Transportation and Regional Governance Policy
Representative Runbeck, Chair of the Transportation and Regional Governance Policy Committee, called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. on March 1st, 2017, in the Basement Hearing Room of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
RUNBECK, Linda, Chair
KOZNICK, Jon, Vice Chair
BERNARDY, Connie, DFL Lead
BARR, Regina
MASIN, Sandra
NEU, Ann
WEST, Nolan
WHELAN, Abigail
Chair Runbeck called the meeting to order at 1:03 P.M. A quorum was present.
Representative Barr, R moved the minutes of February 27th, 2017. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1437 (Bliss) Paul Bunyan Expressway study required, and money appropriated.
Chair Runbeck moved that HF1437 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance.
Representative Bliss presented HF1437.
Rich Siegent, citizen, testified in support of HF1437.
Tim Sumner, citizen, testified in support of HF1437.
Ted Shaw, Mayor, Walker, testified in opposition to HF1437.
Gary Wilkening, Walker City Council, Walker Public Works Chair, testified in opposition to HF1437.
Chair Runbeck renewed the motion that HF1437 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1659 (Anselmo) Transportation management organizations in the Twin Cities metropolitan area funding provided, and money appropriated.
Chair Runbeck moved that HF1659 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance.
Representative Anselmo presented HF1659.
Brad Aho, Chair of the 494 Corridor Commission, testified in support of HF1659.
Melissa Madison, Executive Director of the 494 Corridor Commission, testified in support of HF1659.
Chair Runbeck renewed the motion that HF1659 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1518 (West) Secure electronic storage of records permitted.
Representative West Moved that HF1518 be re-referred to the Committee on Civil Law and Data Practices.
Representative West presented HF1518.
Jim Hirst, Minnesota Deputy Registrars, testified in support of HF1518.
Representative West renewed the motion that HF1518 be re-referred to the Committee on Civil Law and Data Practices. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1126 (Kiel) Driver's licenses governed, and restricted farm work license requirements modified.
Chair Runbeck moved that HF1126 be sent to the General Register.
Representative Kiel presented HF1126.
Bruce Kleven, Minnesota Association of Wheat Growers, testified in support of HF1126.
Thom Peterson, Minnesota Farmers Union, testified in support of HF1126.
Chair Runbeck renewed the motion that HF1126 be sent to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1467 (Torkelson) Tolling report to the legislature required.
Chair Runbeck moved that HF1467 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance.
Representative Torkelson presented HF1467.
Chair Runbeck renewed the motion that HF1467 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1434 (Whelan) Trunk highway project selection governed, project selection processes amended and mandated, highway project information availability required, and legislative reporting amended.
Representative Whelan moved that HF1434 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance.
Representative Whelan moved the H1434A2 Amendment.
Representative Whelan presented HF1434.
Doug Fischer, Anoka County Engineer, testified in support of HF1434.
David Kirchner, Office of the Legislative Auditor, testified on HF1434.
Representative Whelan renewed the motion that HF1434 as amended be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1241 (Petersburg) Transportation commissioner required to consult, develop, adopt, and publicize best practices to improve objectivity and transparency in project selection process; and report required.
Representative Petersburg moved that HF1241 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance.
Representative Petersburg renewed the motion that HF1241 be re-referred to the Committee on Transportation Finance. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Runbeck adjourned the meeting at 2:27 P.M.
Representative Linda Runbeck, Chair
Alex Pouliot, Committee Legislative Assistant