HF3104 (Moran) - Human services policy bill
NOTE: This hearing will be for voting on amendments and final passage of the bill. Amendments must be submitted by committee members at least 24 hours before the hearing convenes and will be added to this posting.
Public Testimony Information:
• This meeting will be held in accordance with House Rule 10.01, which may be viewed here:
https://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/cco/rules/permrule/1001.htm. Members of the public with questions about this process may contact committee staff at chris.mccall@house.mn.
• Public testimony was taken on the bill last week, but written testimony will still be accepted and limited time for oral testimony may also be permitted by the Chair.
• If you wish to testify, please contact committee staff at least two hours prior to the start of the remote hearing and they will provide instructions.
• Written testimony is encouraged and should be submitted electronically to chris.mccall@house.mn by 5:00PM on Tuesday, April 28.
Public Viewing Information:
This remote hearing may be viewed live via the following methods:
1) Live stream via House website:
https://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/live/1 2) Facebook Live:
https://www.facebook.com/MNHouseInfo/ 3) YouTube:
https://youtu.be/RpbRvaeDjdc If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation to view, participate in, or otherwise access a remote hearing, please contact Blake Wilcox by emailing him at Blake.Wilcox@house.mn or by leaving a message at 651-296-8803.
The MN House of Representatives is currently working on establishing the processes and technology that allow remote hearings to be held that are accessible to the public. We expect many refinements to come over the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience as we adapt.