Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Chair Thomas Huntley called to order the fifty-seventh meeting of the Health Care and Human Services Finance Division at 6:42 p.m. on Wednesday, March 24, 2010, in Room 200 of the State Office Building. A quorum was present and the clerk noted the roll:
Members Present:
Huntley, Thomas, Chair
Abeler, Jim, Vice Chair
Bunn, Julie
Brod, Laura
Dean, Matt
Fritz, Patti
Gottwalt, Steve
Hayden, Jeff
Hosch, Larry
Kiffmeyer, Mary
Liebling, Tina
Murphy, Erin
Otremba, Mary Ellen
Peppin, Joyce
Peterson, Sandra
Ruud, Maria
Scalze, Bev
Slawik, Nora
Thissen, Paul
Members Excused
Anzelc, Tom
Emmer, Tom
Thao, Cy
Chair Huntley announced the Division would not be moving HF 3713 but would hear testimony on the bill. He also announced House Files 3250 and 3047 would not be heard at this time.
HF 3713 (Huntley) Medical assistance eligibility expanded to include certain adults without children, and money appropriated
The Chair gave a brief overview of the bill. Testifying from the Department of Human Services were:
Brian Osberg, State Medicaid Director
George Hoffman, Director, Reports and Forecasts Division, Department of Human
Discussion followed.
HF 1320 (Swails) Pharmacists prohibited from substituting epilepsy drugs without prior consent and notification
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March 24, 2010
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Chair Huntley moved HF 1320 be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance and further moved adoption of the
H1320DE2 amendment, incorporating the following oral amendment:
Line 3.17, delete "pose" and insert "poses"
The motion prevailed. Chair Huntley moved adoption of the
H1320A1 amendment. The motion prevailed.
Testifying in support of the bill:
Kevin Goodno, Board President, Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota
Discussion followed and the Chair renewed his motion that HF 1320, as amended, be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance. The motion prevailed.
HF 3442 (Hosch) License and registration fees increased for home care providers, nursing assistant registration fee created, housing with services establishments and personal care assistants modified, rate reduction provided for customized living services, phase-in for nursing facility rate rebasing changed, and nursing facility rate provisions changed
Representative Hosch moved HF 3442 be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance and further moved adoption of the
H3442A1 amendment. The motion prevailed.
Following discussion Rep. Hosch renewed his motion that HF 3442, as amended, be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance. The motion prevailed.
HF 2582 (Clark) Asthma coverage demonstration project medical assistance coverage modified
The Chair moved HF 2582 be laid over for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services Finance omnibus bill. Representative Clark gave an overview of the bill and moved adoption of the
H2582A1 amendment, incorporating a Huntley oral amendment as follows:
Line 1.2, delete "first" and change "rate" to "rates"
The motion prevailed. The amendments were adopted. Chair Huntley laid the bill over, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Health Care and Human Services Finance omnibus bill.
HF 3056 (Norton) Quality improvement program for physician clinics and hospitals established
The Chair moved HF 3056 be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance and further moved adoption of the
H3056DE2 amendment. The motion prevailed. Testifying were:
Dave Renner, Director, State and Federal Legislation, Minnesota Medical Association
Jim Golden, PhD, Director of Health Policy, Department of Health
Following discussion, the Chair renewed his motion that HF 3056, as amended, be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance. The motion prevailed.
Vice Chair Abeler took the gavel at 8:20 p.m.
Representative Fritz moved approval of the March 16, 17, and 18, 2010 minutes. The motion prevailed.
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March 24, 2010
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HF 3279 (Huntley) Electronic health record technology provisions amended, administrative penalties provided, and money appropriated
Representative Huntley moved HF 3279 be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance and further moved adoption of the
A10-2425 amendment. Dr. Golden explained the A10-2425 amendment and discussion followed.
Representative Gottwalt moved to incorporate an oral amendment to the A10-2425 amendment as follows:
Page 16, delete lines 16.8 through 16.11
Kevin Goodno testified again and more discussion followed. Representative Huntley incorporated the oral amendment into his A10-2425 amendment. The motion prevailed. The amendments were adopted.
Vice Chair Abeler renewed the motion that HF 3279, as amended, be recommended to pass and returned to the Committee on Finance. The motion prevailed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m.
Thomas E. Huntley, Chair
Jan Horner, Committee Legislative Assistant