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Civil Law and Data Practices


2015-2016 Regular Session - Thursday, March 19, 2015


Civil Law and Data Practices

Representative Scott, Chair of the Civil Law and Data Practices Committee, called the meeting to order at 8:15 A.M. on March 19th, 2015, in the Hearing Room Ten of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:
SCOTT, Peggy, Chair
SMITH, Dennis, VC


Chair Scott started the meeting to order at 8:16 A.M. A quorum was present.

Representative Smith moved the minutes of March 17th 2015. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved that HF1874 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services Finance.

Available testifiers for HF1874: Representative Dan Quam, and Jenni Johnson.

Chair Scott renewed her motion that HF1874 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved that HF1357 be re-referred to the General Register.

Chair Scott moved the HF1357A-1 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Available testifiers for HF1357: Representative John Persell, and Heather Brittan.

Chair Scott renewed her motion that HF1357 as amended be re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moves that HF981 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Service Finance.

Available testifiers for HF981: Representative Roz Peterson and Randy Snyder.

Chair Scott renewed her motion that HF981 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Service Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Zerwas as informational only presented HF1604.

Representative Zerwas as informational only presented HF1163.

Representative Zerwas move that HF1272 be re-referred to the General Register.

Available testifiers for HF1272: Representative Nick Zerwas, Barb Turner, Patrick Carter.

Representative Zerwas renewed his motion the HF1272 be re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Zerwas moved that HF321 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Service Finance.

Available testifiers for HF321: Representative Nick Zerwas, Teresa Knoedler, and Ruth Martinez.

Representative Zerwas renewed his motion that HF321 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Service Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Zerwas as an informational only presented HF1242.

Representative Smith as informational only presented HF1770.

Representative Smith as informational only presented HF1901.

Representative Smith as informational only presented HF1342.

The meeting was recessed at 9:17 A.M.

Chair Scott reconvened the meeting at 6:01 P.M.

Chair Scott HF840 be re-referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Crime Prevention.

Available Testifiers for HF161: Representative Tim Sanders, and Julie Storther.

Representative Zerwas renewed his motion that HF840 be re-referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Crime Prevention. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved that HF1187 be re-referred to the General Register.

Chair Scott moved the HF1187A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Available Testifiers for HF1187: Representative Mary Franson, Ron Ellwood and Ken Roseland.

Chair Scott renewed his motion that HF1187 be re-referred as amended to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved that HF1460 be re-referred to the Committee on the Health and Human Service Finance.

Available testifiers for HF1460: Representative Steve Drazkowski.

Representative Smith renewed his motion that HF1460 be re-referred to the Committee on Property Health and Human Service Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved that HF1232 be re-referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Crime Prevention.

Available testifiers for HF1232: Representative Dan Quam and Caroline Palmer.

Representative Smith renewed his motion that HF1232 be re-referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Crime Prevention. THE MOTION PREVALED.

Chair Scott moved that HF1271 be re-referred to the Committee on Job Growth and Energy Affordability.

Available testifiers for HF1271: Representative Dan Quam.

Representative Lesch renewed his motion that HF1271 be re-referred to the Committee Job Growth and Energy Affordability. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Vogel moved that HF1936 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Service Finance.

Available testifiers for HF1936: Representative Nels Pierson.

Representative Vogel renewed his motion that HF1936 re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Zerwas moved that 1209 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services Finance.

Available testifiers for HF1467: Representative Bob Barrett, Sue Abderholden, and Mark Kinde.

Representative Zerwas renewed his motion that HF1209 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved that HF1652 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services Finance.

Chair Scott moved the HF1652A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved the HF1652A2 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Available testifiers for HF1652: Representative Dave Baker, Dr. Cody Wieberg, Vickie Kunerth, Molly Ekstrand and Twila Brase.

Representative Pinto moved that the stricken language in lines 4.7 to 4.9 be reinstated. The language was incorporated.

Chair Scott renewed her motion that HF1652 as amended be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Service Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved that HF1640 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services Finance.

Available testifiers for HF1640: Representative Roz Peterson and Steve Larson.

Chair Scott renewed her motion that HF1640 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Services Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Hoppe moved that HF1167 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation.

Available testifiers for HF1167: Representative Joe Hoppe and James Hirst.

Representative Hoppe renewed his motion that HF1167 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved that HF953 be re-referred to the General Register.

Available testifier for HF953: Representative Tim O’Driscoll.

Chair Scott moved the HF953DE3 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott renewed her motion that HF953 as amended be re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved HF328 be re-referred to the Committee on Job Growth and Energy Afordability.

Chair Scott moved the HF328A-6 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Available testifiers for HF328: Representative Jen Loon and Tom Loonan.

Chair Scott renewed her motion that HF328 as amended be re-referred to the Committee on Job Growth and Energy Afordability. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Smith moved that HF1901 be re-referred to the Committee on Taxes.

Available testifiers for HF1901: Representative Smith

Representative Smith renewed his motion that HF1901 be re-referred to the Committee on Taxes. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Smith moved that HF1770 be re-referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Crime Prevention.

Representative Smith moved the HF1770A1 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Available testifiers for HF1770: Representative Dennis Smith.

Representative Smith renewed his motion that HF1770 be re-referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Crime Prevention. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Smith moved HF1342 be re-referred to the General Register.

Available testifiers for HF1342: Dennis Smith and Phillip Bohl.

Representative Smith renewed his motion that HF1342 be re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

At 8:00 Representative Smith assumed the Gavel.

Representative Gruenhagen moved that HF1604 be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Service Finance.

Representative Gruenhagen moved the HF1604A1 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Available testifiers for HF1604: Representative Glenn Gruenhagen.

Representative Gruenhagen renewed his motion that HF1604 as amended be re-referred to the Committee on Health and Human Service Reform. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Gruenhagen moved that HF1163 be re-referred to the General Register.

Available testifiers: Representative Glenn Gruenhagen, Representative Nick Zerwas, Tom Keliher and Deb Carlson.

Representative Gruenhagen renewed his motion that HF1163 be re-referred to the General Register.

Reperisentative Pinto requested a roll call vote. The result was as follows:

AYS Nays

On a vote of 5 AYS and 2 Nays THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Zerwas moves that HF1242 be re-referred to the General Register.

Representative Zerwas moved the HF1242A1 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

At 8:15 Representative Scott reassumed the gavel.

Available testifiers for HF1242: Representative Nick Zerwas and Clara Schmidt-Gonzalez.

Representative Zerwas renewed his motion that HF1242 as amended be re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved that HF1669 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation.

Available testifiers for HF1669: Representative John Considine and Thomas Henderson.

Representative Hilstrom that Section 1 be deleted on page 2 delete lines 15 to 17 on line 2.35 delete “The” and on page 3 delete lines 3.1 to 3.17. The language was incorporated.

Chair Scott renewed her motion that HF1669 as amended be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:43 P.M.

Representative Peggy Scott, Chair

Alex Pouliot, Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF1357 (Persell) - Dissolution certificates required, and requirements added to the certificate of dissolution form.
  • HF981 (Peterson) - Optometrist licensing provisions changed.
  • HF321 (Mack) - Interstate medical licensure compact project provided.
  • HF1272 (Mack) - Correction orders and conditional licenses provided for home and community based service programs, and settlement agreements provided.
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10:26 - Gavel.
10:43 - HF840 (Sanders) Election administration related provisions modified, including provisions related to school districts, voters, ballots, candidates, and other election related provisions; and technical changes made.
13:22 - HF1187 (Franson) Equity-stripping law protection extended to owners of agricultural property.
19:41 - HF1460 (Drazkowski) Human services commissioner required to contract with a vendor to verify the eligibility of Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollees, and money appropriated.
25:29 - HF1232 (Quam) Data privacy, predatory offender registration, evidence, crime victim protections, and criminal defenses relating to sex trafficking provisions modified; and new criminal penalties created.
29:43 - HF1271 (Quam) Group residential housing provisions modified, background study requirements established of group residential housing or supplementary services, and administration of a compliance system authorized for group residential housing.
32:26 - HF1936 (Pierson) Human services commissioner required to contract with a vendor for eligibility verification audit services for public health care programs.
36:55 - HF1209 (Barrett) Suicide prevention training required, report required, and money appropriated.
42:33 - HF1652 (Baker) Minnesota Prescription Monitoring Program changes made.
1:27:14 - HF1640 (Peterson) TEFRA monetary parental contribution repealed.
1:30:53 - HF1167 (Atkins) Secure electronic storage of motor vehicle records provided.
1:32:42 - HF953 (O'Driscoll) Mortgage foreclosure by advertisement publication requirements clarified.
1:37:43 - HF328 (Loon) Crowdfunding transactions provided an exemption from securities regulation.
1:49:50 - HF1901 (Smith) Apportionment of taxes occasioned by a decedent's death provided.
1:51:33 - HF1770 (Smith) Conciliation court provided jurisdiction to determine claims by a county against a nonresident.
1:53:48 - HF1342 (Smith) Property transfers regulated, Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act amendments recommended by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws enacted.
1:57:56 - HF1604 (Zerwas) Health commissioner required to develop a list of authorized entities, and individuals allowed to obtain and administer epinephrine without a prescription.
2:00:27 - HF1163 (Zerwas) School bus driver's license endorsement issuance requirements modified.
2:09:47 - HF1242 (Zerwas) Disability certificate holder data authorized to be released for purposes of enforcing parking restrictions in cities and towns.
2:17:11 - HF1669 (Considine) Drive-away in-transit license plates governed, data classified, and money appropriated.
Runs 2 hours, 37 minutes.

HF 1874 (Quam) Navigator Background Checks
More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF840 (Sanders) - Election administration provisions modified including provisions related to school boards, voters, ballots, registration, violations, absentee ballots, candidates, vacancies, recounts, filing fees, and precincts; military and overseas absentee voting provisions modified; Uniform Faithful Presidential Electors Act provided; and various technical changes made.
  • HF1901 (Smith) - Apportionment of taxes occasioned by a decedent's death provided.
  • HF1187 (Franson) - Equity-stripping law protection extended to owners of agricultural property.
  • HF1604 (Zerwas) - Health commissioner required to develop a list of authorized entities, and individuals allowed to obtain and administer epinephrine without a prescription.
  • HF1232 (Quam) - Data privacy, predatory offender registration, evidence, crime victim protections, and criminal defenses relating to sex trafficking provisions modified; and new criminal penalties created.
  • HF1271 (Quam) - Group residential housing provisions modified, background study requirements established of group residential housing or supplementary services, and administration of a compliance system authorized for group residential housing.
  • HF1652 (Baker) - Minnesota prescription monitoring program changes made.
  • HF1209 (Barrett) - Suicide prevention training required, report required, and money appropriated.
  • HF1640 (Peterson) - Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (TEFRA) monetary parental contribution repealed.
  • HF1460 (Drazkowski) - Human services commissioner required to contract with a vendor to verify the eligibility of medical assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollees, and money appropriated.
  • HF1167 (Atkins) - Secure electronic storage of motor vehicle records provided.
  • HF1936 (Pierson) - Human services commissioner required to contract with a vendor for eligibility verification audit services for public health care programs.
  • HF953 (O'Driscoll) - Mortgage foreclosure by advertisement publication requirements clarified.
  • HF1163 (Zerwas) - School bus driver's license endorsement issuance requirements modified.
  • HF1242 (Zerwas) - Disability certificate holder data authorized to be released for purposes of enforcing parking restrictions in cities and towns.
  • HF1770 (Smith) - Conciliation court provided jurisdiction to determine claims by a county against a nonresident.
  • HF1342 (Smith) - Property transfers regulated, and Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act amendments recommended by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws enacted.
  • HF328 (Loon) - Crowdfunding transactions provided exemption from securities regulation.
  • HF1982 (Loeffler) - Tax data disclosure to the human services commissioner modified.
  • HF1669 (Considine) - Drive-away in-transit license plates governed, data classified, and money appropriated.
House TV Video:
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10:26 - Gavel.
10:43 - HF840 (Sanders) Election administration related provisions modified, including provisions related to school districts, voters, ballots, candidates, and other election related provisions; and technical changes made.
13:22 - HF1187 (Franson) Equity-stripping law protection extended to owners of agricultural property.
19:41 - HF1460 (Drazkowski) Human services commissioner required to contract with a vendor to verify the eligibility of Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare enrollees, and money appropriated.
25:29 - HF1232 (Quam) Data privacy, predatory offender registration, evidence, crime victim protections, and criminal defenses relating to sex trafficking provisions modified; and new criminal penalties created.
29:43 - HF1271 (Quam) Group residential housing provisions modified, background study requirements established of group residential housing or supplementary services, and administration of a compliance system authorized for group residential housing.
32:26 - HF1936 (Pierson) Human services commissioner required to contract with a vendor for eligibility verification audit services for public health care programs.
36:55 - HF1209 (Barrett) Suicide prevention training required, report required, and money appropriated.
42:33 - HF1652 (Baker) Minnesota Prescription Monitoring Program changes made.
1:27:14 - HF1640 (Peterson) TEFRA monetary parental contribution repealed.
1:30:53 - HF1167 (Atkins) Secure electronic storage of motor vehicle records provided.
1:32:42 - HF953 (O'Driscoll) Mortgage foreclosure by advertisement publication requirements clarified.
1:37:43 - HF328 (Loon) Crowdfunding transactions provided an exemption from securities regulation.
1:49:50 - HF1901 (Smith) Apportionment of taxes occasioned by a decedent's death provided.
1:51:33 - HF1770 (Smith) Conciliation court provided jurisdiction to determine claims by a county against a nonresident.
1:53:48 - HF1342 (Smith) Property transfers regulated, Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act amendments recommended by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws enacted.
1:57:56 - HF1604 (Zerwas) Health commissioner required to develop a list of authorized entities, and individuals allowed to obtain and administer epinephrine without a prescription.
2:00:27 - HF1163 (Zerwas) School bus driver's license endorsement issuance requirements modified.
2:09:47 - HF1242 (Zerwas) Disability certificate holder data authorized to be released for purposes of enforcing parking restrictions in cities and towns.
2:17:11 - HF1669 (Considine) Drive-away in-transit license plates governed, data classified, and money appropriated.
Runs 2 hours, 37 minutes.

**At the Call of the Chair, the Civil Law Hearing will Begin Immediately Following Session in Room 500 North of the State Office Building**

**HF 1982 is being heard on an informational level only as the bill is not in our possession**


HF 1935 is rescheduled to Tuesday March 24 at 8:15am.