Representative Tim Kelly, Chair of the Transportation Policy and Finance Committee, called the nineteenth meeting to order at 12:52 p.m. on March 16, 2015, in Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
KELLY, Tim, Chair
HOWE, Jeff
MASIN, Sandra
WHELAN, Abigail
Chair Kelly called the meeting to order at 12:52 p.m. A quorum was present.
Representative Howe moved to approve the minutes of March 12, 2015. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF427 (Newberger): Department of Transportation governing requirements of collection efforts for damage to state-owned property amended.
Representative Howe moved that HF427 come before the committee.
Representative Petersburg moved the A15-0220 amendment. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Representative Newberger testified on HF427.
Peter Zuniga, Deputy Chief Counsel for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, testified in opposition to HF427.
Chair Kelly laid over HF427, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Transportation Policy and Finance Omnibus Bill.
HF1566 (Hoppe): Proof of insurance required to register, reregister, or transfer ownership of a motor vehicle or motorcycle.
Chair Kelly moved to recommend HF1566 be re-referred to the General Register.
Representative Hoppe testified on HF1566.
Patricia McCormack, Director of the Department of Vehicle Services, testified on HF1566.
Chair Kelly renewed his motion to recommend HF1566 be re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1526 (Albright): Suburban connections demonstration project funding provided, and money appropriated.
Chair Kelly moved that HF1526 come before the committee.
Representative Albright testified on HF1526.
The following people testified on HF1526:
James Clark, Attourney for Messerli & Kramer on behalf of the Suburban Transit Authority
Jeff Wosje, Plymouth City Council Member
Bob Carney Junior, Lobbyist on behalf of We the People
Vice Chair Petersburg assumed the gavel at 1:35 p.m.
Chair Kelly assumed the gavel at 1:46 p.m.
Chair Kelly laid over HF1526 for possible inclusion in the Transportation Policy and Finance Omnibus Bill.
HF1677 (Albright): Human services policy modifications provided, tobacco inspector staff authorized to use unmarked vehicles, background study expense requirements modified, cost of care requirements for persons committed by tribal courts modified, and Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act compliance required.
Chair Kelly moved to recommend HF1677 be re-referred to the Committee on Government Operation and Elections Policy.
Chair Kelly moved the H1677A1 amendment. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Chair Kelly moved the H1677A2 amendment. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Representative Albright testified on HF1677.
Vicki Kunerth, Deputy Director General of the Financial Fraud and Abuse Investigation Division of the Minnesota Department of Human Services, testified on HF 1677.
Chair Kelly renewed his motion to recommend HF1677, as amended, be re-referred to the Committee on Government Operations and Elections Policy. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1167 (Atkins): Secure electronic storage of records provided.
Representative Atkins moved that HF1167 come before the committee.
Representative Atkins moved the H1167A1 amendment. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Representative Atkins testified on HF1167.
Jim Hirst, Lobbyist for the Minnesota Deputy Registrars Association, testified on HF1167.
Chair Kelly laid over HF1167, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Transportation Policy and Finance Omnibus Bill.
Vice Chair Petersburg assumed the gavel at 2:11 p.m.
HF1265 (Davids): Cities dedicated aid to fund transportation costs provided.
Vice Chair Petersburg moved to recommend HF1265 be re-referred to the Committee on Taxes.
Representative Davids testified on HF1265.
Patricia Dalton, Staff Coordinator for the Minnesota House Research Department, testified on HF1265.
Vice Chair Petersburg renewed his motion to recommend HF1265 be re-referred to the Committee on Taxes. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Kelly assumed the gavel at 2:22 p.m.
Chair Kelly moved to reconsider HF1167.
Chair Kelly moved to recommend HF1167 be re-referred to the Committee on Civil Law and Data Practices. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1732 (Kelly): Metropolitan Council required to consult with the Transportation Accessibility Advisory Committee on procurements.
Chair Kelly moved to recommend HF1732 be re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1733 (Kelly): Commissioner of transportation directed to adopt policy to lower local share of transportation project costs.
Chair Kelly moved to recommend HF1733 be re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Kelly recessed the committee at 2:24 p.m.
Chair Kelly reconvened the committee at 4:33 p.m. in Room 200 of the State Office Building.
HF 1646 (Schoen): Motorcycle headlamp requirements amended.
Chair Kelly moved that HF1646 come before the committee.
Representative Schoen testified on HF1646.
Representative Howe moved to adopt an oral amendment: Section 1, Line 1.12 delete “three” and insert “four”. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE ORAL AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Chair Kelly laid over HF1646, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Transportation Policy and Finance Omnibus Bill.
HF815 (Dill): Agricultural product motor vehicle weight limit permit requirements amended, and hauling product for use as a biofuel provided.
Chair Kelly moved that HF815 come before the committee.
Representative Dill testified on HF815.
Chair Kelly laid over HF815 for possible inclusion in the Transportation Policy and Finance Omnibus Bill.
HF1612 (Howe): Filing fees charged by deputy registrars clarified.
Representative Howe moved that HF1612 come before the committee.
Representative Howe testified on HF1612.
The following people testified on HF1612:
Jim Hirst, Lobbyist for the Minnesota Deputy Registrars Association
Jeff Orth, Deputy Registrar at the Minnesota Deputy Registrars Association
Patricia McCormack, Director of the Department of Vehicle Services, testified on HF1566.
Chair Kelly laid over HF1612 for possible inclusion in the Transportation Policy and Finance Omnibus Bill.
HF1243 (Runbeck): Transportation and infrastructure costs reduced through community virtualization electronic access, and money appropriated.
Chair Kelly moved that HF1243 come before the committee.
Representative Runbeck testified on HF1243.
John Sanger testified in support of HF1243.
Scott Peterson, Director of Government Affairs for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, testified on HF1243.
Vice Chair Petersburg assumed the gavel at 5:29 p.m.
Vice Chair Petersburg laid over HF1243 for possible inclusion in the Transportation Policy and Finance Omnibus Bill.
Chair Kelly assumed the gavel at 5:40 p.m.
HF1229 (Marquart): State patrol employees who are not troopers’ authority clarified.
Chair Kelly moved to recommend HF1229 be re-referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance.
Chair Kelly moved the H1229A1 amendment. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Representative Marquart testified on HF1229.
Chair Kelly renewed his motion to recommend HF1229, as amended, be re-referred to the Committee on Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1251 (Hornstein): Railroad assessment provided, and money appropriated.
Representative Hornstein moved that HF1251 come before the committee.
Representative Hornstein testified on HF1251.
The following people testified in support of HF1251:
John Piper, Fire Chief of the City of Coon Rapids
Representative Newberger
George Esbensen, Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Preparedness for the City of Eden Prairie
Dave Christianson, Senior Planner of Freight and Rail, Minnesota Department of Transportation testified on HF1251.
The following people testified in opposition to HF1251:
Mark Wegner, President of Minnesota Regional Railroad Association
Brian Sweeney, Assistant Vice President of Government Affairs for Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company
Vice Chair Petersburg assumed the gavel at 6:16 p.m.
Rick Heller testified on HF1251.
Vice Chair Petersburg laid over HF1251 for possible inclusion in the Transportation Policy and Finance Omnibus Bill.
HF1924 (Kelly): Public-private partnership pilot program established, and report required.
Chair Kelly moved that HF1924 to come before the committee.
Chair Kelly testified on HF1924.
Scott Peterson, Director of Government Affairs for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, testified in support of HF1924.
Chair Kelly moved to adopt an oral amendment: Page 1, Line 20, delete “include but are not limited to” and insert “consist only of”; Page 1, line 21, before “air” insert “and”; Page 1, Line 22, delete everything after “development” and insert “.” THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE ORAL AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Chair Kelly moved to adopt an oral amendment: Page 4, Line 12, before the semicolon insert “, which must include payment and performance bonds for any construction that meet the requirements under Minnesota Statutes Sections 574.26-574.32” THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE ORAL AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
The following people testified in opposition to HF1924:
Tim Worke, Director of Highways and Transportation Division for the Associated General Contractors of Minnesota
Mark Becker, Attourney at Fabyanske, Westra, Hart, & Thomson
Vice Chair Petersburg laid over HF1924, as amended, for possible inclusion in the Transportation Policy and Finance Omnibus Bill.
HF1715 (Kelly): Provisions impacting or enforced by the Department of Transportation modified, and technical changes made.
Chair Kelly moved to recommend HF1715 be re-referred to the Committee on Civil Law and Data Practices.
Chair Kelly testified on HF1715.
Erik Rudeen, State Legislative Liaison for the Minnesota Department of Transportation, testified in support of HF1715.
Representative Anderson moved to adopt an oral amendment to delete Sections 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Tim Mitchell, Director of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Program of the Minnesota Department of Transportation, testified on the oral amendment.
Kirk Schnitker, Attorney at Schnitker Law Office, testified on HF1715.
Chair Kelly renewed his motion to recommend HF1715 be re-referred to the Committee on Civil Law and Data Practices. THE MOTION PRAVAILED.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Representative Tim Kelly, Chair
Natalie Cecchini, Committee Legislative Assistant