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Transportation and Regional Governance Policy


2017-2018 Regular Session - Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Transportation and Regional Governance Policy

Representative Runbeck, Chair of the Transportation and Regional Governance Policy Committee, called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. on February 15th, 2017, in the Basement Hearing Room of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:
RUNBECK, Linda, Chair
KOZNICK, Jon, Vice Chair
BERNARDY, Connie, DFL Lead
BARR, Regina
MASIN, Sandra
WEST, Nolan
WHELAN, Abigail


Chair Runbeck called the meeting to order at 1:03 P.M. A quorum was present.

Representative Whelan moved the minutes of February 13th, 2017. THE MOTION

HF455 (Halverson) School bus stops in right-turn lanes prohibited except under specified conditions; and use of prewarning amber signals, flashing red signals, and stop-signal arms when stopping in right-turn lanes required.

Chair Runbeck moved to reconsider HF455. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Runbeck moved that HF455 be re-referred as amended to the Committee on Government Operations and Elections. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF861 (Torkelson) Commercial motor vehicle provisions, high-rail grade crossing signs, Transportation Department contract preference requirements, and transportation plan due dates modified.

Chair Runbeck moved that HF861 be re-referred to the Committee on Government Operations and Elections.

Chair Runbeck moved the H0861A1 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Torkelson presented HF861.
Erik Rudeen, Minnesota Department of Transportation Government Affairs, testified in favor of HF861.

Chair Runbeck renewed the motion that HF861 be re-referred as amended to the Committee on Government Operations and Elections. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF859 (Torkelson) Koochiching County; Transportation Department unused or divided land conveyance provided, highways on the trunk highway system removed or modified, and state-owned land conveyance authorized.

Chair Runbeck moved that HF859 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance.

Chair Runbeck moved the H0859A1 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Torkelson presented HF859.
Erik Rudeen, Minnesota Department of Transportation Government Affairs, testified in favor of HF859.

Chair Runbeck renewed the motion that HF859 be re-referred as amended to the Committee on Transportation Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF94 (Bernardy) New Brighton; driver's license agent appointment governed.

Representative Bernardy moved that HF94 be re-referred to the General Register.

Representative Bernardy moved the H0094A1 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Bernardy presented HF94.
Mayor Valerie Johnson, City of New Brighton, testified in Favor of HF94.
Brenda Davitt, Finance Director, City of New Brighton, testified in favor of HF94
Dawn Olson, Director of the Department of Vehicle Safety, testified on HF94

Representative Bernardy renewed the motion that HF94 be re-referred as amended to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF124 (Swedzinski) Road authorities prohibited from establishing requirements and permits that govern mowing and haying.

Chair Runbeck moved that HF124 be re-referred to the Committee on Agriculture Policy.

Chair Runbeck moved the H0124DE1 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Swedzinski presented HF124.
Paul Lanoue Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, Farm Business Management, testified in favor of HF124.
Pat Verly, Farmer, testified in favor of HF124.
Krist Wollum, President, Minnesota Cattleman Association, testified in favor of HF124.
Thom Peterson, Government Relations Director for the Minnesota Farmers Union, testified in favor of HF124.
Kevin Paap, Minnesota Farm Bureau, testified in favor of HF124.
Kent Sulem, Minnesota Association of Townships, testified in favor of HF124.
Emily Pugh, Association of Minnesota Counties, testified in favor of HF124.
Margot Monsou, Beekeeper, testified in opposition to HF124.
Erin Rupp, Pollinate Minnesota, testified in opposition to HF124.
Don Arnosti, Izaak Walton League, testified in opposition to HF124.
Scott Peterson, Director of Government Affairs, Minnesota Department of Transportation, testified in opposition to HF124.

Chair Runbeck renewed the motion that HF124 be re-referred as amended to the Committee on Agriculture Policy. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Representative Runbeck adjourned the meeting at 2:46 P.M.

Representative Linda Runbeck, Chair

Alex Pouliot, Committee Legislative Assistant

More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF861 (Torkelson) - Omnibus transportation finance bill.
  • HF859 (Torkelson) - Transportation Department unused or divided lands conveyance provided, highways on the trunk highway system removed and modified, and state-owned land conveyance in Koochiching County authorized.
  • HF124 (Swedzinski) - Mowing authority and management practices in road rights-of-way governed, and road authorities prohibited from establishing requirements and permits that govern mowing and haying.
  • HF94 (Bernardy) - New Brighton; driver's license agent appointment governed.
More Info On This Meeting..

*please note this meeting is being held off-site*

Transportation and Regional Governance Policy Committee Listening Session:
Metropolitan Planning for Local Governments and the impact of Thrive MSP 2040 on local communities.

If you are interested in sharing your reform ideas at this listening session, please email Abby Loesch (

*This is a listening session only - no official legislative action will be taken*

Location: Bunker Hills Activity Center - Oak Room
550 Bunker Lake Blvd NW, Andover, MN 55304