Representative Lyndon Carlson, Chair of the Committee, called the meeting to order at 9:46 A.M. on, Monday, February 11, 2019, in Room 200 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
CARLSON, Lyndon, (Chair)
OLSON, Liz (Vice-Chair)
LONG, Jamie
NELSON, Michael
NOOR, Mohamud
POPPE, Jeanne
SCOTT, Peggy
Members excused:
A quorum was present.
Representative Olson moved that the minutes of January 14, 2019 be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
H.F. 15 (Stephenson) Voluntary relationship defense for criminal sexual conduct crimes eliminated.
Representative Olson moved that the division report on H.F. 15 from the Judicial Finance and Civil Law Division be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Carlson moved H.F. 15 be heard.
Testifying in support:
Representative Zack Stephenson
Representative Olson renewed her motion that H.F. 15, as amended, be recommended to be placed on the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
H.F 491 (Demuth) School employees and independent contractors who have sexual relationships with students penalties established.
Representative Olson moved adoption of the division report on H.F. 491 from the Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Division. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Garofalo moved that H.F. 491, as amended, be recommended to be referred to the Education Policy Committee.
Testifying in support:
Representative Lisa Damuth
James Backstrom, Dakota County Attorney
Representative Garofalo renewed his motion to refer H.F. 491, as amended, to the Education Policy Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
H. F. 14 (Nelson) Help America Vote Act money transferred and appropriated.
Representative Nelson moved adoption of the division report on H.F. 14 from the State Government Finance Division. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Nelson moved H.F. 14, as amended, and that the bill be recommended to be placed on the General Register.
Testifying in support:
Representative Michael Nelson
Steve Simon, Secretary of State
Testifiers took questions.
Representative Albright moved the H0014DE1 amendment.
Testifiers and Representative Albright took questions about the H0014DE1 amendment.
Representative Albright renewed his motion to adopt the H0014DE1 amendment. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.
Representative Albright moved the H0014A7 amendment.
Testifiers and Representative Albright took questions about the H0014A7 amendment.
Representative Albright renewed his motion to adopt the H0014A7 amendment. Representative Albright requested a roll call vote on this motion.
SCOTT, Peggy
CARLSON, Lyndon, Sr., (Chair)
OLSON, Liz (Vice-Chair)
LONG, Jamie
NELSON, Michael
NOOR, Mohamud
POPPE, Jeanne
There was a final vote count of 15 Nays and 9 Ayes. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMENDMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.
Representative Nelson renewed his motion that H.F. 14, as amended, be recommended to be placed on the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
H.F. 58 (Dettmer) West Lakeland Township, Bayport, and Oak Park Heights; segment of marked Trunk Highway 95 designated as Corrections Officer Joseph Gomm Memorial Highway.
Representative Hornstein moved adoption of the division report on H.F. 58 from the Transportation Finance and Policy Division. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Chair Carlson moved H.F. 58 be recommended to be placed on the General Register.
Testifying in support:
Representative Bob Dettmer
Tony Medellin, Stillwater Corrections Facility Corrections Officer
Dan Gorman, Stillwater Corrections Facility Corrections Officer
Chair Carlson renewed his motion that H.F. 58, as amended, be recommended to be placed on the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
H.F. 80 (Murphy) Capital investment; previously authorized capital projects funding source changed, spending authorized to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Chair Carlson noted that the bill would be laid over for further discussion.
Representative Hansen moved adoption of the division report on H.F. 80 from the Environmental & Natural Resources Finance Division. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Hansen moved adoption of H.F. 80.
Testifying in support:
Representative Mary Murphy
Jim Dickinson, City Administrator for the City of Andover
Testifying in regards to bill:
Andrew Lee, House of Representatives Fiscal Staff
Deborah Dyson, House of Representative Research Department
Representative Hansen moved to adopt the H0080A190020 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Testifiers and Representative Hansen took questions about the bill and the amendment.
Chair Carlson laid over H.F. 80, as amended, for further discussion in this committee.
Chair Carlson referred members to the attached memos regarding bill referrals.
The following Ways and Means Committee Bills were referred by memo January 14, 2019:
To the Division on Agriculture & Food Finance Policy:
Monday, January 14, 2019:
HF 47 (Anderson) Relating to agriculture; extending by ten years the agricultural fertilizer research and education fee, the Minnesota Agricultural Fertilizer Research and Education Council, the Minnesota agricultural fertilizer research and education program, and the agricultural fertilizer research and education account
To the Division on Education Finance:
Monday, January 14, 2019:
HF 72 (Gunther) Relating to education finance; authorizing school districts to use long-term facilities maintenance revenue for school facility demolition and debris removal
To the Division on Environment & Natural Resources Finance:
Monday, January 14, 2019:
HF 41 (Hertaus) Relating to clean water; appropriating money for Minnesota clean marina program
HF 76 (Green) Relating to waters; requiring state to cover costs of certain wells
To the Division on Jobs and Economic Development Finance:
Monday, January 14, 2019:
HF 49 (Bahr) Relating to economic development; repealing the Snowbate program
HF 63 (Sauke) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for Bridges to Healthcare
To the Division on Legacy Finance:
Monday, January 14, 2019:
HF 32 (Green) Relating to legacy; prohibiting payment of certain indirect costs from legacy funds
To the Division on Public Safety & Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy:
HF 70 (Kunesh-Podein) Relating to public safety; creating the Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women; requiring an annual report on issues related to violence against indigenous women and girls; appropriating money for the Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
To the Division on Transportation Finance and Policy:
Monday, January 14, 2019:
HF 50 (Hornstein) Relating to transportation; prohibiting use of cell phones while driving under specified circumstances
HF 58 (Dettmer) Relating to transportation; designating a segment of marked Trunk Highway 95 as Corrections Officer Joseph Gomm Memorial Highway
HF 59 (Dettmer) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the safe routes to school grant program; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 68 (Hertaus) Relating to metropolitan government; transferring all long-range transportation planning functions from the Metropolitan Council to the Department of Transportation
The following Ways and Means Committee Bills were referred by memo January 17, 2019:
To the Division on Agriculture & Food Finance Policy:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 82 (Kiel) Relating to agriculture; appropriating money for mental health counseling support to farm families and business operators
HF 84 (Kiel) Relating to agriculture; appropriating money for mental health counseling support to farm families and business operators
HF 93 (Grossell) Relating to agriculture; appropriating money to compensate producers for livestock destroyed or crippled by wolves
HF 158 (Brand) Relating to agriculture; appropriating money for a grant to Farmers' Legal Action Group
To the Division on Capital Investment:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 80 (Murphy) Relating to capital investment; changing the source of funding for previously authorized capital projects; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature with certain conditions; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Education Finance:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 114 (Lucero) Relating to education finance; creating a minimum revenue guarantee for low revenue school districts; appropriating money
HF 115 (Lucero) Relating to education finance; creating a new source of state aid for school districts with low general education revenue and low property wealth per pupil; appropriating money
HF 151 (Urdahl) Relating to education finance; establishing a working group to review progress on Minnesota's school finance reform efforts; requiring a report; appropriating money
HF 152 (Lueck) Relating to permanent school fund; appropriating money based on general fund forecast to compensate permanent school fund for certain lands
HF 193 (Murphy) Relating to education finance; increasing special education funding for school districts; reducing the tuition billbacks to resident school districts; adding operating referendum revenue to general education revenue for charter schools
HF 194 (Murphy) Relating to education finance; increasing special education funding for school districts; reducing the tuition billbacks to resident school districts; adding local optional revenue and operating referendum revenue to general education revenue for charter schools
To the Division on Energy & Climate Finance and Policy:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 165 (Rarick) Relating to energy; establishing criteria for utility cost recovery of energy storage system pilot projects; requiring investor-owned utilities to include in integrated resource plans an assessment of energy storage systems
To the Division on Environment & Natural Resources Finance:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 95 (Demuth) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for development of certain amenities in East Park in St. Joseph; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 130 (Scott) Relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for cleanup of the Waste Disposal Engineering closed landfill site in Anoka County.
HF 177 (Lien) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a grant to Clay County to construct a new resource recovery campus; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Greater MN Jobs & Economic Development Finance:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 108 (Sundin) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for water infrastructure in Twin Lakes Township; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 178 (Layman) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for sewer and water system improvements in the city of Deer River; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 181 (Murphy) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money to the Public Facilities Authority for the purpose of debt relief for the Duluth North Shore Sanitary District.
HF 185 (Sundin) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for water infrastructure in the city of Carlton and Twin Lakes Township; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Health & Human Services Finance:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 138 (Xiong, J.) Relating to health; appropriating money to the commissioner of health for grants for Lyme disease research
HF 154 (Huot) Relating to health; appropriating money for grants to regional emergency medical services programs
HF 155 (Huot) Relating to health; appropriating money for the comprehensive advanced life support educational program
HF 190 (Zerwas) Relating to health; appropriating money for statewide parent-to-parent programs for families of children and youth with special health care needs
HF 197 (Schultz) Relating to taxation; insurance; clarifying that for-profit health maintenance organizations must pay the two percent premium revenue tax
To the Division on Higher Education Finance and Policy Division:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 105 (Lucero) Relating to higher education; modifying certain provisions for resident tuition and state student aid
HF 170 (Daniels) Relating to higher education; appropriating money for the large animal veterinarian loan forgiveness program
To the Division on Jobs & Economic Development Finance Division:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 96 (Demuth) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for phase 1 of the St. Joseph Community Center project; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 128 (Mann) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for the Lakeville Works Initiative
HF 137 (Ecklund) Relating to economic development; extending funds available for a workforce development training program
HF 139 (Xiong, J.) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for culturally specific emergency medical services training
HF 166 (Theis) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a municipal athletic complex in St. Cloud; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 180 (Sauke) Relating to vocational rehabilitation; appropriating money for centers for independent living
HF 184 (Olson) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a seawall and surface improvements for the city of Duluth; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Judiciary Finance & Civil Law:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 113 (Becker-Finn) Relating to courts; amending the formula for distribution of fine proceeds
To the Division on Public Safety & Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 89 (Grossell) Relating to public safety; increasing penalties for child pornography offenses; creating mandatory minimum sentences; directing Sentencing Guidelines Commission to modify the sex offender grid
HF 91 (Heintzeman) Relating to public safety; enhancing penalties and establishing minimum fines for repeat violations of driving without a valid license
HF 101 (Sundin) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Cloquet Area Fire District; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 102 (Lucero) Relating to public safety; expanding crime of unauthorized computer access to include accessing a computer without penetrating security system
HF 106 (Lucero) Relating to public safety; providing for the enforcement by certain state and local governmental entities of state and federal laws governing immigration and providing for certain duties of law enforcement and the courts; providing civil and criminal penalties
HF 111 (Kunesh-Podein) Relating to public safety; creating the Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women; requiring an annual report on issues related to violence against indigenous women and girls; appropriating money for the Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
To the Division on State Government Finance:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 129 (Sundin) Relating to state government; requiring compensation and expense reimbursement for public members of the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities
HF 187 (Lucero) Relating to state government; requiring the state auditor to reimburse the legal costs of Wright, Becker, and Ramsey Counties; regulating the use of certain appropriations by the state auditor for litigation expenses
To the Division on Transportation Finance and Policy:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 86 (Sundin) Relating to transportation; capital investment; appropriating money for marked Trunk Highway 73 realignment; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
HF 98 (Mann) Relating to transportation; requiring the Metropolitan Council to provide special transportation service in Lakeville; appropriating money
HF 100 (Freiberg) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for street and highway intersection improvements in the city of Golden Valley; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 104 (Dettmer) Relating to public safety; increasing the penalties for texting while driving and authorizing the forfeiture of wireless communications devices used in certain violations; providing that certain improper use of wireless communications devices while driving crimes are not payable offenses; expanding the criminal vehicular operation crime
HF 110 (Stephenson) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money to construct additional lanes on a segment of U.S. Highway 10; authorizing sale and issuance of trunk highway bonds
HF 131 (Hansen) Relating to motor vehicles; providing for motor vehicle registration overpayment reimbursement; appropriating money
HF 134 (Daniels) Relating to transportation; directing the Department of Transportation to erect certain signs on marked Interstate Highway 35
HF 161 (Green) Relating to taxation; sales and use; providing an exemption for purchases made by the Department of Transportation for road construction projects
HF 171 (Koznick) Relating to transportation; extending the Metro Mobility service area
HF 173 (Kunesh-Podein) Relating to capital investment; transportation; appropriating money for improvements to a segment of marked Trunk Highway 65 in Columbia Heights
HF 195 (Lee) Relating to environment; prioritizing bus upgrades to areas with poor air quality
To the Division on Veterans & Military Affairs Finance and Policy:
Thursday, January 17, 2019:
HF 135 (Daniels) Relating to motor vehicles; establishing military ready reserve special license plates; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 168
HF 142 (Lesch) Relating to military affairs; requiring counties to provide pay differential to employees while mobilized in the United States military's reserve component
HF 143 (Ecklund) Relating to veterans; appropriating money to the commissioner of veterans affairs for a grant to the Armed Forces Service Center at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport, for the replacement of furniture and beds used by active duty service members waiting for connecting duty flights
The following Ways and Means Committee Bills were referred by memo January 22, 2019:
To the Division on Agriculture & Food Finance and Policy:
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
HF 221 (Poppe) Relating to motor vehicles; establishing Minnesota agriculture special license plates; appropriating money
HF 232 (Poppe) Relating to agriculture; appropriating additional money for farm advocates and mental health counseling support for farm families and business operators
To the Division on Education Finance:
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
HF 207 (O’Neill) Relating to education finance; modifying the Monticello school district special education adjustment
To the Division on Environment & Natural Resources Finance:
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
HF 214 (Ecklund) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for an all-terrain vehicle trail; authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds
HF 233 (Hansen) Relating to capital investment; changing the source of funding for previously authorized capital projects; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature with certain conditions; appropriating money; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 240 (Scott) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for cleanup of the WDE site in Anoka County; repealing the appropriation of environment and natural resources trust fund appropriation bonds for the same project
HF 266 (Freiberg) Relating to legacy; appropriating money for local inflow and infiltration reduction programs
To the Division on Health & Human Services Finance:
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
HF 222 (Persell) Relating to human services; appropriating money for the White Earth Band of Ojibwe child welfare services
HF 230 (Youakim) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for expansion and renovation of the Perspectives Family Center facility in St. Louis Park; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 259 (Mann) Relating to health care; establishing medical assistance reimbursement rates for doula services
HF 269 (Cantrell) Relating to health; appropriating money for grants to prevent the spread of HIV
To the Division on Higher Education Finance and Policy:
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
HF 217 (Kunesh-Podein) Relating to higher education; requiring affirmative consent standards in campus sexual assault policies; establishing a sexual violence grant program; requiring a report; appropriating money
HF 225 (Nelson) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for asset preservation at North Hennepin Community College; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 226 (Nelson) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for asset preservation at North Hennepin Community College; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Jobs & Economic Development Finance:
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
HF 231 (Mahoney) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for asset preservation of the Minnesota Humanities Center in St. Paul; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 238 (Davids) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Chatfield Center for the Arts; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 263 (Koegel) Relating to economic development; appropriating money for a grant to the Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration
HF 274 (Fischer) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for public infrastructure in the city of Willernie; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 282 (Fischer) Relating to housing; modifying provisions related to manufactured and modular homes
To the Division on Legacy Finance:
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
HF 227 (Urdahl) Relating to arts and culture; appropriating money to Wheel and Cog Children's Museum.
HF 243 (Urdahl) Relating to arts and cultural heritage; appropriating money for Litchfield Opera House
To the Division on Public Safety & Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy:
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
HF 239 (Koegel) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a regional public safety training facility in Anoka County; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 272 (Miller) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money to acquire and improve the Prairie Correctional Facility in Appleton; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 280 (Lucero) Relating to public safety; allowing permitted and trained school staff to carry firearms
HF 291 (Miller) Relating to public safety; authorizing commissioner of corrections to house offenders in nonpublicly owned facilities
To the Division on State Government Finance:
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
HF 228 (Urdahl) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for improvements at Historic Fort Snelling; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Transportation Finance and Policy:
Tuesday, January 22, 2019:
HF 218 (Nornes) Relating to transportation; authorizing certain religious services signs adjacent to highways
HF 242 (Quam) Relating to transportation; establishing microtransit rideshare pilot program; establishing a microtransit rideshare account; requiring a report; appropriating money
HF 245 (Torkelson) Relating to transportation; appropriating money for certain reimbursements to deputy registrars
HF 264 (Koegel) Relating to motor vehicles; establishing "Lions Clubs International" special license plates; appropriating money
HF 276 (Stephenson) Relating to transportation; appropriating money for U.S. Highway 10 expansion
HF 277 (Stephenson) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money to construct additional lanes on a segment of U.S. Highway 10; authorizing sale and issuance of trunk highway bonds
HF 278 (Richardson) Relating to capital investment; modifying project description for the Argenta Trail project for a 2018 appropriation
HF 285 (Koznick) Relating to transportation; authorizing data sharing between the Department of Human Services and the Metropolitan Council for special transportation purposes
HF 286 (Hornstein) Relating to railroads; requiring a minimum crew size for certain rail carriers; imposing criminal penalties
The following Ways and Means Committee Bills were referred by memo January 28, 2019:
To the Division on Agriculture & Food Finance and Policy:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 395 (Hansen) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for forest pest response
HF 436 (Poppe) Relating to agriculture; transferring money from the general fund to the good food access account
To the Division on Capital Investment:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 233 (Hansen) Previously authorized capital projects funding source changed, conditional spending authorized to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature, bonds issued, and money appropriated
HF 393 (Hausman) Relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature with certain conditions; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Education Finance:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 448 (Her) Relating to education finance; increasing revenue for English learner programs; appropriating money
To the Division on Environment & Natural Resources Finance:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 383 (Marquart) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for flood hazard mitigation grants; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
HF 384 (Sauke) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Willow Creek Trail connection in Rochester; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 386 (Drazkowski) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money to dredge Minneiska boat launch
HF 402 (Ecklund) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for public-water access and site preparation on Crane Lake
HF 403 (Ecklund) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for all-terrain vehicle trails
HF 408 (Poppe) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Cedar River Watershed District; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 450 (Sauke) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for Cascade Lake Regional Park; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Greater MN Jobs & Economic Development Finance:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 376 (Sundin) Relating to telecommunications; appropriating money for a grant to extend an existing broadband network
HF 411 (Poppe) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for clean water; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Health & Human Service Finance:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 389 (A. Carlson) Relating to human services; appropriating money for food shelf programs
HF 399 (Noor) Relating to human services; providing grant funds to Hennepin County to recruit foster families; appropriating money
HF 409 (Hassan) Relating to capital improvements; appropriating money for a grant to Family Tree Clinic in St. Paul
HF 425 (Petersburg) Relating to human services; providing a rate increase for an intermediate care facility for persons with developmental disabilities
HF 429 (Hassan) Relating to human services; appropriating money for mental health treatment for communities of color
HF 459 (Hassan) Relating to health; establishing the community solutions fund for healthy child development grant program; appropriating money
HF 479 (Becker-Finn) Relating to public health; establishing a domestic violence and sexual assault prevention program; requiring reports; appropriating money
HF 496 (Hassan) Relating to human services; modifying child care assistance program maximum reimbursement rates; appropriating money
To the Division on Higher Education Finance and Policy:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 401 (Ecklund) Relating to higher education; appropriating money for transfer to the Cook County Higher Education Board.
HF 405 (Koegel) Relating to higher education; authorizing a grant for a fabrication lab at the Secondary Technical Education Program facility; appropriating money
HF 434 (Noor) Relating to higher education; providing financial aid for teacher candidates of color; appropriating money
To the Division on Housing Finance and Policy:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 407 (Noor) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for renovation of public housing in Minneapolis; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Jobs & Economic Development Finance:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 406 (Marquart) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a museum in Becker County; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 412 (Ecklund) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for the Cook County Higher Education Board
HF 414 (Stephenson) Relating to economic development; appropriating money for the business competitive grant program
HF 422 (Brand) Relating to economic development; appropriating money for sustainable child care in rural Minnesota
HF 423 (Brand) Relating to capital investment; establishing a greater Minnesota child care facility capital grant program; appropriating money
HF 451 (Quam) Relating to economic development; establishing a business expansion low-interest loan program; appropriating money
HF 463 (Moran) Relating to economic development; appropriating money for a grant to African Economic Development Solutions (AEDS)
To the Division on Judiciary Finance & Civil Law:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 488 (Quam) Relating to court surcharges; removing surcharge on vehicle parking violations
HF 490 (Heinrich) Relating to child support; modifying certain fees for IV-D services
To the Division on Legacy Finance:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 396 (Theis) Relating to arts and culture; appropriating money for Great River Children's Museum
To the Division on Public Safety & Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 377 (Dehn) Relating to public safety; appropriating money for training emergency responders
HF 390 (Zerwas) Relating to public safety; increasing penalties for obstructing trunk highway, airport, or transit traffic
HF 417 (Quam) Relating to public safety; aiding victims of economic crimes; providing public outreach initiatives; authorizing an identity theft passport
HF 421 (Grossell) Relating to public safety; providing enhanced criminal penalties for assaulting firefighters and medical personnel
HF 464 (O’Neill) Relating to public safety; establishing the domestic abuse transformation program account for funding domestic abuse transformation programs
HF 474 (Stephenson) Relating to public safety; establishing a pilot project for enhanced community supervision of individuals on probation, parole, supervised release, or pretrial status who are struggling with mental illness and at heightened risk to recidivate; creating a multidisciplinary caseload management team providing community-based mental health treatment alternatives to incarceration; appropriating money
HF 480 (O’Neill) Relating to public safety; amending certain criminal sexual conduct definitions; expanding criminal sexual conduct offenses for persons in current or recent positions of authority over juveniles; eliminating some affirmative defenses to certain criminal sexual conduct charges; removing the statute of limitations for felony criminal sexual conduct offenses
HF 491 (Demuth) Relating to criminal justice; establishing penalties for school employees and independent contractors who have sexual relationships with students
HF 493 (Zerwas) Relating to corrections; establishing guidelines for the use of administrative and disciplinary segregation in state correctional institutions
To the Division on State Government Finance:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 13 (Kunesh-Podein) Proposing an amendment to the Minnesota Constitution, article I, by adding a section; providing for gender equality under the law
HF 14 (Nelson) Relating to elections; transferring and appropriating money for purposes of the Help America Vote Act.
HF 456 (Hansen) Relating to local government; providing a onetime grant to the city of Lilydale
To the Division on Transportation Finance and Policy:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 385 (Demuth) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a pedestrian crossing in the city of St. Joseph; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 387 (Murphy) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for Minneapolis to Duluth high-speed passenger rail; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 397 (Noor) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money to replace the pedestrian and bike bridge over Interstate Highway 94 connecting Cedar-Riverside and Seward neighborhoods in Minneapolis; authorizing the issuance of state bonds.
HF 432 (Hausman) Relating to transportation finance; appropriating money for the port development assistance program
HF 433 (Pelowski) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the port development assistance program; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 437 (Quam) Relating to transportation; appropriating money to construct an interchange at marked Trunk Highway 14 and County Road 104.
HF 466 (Quam) Relating to motor vehicles; imposing an alternative fuel vehicle tax; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 296A
HF 487 (Quam) Relating to public safety; requiring use of facial recognition technology as part of the driver's license and Minnesota identification card application process
To the Division on Veterans & Military Affairs Finance and Policy:
Monday, January 28, 2019:
HF 430 (Xiong) Relating to military veterans; appropriating money for grants to the veterans defense project
The following Ways and Means Committee Bills were referred by memo January 31, 2019:
To the Division on Agriculture & Food Finance and Policy:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 553 (Becker-Finn) Relating to agriculture; natural resources; transferring farmed Cervidae regulatory duties and powers from Board of Animal Health to Department of Natural Resources
HF 623 (Poppe) Relating to agriculture; appropriating money for the Minnesota Agriculture Education Leadership Council
To the Division on Education Finance:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 501 (Persell) Relating to education finance; appropriating money for Minnesota reading and math corps programs at American Indian-controlled tribal contract and grant schools.
HF 514 (Pryor) Relating to education finance; increasing the safe schools levy
HF 521 (Davnie) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for school safety grants; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 577 (Heintzeman) Relating to education finance; reallocating 40 percent of the money from the arts and cultural heritage fund to public school art programs; requiring a report; appropriating money
HF 579 (Kresha) Relating to education finance; authorizing certain school facility safety projects under the long-term facilities maintenance revenue program; expanding the safe schools revenue program
HF 618 (Runbeck) Relating to education finance; modifying the calculation of school district equalized referendum levies; appropriating money
To the Division on Environment & Natural Resources Finance:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 80 (Murphy) Capital investment; previously authorized capital projects funding source changed, spending authorized to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature, bonds issued, and money appropriated
HF 133 (Becker-Finn) Relating to natural resources; establishing the no child left inside grant program; appropriating money
HF 536 (Scott) Relating to capital investment; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature with certain conditions; repealing natural resources trust fund appropriation bonding authority and appropriations
HF 582 (Hansen) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for inflow and infiltration grants in the metropolitan area
HF 584 (Sundin) Relating to tourism; appropriating money to Explore Minnesota Tourism.
HF 600 (Lee) Relating to game and fish; increasing deer license revenue dedicated to deer management account
HF 609 (Huot) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for railroad crossing safety improvements for the Mississippi River Regional Trail; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Greater MN Jobs & Economic Development Finance:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 615 (Gunther) Relating to Rapidan Township; appropriating money to reimburse federal disaster assistance
To the Division on Health & Human Services Finance:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 167 (Lee) Relating to environment; providing for offers of supplemental environmental projects in conjunction with certain enforcement actions against polluters
HF 189 (Huot) Relating to human services; expanding the scope of a medical assistance rate increase for ambulance services
HF 547 (Lee) Relating to human services; establishing the Taylor Hayden Gun Violence Prevention Act; appropriating money
HF 604 (Claflin) Relating to health; appropriating money to the Department of Health for upgrades to the Public Health Lab that will facilitate remedial investigations and response actions to address discharges of perfluorochemicals by 3M Company
To the Division on Higher Education Finance and Policy:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 520 (Daniels) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for asset preservation at South Central College; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 550 (Pryor) Relating to higher education; providing for a student loan debt counseling grant; requiring a report; appropriating money
HF 573 (Mariani) Relating to higher education; amending state grant stipends
HF 583 (Huot) Relating to higher education; expanding eligibility for the student loan refinancing program; appropriating money
HF 603 (Claflin) Relating to higher education; requesting the University of Minnesota conduct a review of research related to exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances; requiring a report; appropriating money
To the Division on Housing Finance and Policy:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 282 (Noor) Relating to housing; modifying provisions related to manufactured and modular homes
HF 601 (Hausman) Relating to housing; expanding the entities qualified to participate in and the types of funding available through the workforce and affordable homeownership development program; creating the workforce and affordable homeownership account in the housing development fund
To the Division on Jobs & Economic Development Finance:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 319 (Stephenson) Relating to loans; federal employees; creating a loan guarantee program for furloughed federal employees
HF 537 (Fischer) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for an advanced digital technology center for orthotics and prosthetics
HF 580 (Xiong) Relating to commerce; appropriating money for a financial services inclusion program
HF 598 (Hausman) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for renovation and expansion of the International Institute of Minnesota; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 599 (Hausman) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for phase 1 of the Avivo regional career and employment center renovation and expansion; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds.
HF 605 (Hassan) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for a grant to Avivo
HF 607 (Olson) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for asset preservation of the St. Louis County Heritage and Arts Center in Duluth; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 620 (Sandstede) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for grants to Minnesota Diversified Industries, Inc
To the Division on Judiciary Finance & Civil Law:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 15 (Stephenson) Voluntary relationship defense for criminal sexual conduct crimes eliminated.
To the Division on Legacy Finance:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 516 (Urdahl) Relating to arts and culture; appropriating money for public television immigration project
HF 517 (Urdahl) Relating to arts and culture; appropriating money for grants to public television.
HF 543 (Hausman) Relating to arts and culture; appropriating money for Somali arts and cultural heritage programs
To the Division on Public Safety & Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 50 (Hornstein) Relating to transportation; prohibiting use of cell phones while driving under specified circumstances
HF 560 (Pinto) Relating to public safety; clarifying crimes of harassment and stalking
HF 595 (Johnson) Relating to public safety; appropriating money to fund emergency response teams
HF 596 (Johnson) Relating to public safety; extending law enforcement reimbursement assistance
To the Division on State Government Finance:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 123 (Nelson) Relating to state government; eliminating the Legislative Budget Office
HF 140 (Moran) Relating to cosmetology; exempting hair braiders from cosmetology registration requirements
HF 541 (Lillie) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money to the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission for Mighty Ducks grants; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
To the Division on Transportation Finance and Policy:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 221 (Poppe) Relating to motor vehicles; establishing Minnesota agriculture special license plates; appropriating money
HF 513 (Lislegard) Relating to transportation; designating a bridge in the city of Virginia as Tom Rukavina Memorial Bridge; appropriating money for utility relocation costs
HF 528 (Fischer) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Rush Line Corridor Transitway; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 529 (Mahoney) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the East Metro Rail Corridor.
HF 538 (Brand) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for reconstruction of marked U.S. Highway 14 between the cities of New Ulm and Nicollet; authorizing the sale and issuance of trunk highway bonds
HF 544 (Robbins) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a pedestrian and bike bridge in Rogers; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 545 (Pinto) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Riverview Corridor Transitway; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 548 (Haley) Relating to transportation; renaming a bridge over the Mississippi River in Red Wing
HF 593 (Edelson) Relating to motor vehicles; establishing Rotary International special license plates
HF 594 (Quam) Relating to transportation; appropriating money to construct an interchange at marked Trunk Highway 14 and County Road 104; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 611 (Huot) Relating to transportation; designating a bridge on marked U.S. Highway 52 in Rosemount as Warrant Officer Dennis A. Groth Memorial Bridge
HF 617 (Runbeck) Relating to transportation; requiring a pilot program for organic road salt additives for protection of waters and infrastructure.
HF 621 (Torkelson) Relating to transportation; appropriating money for certain reimbursements to deputy registrars
HF 624 (Claflin) Relating to mass transit; appropriating money for the Red Rock Corridor transitway demonstration project
To the Division on Veterans & Military Affairs Finance and Policy:
Thursday, January 31, 2019:
HF 504 (Marquart) Relating to motor vehicles; establishing a special plate for recipients of the Distinguished Flying Cross medal
HF 530 (Johnson) Relating to public safety; appropriating money for a domestic abuse prevention program for veterans and their families
HF 585 (Ecklund) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for an expansion of the veterans home in Minneapolis; allowing for nonstate contributions; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 613 (Huot) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Rosemount Armory; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
The following Ways and Means Committee Bills were referred by memo February 4, 2019:
To the Division on Agriculture & Food Finance and Policy:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 759 (Hansen) Relating to agriculture; increasing reimbursement for processing donated venison
To the Division on Capital Investment:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 666 (Hausman) Relating to capital investment; modifying a prior appropriation for a job training facility
To the Division on Education Finance:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 658 (Dettmer) Relating to education finance; appropriating money for the Starbase Minnesota program.
HF 683 (Marquart) Relating to education finance; making grants to the Minnesota Youth Council; appropriating money
HF 696 (Layman) Relating to education finance; appropriating money for a grant to the Children's Discovery Museum in Grand Rapids
HF 727 (Fabian) Relating to education finance; modifying required minimum distance to next nearest school building for purposes of calculating sparsity revenue
HF 732 (Jurgens) Relating to education finance; increasing funding for school-linked mental health grants; appropriating money
HF 744 (Edelson) Relating to education; creating a grant program to broaden access to music education in rural Minnesota
To the Division on Energy & Climate Finance and Policy:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 690 (Quam) Relating to energy; appropriating money for a feasibility study on the use of hydrogen produced by nuclear power plants in Minnesota
HF 700 (Long) Relating to energy; modifying the definition of biomass as an eligible energy technology; increasing the proportion of energy that electricity-generating utilities must supply from renewable sources and setting target dates by which those goals must be achieved
HF 762 (Quam) Relating to energy; establishing a revolving loan fund to facilitate the dredging of lakes to improve water flow for hydroelectric projects; requiring a report; appropriating money
To the Division on Environment & Natural Resources Finance:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 652 (Grossell) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money to maintain veterans memorial on Leech Lake
HF 653 (Lillie) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for regional parks and trails
HF 654 (Persell) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for local recreation grants
HF 657 (Scott) Relating to environment; appropriating money for closed landfill program activities at Waste Disposal Engineering site in Anoka County
H 663 (Sandstede) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for certain mine pit improvements
HF 674 (Bernardy) Relating to legacy; appropriating money for aquatic invasive species work
HF 675 (Bernardy) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for aquatic invasive species grants
HF 731 (Brand) Relating to disabled veterans; providing certain exemptions from taxes and fees on motor vehicles and watercraft for eligible veterans with a disability, including certain registration taxes, license plates and licensing fees, title fees, driver's license and identification card fees, and general sales taxes and motor vehicle sales taxes
HF 749 (Vang) Relating to game and fish; modifying provisions for taking turtles
HF 750 (Fabian) Relating to game and fish; increasing deer license revenue dedicated to deer management account
To the Division on Greater MN Jobs & Economic Development Finance:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 682 (Pelowski) Relating to public safety; transferring money to the disaster contingency account
HF 752 (Sauke) Relating to telecommunications; appropriating money to the broadband grant program
To the Division on Health & Human Services Finance:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 738 (Youakim) Relating to health; appropriating money for a health care worker pilot project
To the Division on Higher Education Finance and Policy:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 684 (Mann) Relating to health; requesting the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota to establish an advisory council on rare diseases; appropriating money
HF 706 (Dehn) Relating to higher education; appropriating money for the University of Minnesota's Robert J. Jones Urban Research and Outreach Engagement Center
To the Division on Jobs & Economic Development Finance:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 650 (Xiong) Relating to economic development; appropriating money for the AmeriCorps Promise Fellows program
HF 656 (Koznick) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for New American workforce training
HF 678 (Davnie) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for job skills training for recently released inmates
To the Division on Public Safety & Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 70 (Kunesh-Podein) Task Force on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women created, annual report on violence against indigenous women and girls required, and money appropriated
HF 665 (Edelson) Relating to public safety; appropriating money for youth intervention programs
HF 668 (Dehn) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for expansion of the Minneapolis Emergency Operations Center and Fire Training Facility; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 707 (Lesch) Relating to public safety; modifying compensation for exonerated persons
HF 729 (Considine) Relating to public safety; establishing requirements to set salaries for Minnesota State Patrol troopers; requiring the state auditor to conduct an annual compensation survey
HF 734 (Gomez) Relating to public safety; eliminating the statute of limitations for certain sex offenses
HF 751 (Sauke) Relating to public safety; enabling law enforcement and family members to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm
HF 754 (Becker-Finn) Relating to corrections; establishing the Mama's Bus pilot project to provide parent and child bonding and literacy for incarcerated women and their children; appropriating money
To the Division on State Government Finance:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 633 (Tabke) Relating to horse racing; providing for ongoing operation of the Minnesota Racing Commission
To the Division on Transportation Finance and Policy:
Monday, February 4, 2019:
HF 635 (Hansen) Relating to transportation; making appropriations for the Minnesota Licensing and Registration System (MNLARS) and certain reimbursements to deputy registrars
HF 640 (Sandstede) Relating to motor vehicles; establishing "Choose Life" special license plates
HF 643 (Jurgens) Relating to transportation; designating a segment of marked Interstate Highway 35W in Bloomington as Chief Warrant Officer Michael F. Anderson Memorial Highway
HF 648 (Bierman) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Apple Valley Red Line 147th Street Station skyway project
HF 659 (Sauke) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for Rochester International Airport; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 661 (Heinrich) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money to construct additional lanes on a segment of U.S. Highway 10; authorizing sale and issuance of trunk highway bonds
HF 664 (Nash) Relating to transportation; appropriating money to expand U.S. Highway 212 to four lanes between Norwood Young America and Cologne
HF 691 (Quam) Relating to transportation; crediting surcharge on vehicle parking violations to highway user tax distribution fund
HF 736 (Torkelson) Relating to transportation finance; allocating state general sales tax revenue related to motor vehicle repair and replacement parts exclusively to fund roads
HF 737 (Torkelson) Relating to transportation finance; proposing a constitutional amendment to the Minnesota Constitution, article XIV, to allocate state general sales tax revenue related to motor vehicle repair and replacement parts exclusively to fund roads
The following Ways and Means Committee Bills were referred by memo February 7, 2019:
To the Division on Agriculture & Food Finance and Policy:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 775 (Swedzinski) Relating to agriculture; appropriating money for mental health counseling
HF 811 (Lippert) Relating to agriculture; establishing a farm-to-school program; appropriating money
HF 829 (Anderson) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for the Rural Finance Authority; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 830 (Poppe) Relating to agriculture; appropriating money to the Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
HF 857 (Green) Relating to agriculture; providing compensation for damage caused by wild turkeys; requiring a report; appropriating money
HF 915 (Anderson) Relating to agriculture; requiring an annual inventory examination for licensed grain buyers
To the Division on Education Finance:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 782 (Lee) Relating to education; authorizing grants for adult English learner programs; appropriating money
HF 784 (Gunther) Relating to education finance; authorizing Independent School District No. 458, Truman, to transfer money from the early childhood and family education and school readiness reserve accounts in the community service fund to the general fund
HF 789 (Carlson, L.) Relating to education finance; authorizing Independent School District No. 281, Robbinsdale, to transfer money from its postemployment benefits irrevocable trust fund to the general fund
HF 813 (Richardson) Relating to education finance; appropriating money for suicide prevention training for teachers
HF 837 (Sandstede) Relating to early childhood screening; appropriating money
HF 845 (Lislegard) Relating to education finance; modifying the building lease levy for geographically isolated school districts
HF 882 (Sandstede) Relating to education finance; increasing general education basic formula allowance by three percentage points per year; linking future increases in general education basic formula allowance to rate of inflation; appropriating money
HF 903 (Anderson) Relating to education finance; authorizing school districts to use long-term facilities maintenance revenue programs for physical modifications enhancing school facility safety; appropriating money
HF 907 (Lee) Relating to education; after-school community learning programs; appropriating money; requiring a report
To the Division on Energy & Climate Finance and Policy:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 902 (Bahr) Relating to energy; terminating ongoing payment obligations connected to continued nuclear waste storage and restricting future account expenditures to previous legislative mandates
To the Division on Environment & Natural Resources Finance:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 776 (Morrison) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for lawns to legumes grant program
HF 797 (Lippert) Relating to water; appropriating money to remove storm debris from Roberds Lake
HF 800 (Sundin) Relating to natural resources; providing for reimbursement of costs associated with beaver damage
HF 809 (Lislegard) Relating to parks and trails; extending availability of grant to St. Louis and Lake Counties Regional Railroad Authority
HF 828 (Mahoney) Relating to capital investment; changing the source of funding for previously authorized capital projects; authorizing spending to acquire and better public land and buildings and other improvements of a capital nature with certain conditions; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds; appropriating money
HF 838 (Sandstede) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for forest and bioeconomy research
HF 849 (Nornes) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for trail segments of the Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 850 (Hansen) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money to address wildlife disease
HF 868 (Sundin) Relating to natural resources; appropriating money for Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Commission
To the Division on Health & Human Services Finance:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 182 (Lippert) Relating to health; establishing a prescription drug repository program; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 151
HF 763 (Loeffler) Relating to human services; phasing in an increase in the medical assistance excess income standard for persons who are elderly, blind, or have disabilities
HF 764 (Huot) Relating to human services; increasing medical assistance payment rates for nonemergency medical transportation services
HF 765 (Loeffler) Relating to human services; increasing the medical assistance excess income standard for persons who are elderly, blind, or have disabilities
HF 770 (Franson) Relating to human services; modifying day care initial licensure requirement; directing commissioner of human services to implement a child care provider communication process, develop plain-language handbook, and develop a uniform family day care provider application; modifying child care tax credits
HF 791 (Franson) Relating to human services; establishing criminal penalties for failing to cooperate in child care assistance program fraud investigations
HF 792 (Vang) Relating to human services; appropriating money for culturally competent mental health provider grants
HF 795 (Becker-Finn) Relating to children; appropriating money for child protection education for American Indian families
HF 799 (Kunesh-Podein) Relating to human services; increasing the MFIP transitional standard
HF 825 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) Relating to child care; appropriating money for a pilot program creating two women-run cooperative child care businesses in low-income urban areas; requiring reports
HF 876 (Cantrell) Relating to health; appropriating money for subsidies to federally qualified health centers
HF 908 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) Relating to child care; requiring reports; appropriating money for child care business training
HF 913 (Xiong, T.) Relating to human services; appropriating money for a grant to the Phoenix Residence
To the Division on Higher Education Finance and Policy:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 787 (Lillie) Relating to higher education; appropriating money for a teacher preparation program leading to a license to teach the blind or visually impaired
To the Division on Housing Finance and Policy:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 859 (Gunther) Relating to housing; appropriating money to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for the challenge grant program
HF 884 (Schultz) Relating to housing; expanding the entities qualified to participate in and the types of funding available through the workforce and affordable homeownership development program; creating the workforce and affordable homeownership account in the housing development fund; appropriating money
HF 896 (Sauke) Relating to manufactured home parks; clarifying the eligibility of manufactured home parks as housing improvement areas; allowing housing infrastructure bonds to be used for manufactured home parks
To the Division on Jobs & Economic Development Finance:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 119 (Sundin) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for a grant to Helmets to Hard Hats
HF 777 (Lislegard) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for Virginia regional public safety center and training facility; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 786 (Moran) Relating to economic development; appropriating money for a grant to the Neighborhood Development Center
HF 806 (Her) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a playwrights center facility; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 816 (Mann) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for Lakeville sanitary sewer lift station; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 817 (Mann) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for clean water infrastructure in Lakeville; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 851 (Stephenson) Relating to workforce development; appropriating money for performance grants to Twin Cities R!SE
HF 872 (Mariani) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a YMCA facility in St. Paul; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 874 (Wazlawik) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for multiuse trail segments around White Bear Lake; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 914 (Mahoney) Relating to commerce; providing funding for the financial institutions account in the special revenue fund
To the Division on Judiciary Finance & Civil Law:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 13 (Kunesh-Podein) Relating to commerce; providing funding for the financial institutions account in the special revenue fund
HF 852 (Robbins) Relating to courts; directing the distribution of certain fine proceeds to counties
To the Division on Legacy Finance:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 801 (Urdahl) Relating to arts and culture; appropriating money to city of Cosmos
To the Division on Public Safety & Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 729 (Considine) Relating to public safety; establishing requirements to set salaries for Minnesota State Patrol troopers; requiring the state auditor to conduct an annual compensation survey
HF 773 (Koegel) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a regional public safety training facility in the city of Blaine or in a city adjoining Blaine; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 812 (Wazlawik) Relating to public safety; expanding criminal sexual conduct offenses for persons in current or recent positions of authority over juveniles
HF 842 (Erickson) Relating to public safety; appropriating money for public school security audits
HF 864 (Kresha) Relating to public safety; providing reimbursement for expenses related to securing a permit to carry for low-income citizens; establishing The Affordable Self-Protection Act; appropriating money
HF 897 (Dehn) Relating to public safety; appropriating money to address alternatives to juvenile detention throughout the state
HF 898 (Lesch) Relating to transportation; making the license reinstatement diversion pilot program permanent; requiring a report
To the Division on State Government Finance:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 804 (Lesch) Relating to data practices; delaying expiration of the legislative commission on data practices; appropriating money
To the Division on Transportation Finance and Policy:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 45 (Schultz) Relating to elections; providing for automatic voter registration of applicants for a driver's license, instruction permit, or state identification card
HF 729 (Considine) Relating to public safety; establishing requirements to set salaries for Minnesota State Patrol troopers; requiring the state auditor to conduct an annual compensation survey
HF 774 (Lucero) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money to construct additional lanes on a segment of marked Interstate Highway 94; authorizing sale and issuance of trunk highway bonds
HF 780 (O’Driscoll) Relating to transportation; establishing a local cost-share assistance account; appropriating money for local roads and bridges; authorizing the sale and issuance of general obligation bonds
HF 781 (O’Driscoll) Relating to transportation; appropriating money for the small cities assistance program
HF 788 (Carlson, L.) Relating to transportation; establishing a noise barrier maintenance account in the trunk highway fund; appropriating money
HF 827 (Schomacker) Relating to capital investment; appropriating money for a town road; authorizing the sale and issuance of state bonds
HF 836 (Albright) Relating to transportation; designating the Richard J. Ames Memorial Highway
HF 843 (Lislegard) Relating to transportation; appropriating money for U.S. Highway 53 improvement in the city of Virginia
HF 846 (Elkins) Relating to transportation; establishing a local cost-share assistance account
HF 856 (O’Driscoll) Relating to transportation; appropriating money for a Northstar Commuter Rail extension feasibility study
HF 858 (Poston) Relating to transportation; designating a segment of marked Trunk Highway 210 in Cass County as State Trooper Ray Krueger Memorial Highway
HF 861 (Hansen) Relating to transportation; appropriating money for the Minnesota Licensing and Registration System (MNLARS) and Driver and Vehicle Services; requiring a report
HF 895 (Hornstein) Relating to transportation; modifying the state rail safety inspection program
To the Division on Veterans & Military Affairs Finance and Policy:
Thursday, February 7, 2019:
HF 810 (Heinrich) Relating to veterans; authorizing the placement of a plaque in the court of honor on the Capitol grounds to honor all Minnesota veterans who served in the United States armed forces, both at home and abroad, during World War I
The meeting was adjourned at 11:06 A.M.
Representative Lyndon Carlson, Chair
Megan Arriola,
Committee Legislative Assistant