Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division
Representative Hansen, Chair of the Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division, called the meeting to order at 12:45 P.M. on March 19th, 2019, in Hearing Room 5 of the State Office Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
HANSEN, Rick, Chair
CLAFLIN, Anne, Vice Chair
FABIAN, Dan, Lead
GREEN, Steve
LEE, Fue
Members excused:
NEU, Anne
Chair Hansen called the meeting to order at 12:45 P.M. A quorum was present.
Representative Fischer moved to approve the minutes of March 12th, 2019. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Representative Lueck moved to approve the minutes of March 14th, 2019. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
The Board of Soil and Water Resources presented the Governor’s budget recommendations for the agency. The presenters were:
John Jaschke, Executive Director
Angie Becker-Kudelka, Assistant Director
HF838 (Sandstede) Forest and bioeconomy research funding provided, and money appropriated.
Chair Hansen moved that HF838 be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill.
Testifying on HF838:
Dr. Rolf T. Weberg, Executive Director, Natural Resource Research Institute
Chair Hansen renewed the motion that HF838 be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.
HF1321 (Sandstede) Minerals and water research funding provided, and money appropriated.
Chair Hansen moved that HF1321 be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill.
Testifying on HF1321:
Dr. Rolf T. Weberg, Executive Director, Natural Resource Research Institute
Chair Hansen renewed the motion that HF1321 be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.
HF675 (Bernardy) Aquatic invasive species grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
Chair Hansen moved that HF675 be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill.
Representative Lee moved to adopt the DE2 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Testifying on HF675:
Jeff Forester, Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates
Heidi Wolf, Department of Natural Resources
John Broghammer, Long Lake Improvement Association
Chair Hansen renewed the motion that HF675, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.
HF1586 (Becker-Finn) Omnibus Lands Bill
Representative Becker-Finn moved that HF1586 be recommended to be returned to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Representative Becker-Finn moved to adopt the A7 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Testifying on HF1586:
Susan Damon, Department of Natural Resources
Shauna Coons, Kwe Law Firm
Representative Backer moved to adopt the A6 amendment.
Testifying on the A6 amendment:
Representative Paul Anderson
Susan Damon, Department of Natural Resources
Representative Backer renewed the motion to adopt the A6 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Representative Becker-Finn renewed the motion that HF1586, as amended, be recommended to be returned to the Committee on Ways and Means. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1885 (Morrison) Watercraft surcharge increased, and invasive special research account created and receipts dedicated.
Representative Morrison moved that HF1885 be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill.
Testifying on HF1885:
Jeff Forester, Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates
Representative Morrison renewed the motion that HF1885 be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.
HF1299 (Lippert) Forest nursery sale provisions modified, forest carbon sequestration goal established, tree planting provided, report required, and money appropriated.
Chair Hansen moved that HF1299 be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill.
Chair Hansen moved to adopt the A3 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Testifying on HF1299:
Forrest Boe, National Association of State Foresters
Jim Manolis, The Nature Conservancy
Forrest Cyr, Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association
Representative Ecklund moved to adopt the A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Chair Hansen renewed the motion that HF1299, as amended, be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.
The meeting was recessed at 2:21 P.M.
The meeting was reconvened at 5:00 P.M.
HF2015 (Lislegard) Emerald ash borer control response program established, and money appropriated.
Chair Hansen moved that HF2015 be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill.
Testifying on HF2015:
Victoria Reinhardt, Ramsey County Commissioner
Craig Johnson, League of Minnesota Cities
Amy Kay Kerber, Department of Natural Resources
Karen Zumach, Tree Trust
Steven Huser, Metro Cities
Chair Hansen renewed the motion that HF2015 be laid over for possible inclusion in an omnibus bill. The bill was laid over.
Vice Chair Claflin assumed the gavel at 5:14 P.M.
HF1928 (Hansen) Clean Water fund funding provided, and money appropriated.
Chair Hansen moved that HF1928 be recommended to be returned to the Committee on Ways and Means with a recommended re-referral to the Legacy Finance Division.
Chair Hansen moved to adopt the DE3 amendment with the following correction:
Page 21, line 9, delete “outdoor heritage fund” and insert “clean water fund”
Testifying on the DE3 amendment:
Paul Gardner, Clean Water Council
Susan Stokes, Department of Agriculture
Dan Stoddard, Department of Agriculture
Chris Elvrum, Department of Health
Chair Hansen renewed the motion to adopt the DE3 amendment as amended. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Chair Hansen renewed the motion that HF1928, as amended, be returned to the Committee on Ways and Means with a recommended re-referral to the Legacy Finance Division. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:44 P.M.
Representative Rick Hansen, Chair
Clay Schwartzwalter, Committee Legislative Assistant