
Marjorie Powell, Senior Assistant General Counsel, PhRMA
Judy Cook of Cook, Hill and Girard on behalf of Mylan
Sara Drake, Pharmacy Program Manager, Department of Human Services
Discussion followed and there was further testimony by:
Caleb Schultz, Health Policy Director and Emergency Physician, Rochester
Peter Wyckoff, Director, Minnesota Prescription Coalition Community Catalyst
Following more discussion, Representative Dean moved HF 1640, as amended, be laid on the table. The motion prevailed.
At 7:24 p.m. Vice Chair Abeler took the gavel.
HF 3544 (Huntley) State health care program payment rates reduced to managed care plans, and state health care program fee-for-service payment rates increased
Representative Huntley moved HF 3544 be recommended to pass and laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill and further moved adoption of the following oral amendment:
Line 1.13, after "waivers," insert "home care services covered under 256B.0651, subdivision 2,"
The motion prevailed. Testifying were:
Jim Meffert-Nelson, Executive Director, Minnesota Optometric Association
Dannette Coleman, Vice President Policy, Medica, for the Council of Health Plans
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March 25, 2010
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Following testimony and discussion, Representative Huntley renewed his motion that HF 3544, as amended, be recommended to pass and laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill. The motion prevailed.
HF 3713 (Huntley) Medical assistance eligibility expanded to include certain adults without children, and money appropriated.
Representative Huntley moved HF 3713 be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance. Rep. Huntley updated Division members on the status of fiscal information for this legislation and discussion occurred.
Representative Murphy moved adoption of the
H3713A2 amendment which she then explained. She further wished to incorporate the language from the
A10-2453 amendment.
Dave Greeman, Department of Human Services, testified briefly that the preliminary fiscal note was done.
The motion prevailed. The H3713A2 amendment, incorporated with language from the A10-2453 amendment, was adopted.
Vice Chair Abeler renewed a motion that HF 3713, as amended, be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance. The motion prevailed.
HF 3047 (Huntley) Office of Health Care Inspector General created, and commissioner of human services duties modified.
Representative Huntley moved HF 3047 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services omnibus finance bill. The motion prevailed.
Vice Chair Abeler adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m.
Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant