*The order of the bills may change. Bills may be added or removed from the agenda. Bills may be carried over from the previous meeting and/or carried over to the next committee meeting. Links under Bills for each bill will be added as soon as available.
HF1500 (Winkler)
Noncompliant driver's license or identification card requirements modified and related changes made, including eligibility, proof of lawful presence, primary and secondary documentation, discrimination, voter registration, and data practices; technical changes made; and money appropriated.
HF142 (Lesch)
Counties required to provide pay differential to employees while mobilized in the United States military's reserve component.
https://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/bills/billnum.asp?billnumber=hf142Link under "Bills" will be added when available.
HF2434 (Lillie)
Predatory offender registration provisions amended, Statewide Emergency Communication Board provisions modified, and wheelchair securement device requirements modified.
HF1381 (Kunesh-Podein)
Community solutions for healthy child development grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF1287 (Fischer)
Parenting with disability support services pilot projects; establishes an advisory committee.
HF1258 (Moran)
Childhood trauma-informed policy task force established; may move to second deadline though pending Senate action this week.
HF2318 (Masin)
Family law mediation task force established.
HF511 (Elkins)
Plastic bags and similar items prohibition on local ordinances repealed.
HF1934 (Gomez)
Community Corrections Act subsidy increased, and money appropriated.
HF1404 (Lesch)
Establishing a Legislative Commission on Intelligence and Technology.
PLEASE NOTE: Testimony will be limited. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please contact Amanda Rudolph at amanda.rudolph@house.mn.