08:20 - Gavel.
10:33 - Department of Revenue Estate Tax Study.
56:24 - Gift Tax summary.
57:52 - HF1886 (Albright) Federal estate and gift tax exemption amount conformity provided.
1:02:02 - HF1909 (Drazkowski) Gift tax and business-to-business taxes repealed, wheelage tax increase rescinded, conservation easement valuation reductions reinstated, school board authority to authorize referendum levies rescinded, student achievement levy repealed, and prior animal waste technician fee and licensing requirements reverted to.
1:06:01 - HF2014 (Anderson, S.) Tax provisions repealed, exemptions reinstated, and money appropriated.
1:07:49 - HF2182 (Erhardt) Gift tax repealed.
1:10:16 - HF2297 (Loon) Estate tax exemption linked to the federal exclusion amount, and gift tax repealed.
1:13:00 - HF2464 (Selcer) Estate and gift tax unified transfer tax system established; base, rate, administrative, and procedural provisions modified; and obsolete provisions repealed.
1:14:05 - HF2596 (Torkelson) Gift tax repealed.
1:15:05 - Public testimony.
Runs 1 hour, 31 minutes.