03:48 - Gavel.
07:35 - HF285 (Lesch) Firearm lawful possession modified.
36:33 - HF308 (Simonson) Permit required to purchase, own, possess, or use body armor, and criminal penalties provided.
The committee recessed.
Runs1 hour, 32 minutes.
03:20 - Gavel.
04:24 - Final comments by the sponsor of HF308 (Simonson) Permit required to purchase, own, possess, or use body armor, and criminal penalties provided.
05:05 - HF307 (Simonson) Permit to carry application required to be made to a chief of police of a municipality, and if no chief of police, to a county sheriff.
27:12 - HF242 (Hausman) Large-capacity magazine crime established for the manufacture, transfer, or possession of ammunition feeding devices with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds or any conversion kit, part, or combination of parts; terms defined; and criminal penalties provided.
Runs 4 hours, 2 minutes.