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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Environment Policy and Oversight


2009-2010 Regular Session - Thursday, April 2, 2009


Environment Policy and Oversight Committee


Representative Kent Eken, Chair of the Environment Policy and Oversight Committee, called the meeting to order at 4:45 PM, on April 2, 2009, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll:

Members present:

Eken (Chair)
Gardner (Vice-Chair)

Members excused:


A quorum was present.

Rep. Loon MOVED that the minutes of March 26, 2009 be approved. MOTION PREVAILED AND THE MINUTES ARE APPROVED.

Chair Eken MOVED HF 1539 (Rosenthal) A bill for an act relating to waters; providing for temporary drawdown of public waters, be recommended to pass and be placed on the General Register.

Chair MOVED H1539A2 amendment (attached). MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair MOVED H1539A3 amendment (attached). MOTION PREVAILED.

The following people testified:

Rep. Rosenthal; Kevin Bigalke, Nine-Mile Creek Watershed District; Julie Ekman, Division of Waters, Department of Natural Resources; Ryan Heiniger, Ducks Unlimited; and Mary Hamann-Roland, Mayor, City of Apple Valley.

Rep. Hansen moved the following amendment: Line 1.2 delete "60" and insert "75". MOTION PREVAILED.

Rep. Wagenius MOVED the following oral amendment as follows: Page 1, line 1.10, after "and", insert "makes findings of fact that the drawdown is". MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Eken renews the motion that HF 1539, as amended, be recommended to pass and be placed on the General Register. MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Eken MOVED HF 1900 (Jackson), A bill for an act relating to natural resources; removing certain land in the Rum River area from the wild and scenic rivers program, be heard and laid over for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Lands Bill.

Chair Eken MOVED H1900A2 amendment (attached). MOTION PREVAILED.

The following people testified on the bill: Representative Gail Kulick-Jackson; and Rebecca Wooden, Division of Waters, Department of Natural Resources.

Chair Eken renews the motion that HF 1900, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in the Omnibus Lands Bill.

Representative Juhnke MOVED HF 1727 (Hansen), A bill for an act relating to natural resources; making wellhead protection areas eligible for the reinvest in Minnesota reserve program, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Finance with a re-referral to the Committee on Environment & Natural Resources Finance.

Representative Juhnke MOVED the following oral amendment: Lines 3.8-3.9, after "harvest" delete "perennial crops or". MOTION PREVAILED.

John Jaschke, BWSR, testified.

Vice Chair Gardner assumed the gavel.

Representative Eken MOVED HF2133 (Eken) A bill for an act relating to environment; modifying regulation of storm water discharges, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Committee on Environment & Natural Resources Finance.

Representative Eken MOVED amendment H2133A2 (attached). Representative Eken also moved to incorporate the following oral amendment: Line 1.6, after "." insert "The calculation of predevelopment hydrology is based on native soil and vegetation." MOTION PREVAILED AND AMENDMENT IS INCORPORATED.

The following people testified: Representative Eken; Julie Westerlund, Minnehaha Creek Watershed District; Lisa Thorvig, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; and Lisa Frenette, Minnesota Builders Association.

Rep. Eken moved the following oral amendment as follows: Page 2, line 2.1, delete "2012" and insert "2013". MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Eken renews the motion that HF 2133, as amended, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Committee on Environment & Natural Resources Finance. MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Eken resumed the gavel.


Representative Dill MOVED HF 1132, First Committee Engrossment, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Committee on Environment & Natural Resources Finance.

Representative Dill testified on HF 1132, as amended.

Representative Dill renews the motion that HF 1132, as amended, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Committee on Environment & Natural Resources Finance. MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Dill MOVED HF 696, First Committee Engrossment, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Committee on Environment & Natural Resources Finance.

Representative Dill moved amendment H0696A3 (attached). Kathy Lewis, Department of Natural Resources, testified. MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Dill moved HF 1900, as amended, be included into HF 696. MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Drazkowski moved amendment H0696A5 (attached) with the following oral amendment be incorporated: line 1.6 after "sell" insert "at least" and after "leases" strike ", including any". Line 1.7 strike "mineral rights,". THE AMENDMENT IS INCORPORTED.

The following people testified: Representative Dill; Kathy Lewis, Department of Natural Resources; and Bob Meier, Department of Natural Resources.

Representative Drazkowski withdrew H0696A5, as amended.

Representative Hackbarth MOVED amendment H0696A6 (attached). Representative Hackbarth; and Kathy Lewis, Department of Natural Resources, testified. MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Dill renews the motion that HF 696, as amended, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Committee on Finance with a recommended re-referral to the Committee on Environment & Natural Resources Finance. MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.

Representative Kent Eken, CHAIR

Kris Henry
Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF1539 (Rosenthal) - Public water temporary drawdown provided.
  • HF1900 (Kulick Jackson) - Mille Lacs County; Rum River area land removed from the wild and scenic rivers program.
  • HF1727 (Hansen) - Wellhead protection areas made eligible for the reinvest in Minnesota reserve program, conservation reserve program modified, and money appropriated.
  • HF2133 (Eken) - Storm water discharges regulation modified, and money appropriated.
  • HF1132 (Dill) - Omnibus game and fish bill.
  • HF696 (Dill) - Omnibus lands bill.

HF 1132 & 696 will be Division Reports only.
More Info On This Meeting..

HF 1539 (Rosenthal) Public water temporary drawdown provided
HF 1900 (Jackson) Mille Lacs County; Rum River area land removed from the wild and scenic rivers program
HF 1727 (Hansen) Wellhead protection areas made eligible for the reinvest in Minnesota reserve program, conservation reserve program modified, and money appropriated
HF 2133 (Eken) Storm water discharges regulation modified, and money appropriated
HF 1849 (Nelson) REMOVED

Division Reports:
HF 1132 (Dill) Forest products scale cutting on state land eliminated
HF 696 (Dill) Certain private sales provided to resolve trespass issues, area added to and deleted from state parks, public and private sales of surplus state land authorized, and previous sales authorization and land description modified