Representative Gene Pelowski, Chair of the Subcommittee on Legislative Process Reform, called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM on December 18, 2019, in Room 200 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
Pelowski, Gene, Chair
Runbeck, Linda, Republican Lead
Freiberg, Mike
Murphy, Mary
Pinto, Dave
Members excused:
Carlson, Lyndon
Gunther, Bob
McDonald, Joe
Non-Committee Members present:
Baker, Dave
Robbins, Kristin
A quorum was present.
Chair Pelowski moved that the minutes of October 24, 2019, be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Pelowski moved that the minutes of November 12, 2019, be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Pelowski moved that the Legislative Operations Training Summary be referred to the Committee on Rules.
Pat McCormack, Director, House Research
Representative Runbeck made an oral recommendation to add “ongoing” after “annual” in the Legislative Operations Training Summary language. THE ORAL RECOMMENDATION WAS APPROVED.
Chair Pelowski renewed the motion that the Legislative Operations Training Summary as approved be referred to the Committee on Rules. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Pelowski moved that the drafted House Rule for Mandatory Conference Committee Hearings and 12 Hour Rule at End of Session for Conference Committee Reports be referred to the Committee on Rules.
Pat McCormack, Director, House Research
Chair Pelowski renewed the motion that the drafted House Rule for Mandatory Conference Committee Hearings and 12 Hour Rule at End of Session for Conference Committee Reports be referred to the Committee on Rules. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Pelowski moved that the drafted Joint Rule for 12 Hour Rule at End of Session for Conference Committee Reports be referred to the Committee on Rules.
Pat McCormack, Director, House Research
Chair Pelowski renewed the motion that the drafted Joint Rule for 12 Hour Rule at End of Session for Conference Committee Reports be referred to the Committee on Rules. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Pelowski moved that the drafted Joint Rule for Mandatory Conference Committee Hearings be referred to the Committee on Rules.
Pat McCormack, Director, House Research
Chair Pelowski renewed the motion that the drafted Joint Rule for Mandatory Conference Committee Hearings be referred to the Committee on Rules. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Pelowski moved that the drafted House Rule for Timing of Budget Resolution be referred to the Committee on Rules.
Bill Marx, Chief Fiscal Analyst
Chair Pelowski renewed the motion that the drafted House Rule for Timing of Budget Resolution be referred to the Committee on Rules. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Pelowski moved that the drafted House Rule for Separation of Policy and Finance Bills be referred to the Committee on Rules.
Pat McCormack, Director, House Research
Chair Pelowski renewed the motion that the drafted House Rule for Separation of Policy and Finance Bills be referred to the Committee on Rules. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Pelowski moved that the drafted Joint Rule for Separation of Policy and Finance Bills be referred to the Committee on Rules.
Pat McCormack, Director, House Research
Chair Pelowski renewed the motion that the drafted Joint Rule for Separation of Policy and Finance Bills be referred to the Committee on Rules. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM.
Representative Gene Pelowski, Chair
Tara Schaefle, Committee Legislative Assistant