Bills may be taken in any order.
HF 2154 (Lien) Gambling Control Board regulatory provisions modified; and clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made.
HF 2051 (Elkins) Insurance; conforming changes to model regulations made.
HF 1571 (Howard) Manufactured home parks closure or modification procedures modified. (pending re-referral)
HF 1960 (Richardson) Department of Commerce provisions technical changes made.
***Bill removed: HF 2234 (Richardson) Motor vehicle post-accident insurance-funded repair governed.
If you would like to provide handouts, testify in person, or provide written testimony, please email BOTH the committee legislative assistant: AND the committee administrator:
Laura.Taken-Holtze@house.mnPlease note that public testimony will be limited to no more than TWO MINUTES each.
Written testimony and handouts can be included in member packets if 100 copies are delivered to 503 State Office Building by NOON on Thursday, 3/14/19.