Day 1 of Food Week: Framing the Issue of Food Insecurity:.
03:26 - Healthy Food Access study: demographics and factors contributing to food access challenges and food insecurity.
- Ela Rausch, Project Director, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
14:19 - Health and economic impacts of food access challenges and food insecurity.
- Vayong Moua, Director of Health Equity Advocacy, Blue Cross Blue Shield.
27:48 - Minnesota Rural Grocery Survey.
- Doctor Bev Durgan, Dean, University of Minnesota-Extension & Kathy Draeger, Statewide Director, Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships, University of Minnesota-Extension.
57:20 - Good Food Access update.
- Department of Agriculture.
1:05:44 - HF436 (Poppe) Good food access account from general fund money transferred.
- Lorna Schmidt, American Heart Association.
- Corey Christianson, owner of KC’s Market in Badger.
- Ben Devore, farmer from Cimarron Farm, Lake Elmo.
- Lori Throp, Executive Director, The Food Group which operates “Fare for All”.
- Lars Kuehnow, Neighborhood Program Officers with Duluth Local Initiatives Support Corporation.
Runs 1 hour, 21 minutes.