Representative Westrom, Chair of the Civil Law Committee, called the meeting to order at 12:37 PM on Monday, March 12, 2012 in Room 10 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
WESTROM, Torrey, Chair
DRAZKOWSKI, Steve, Vice Chair
HORTMAN, Melissa
SCOTT, Peggy
SIMON, Steve
One member was excused:
Hilty, Bill
A quorum was present.
Representative Gruenhagen moved for approval of the minutes from Monday, March 5, 2012. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 2308 (Kieffer) Foreclosure consultant provisions modified.
Representative Westrom moved that HF 2308 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register.
Testifying on HF 2308:
Mr. Ron Elwood, Mid-Minnesota Legal Assistance
Ms. Jean Lee, Children's Hope International
Representative Westrom renewed motion that HF2308 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 1819 (Dettmer) Beyond the Yellow Ribbon program modified.
Representative Drazkowski assumed the gavel at 12:48 pm.
Testifying on HF 1819:
Representative Dettmer
Ms. Sandra Best, Government Relations Officer, Minnesota National Guard
Representative Lesch moved to approve the H1819A4 amendment to the H1819DE3 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Drazkowski moved to approve the
H1819DE3 amendment, as amended. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Westrom renewed the motion that HF 1819, as amended, be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Westrom reassumed the gavel 12:55 p.m.
HF2476 (Holberg) Child support 20-year survival judgments provisions eliminated.
Representative Holberg moved that HF 2476 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register.
Testifying on HF 2476:
Representative Holberg
Representative Holberg renewed the motion that HF 2476 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 2009 (Abeler) Human services legal provisions changed.
Representative Westrom moved that HF 2009 be recommended to pass and referred to the Health and Human Services Finances.
Representative Drazkowski moved to approve the
H2009A10 amendment.
Testifying to the H2009A10 amendment:
Representative Drazkowki
Representative Abeler
Mr. Jerry Kerber, Minnesota Department of Human Services
Representative Westrom renewed motion for the approval of H2009A10 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Westrom moved to approve the
H2009A6 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Testifying on HF 2009, as amended:
Representative Jim Abeler
Mr. Jerry Kerber, Minnesota Department of Human Services
Ms. Laura Plummer Zrust, Minnesota Department of Human Services
Representative Westrom laid over HF 2009, as amended, and referred it to the Data Practices Subcommittee.
HF (1994) Gottwalt) Health and human services policy provisions changed; provisions modified relating to continuing care, telephone equipment program, chemical and mental health, and health care; comprehensive assessment and case management services reformed; and technical changes made.
Representative Westrom moved that HF1994 be recommended to pass and referred to the Health and Human Services Finance Committee.
Representative Westrom moved to approve the
H1994A4 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Testifying on HF 1994, as amended:
Representative Steve Gottwalt
Ms. Deb Siebmaler, Department of Human Services
Mr. Rich Neimeister, St. Paul
Representative Westrom amended the original motion that HF 1994, as amended, be recommended to pass and be referred to the Health and Human Services Finance Committee to a motion that HF 1994, as amended, be sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 2505 (Mullery) Post office box number designation permitted in the annual report of the conservator.
Representative Westrom moved that HF 2505 be recommended to pass and referred to the Judiciary Committee.
Testifying on HF 2505:
Representative Mullery
Representative Westrom renewed the motion that HF 2505 be recommended to pass and referred to the Judiciary Finance Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 2160 (Cornish) Fingerprints permitted to be taken by law enforcement for any offender interacting with the criminal justice system for any offense to eliminate a suspense record.
Representative Scott moved that HF 2160 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register.
Representative Westrom moved to approve the
H2160A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Testifying on HF 2160, as amended:
Representative Tony Cornish
Ms. Katherine Engler, BCA
Representative Scotts moved that HF 2160, as amended, be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The Chair moved to recess to the call of the Chair at 2:00 p.m.
The meeting reconvened in the Basement hearing room at 8:18 PM.
HF 2527 (Mazorol) Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act approved by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Law enacted.
Representative Mazorol moved that HF 2527 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register.
Testifying on HF 2527:
Representative Pat Mazorol
Ms. Michelle Timmons, Office of the Revisor
Representative Mazorol moved that HF 2527 be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 1865 (Mack) Minnesota Ski Safety adopted.
Representative Hoppe moved that HF 1865 be recommended to pass and referred to the General Register.
Representative Hoppe moved to approve the
HF1865DE1 amendment.
Testifying on H1865DE1 amendment:
Representative Joe Hoppe
Representative Tara Mack
Mr. Jeremy Estenson, Leonard Street and Deinard
Mr. Chris Stoddard, Mountain Management Services
Mr. Mike Hall, Minnesota Association for Justice
Mr. Joel Carlson, Minnesota Association for Justice
Mr. Dave Byrd, National Ski Area Association
Representative Westrom moved to approve the
H1865A3 amendment to the H1865DE1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Hoppe moved to approve the H1865DE1 amendment, as amended. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Westrom moved to orally amend HF1865 as follows:
Page 9, line 13, after "incident," insert "and"
Page 9, line14, delete ", and the amount of compensation or other relief demanded"
Page 4, line 25, after "incident," insert "and"
Page 4, line 26, delete ",and the amount of compensation or other relief demanded"
Page 5, line 10 after "incident," insert "and"
Page 5, line 11, delete ", and the amount of compensation or other relief demanded"
Page 6, line 29, after "incident," insert "and"
Page 6, line 30 and line 31, delete ", and the amount of compensation or other relief demanded"
Representative Hoppe moved that HF 1865, as amended, be recommended to pass and sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 2555 (Kiffemeyer) Sunset review changes implemented, agency requirements changed, posting required for felony or gross misdemeanor and malpractice settlements or judgments for a regulated practitioner, regulated practitioner information required, fund transfer prohibited, and money appropriated.
Representative Westrom moved that HF 2555 be recommended to pass and referred to the Government Operations Committee.
Testifying on HF 2555:
Representative Mary Kiffemeyer
Mr. Bill Amberg, Minnesota Psychological Association
Ms. Angelina Barnes, MN Board of Psychology
Rep. Westrom moved to orally amend HF 2555 as follows:
Page 9, line 26, after "individuals" insert "at the time of license renewal"
Representative Westrom moved that HF 2555, as amended, be recommended to pass and referred to the Government Operations Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Adjourned at 10:33 PM
Rep. Torrey Westrom, Chair
Sarah Novinskie
Committee Legislative Assistant