Please note bills may be taken in any order.
HF 3228 (Morrison) Prescription Drug Affordability Act established, prescription drug affordability commission and prescription drug affordability requirements created, and report required.
HF 3223 (Schultz) Pharmacy and provider choice allowed relating to biological product dispensing and prescribing.
If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee, please email and at least 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE HEARING. Handouts must be emailed in a pdf file with OCR format.
Please note that public testimony may be limited to no more than 3 minutes per testifier.
Bill removed (due to illness of author):
HF 3032 (Halverson) Tobacco; flavored product sale or furnishing prohibited, selling or furnishing administrative penalties modified, persons under age 21 who sell or distribute flavored products alternative civil penalties provided, and criminal penalties provided.