This remote hearing is taking place under Rule 10.01, which you may view here: agenda is updated to include the formal bill number on the previous HFxxx (Hansen).
HF28 (Hansen) Environment and natural resources; provisions modified including Cervidae, watercraft operator safety program, invasive species permits, wild rice leases, and various other provisions.
HF134 (Hansen) Dry cleaner environmental response and reimbursement account expenditures prioritized, perchloroethylene banned, prior appropriations modified, cost-share program funding provided, and money appropriated.*The bill language is posted under attachments.
This remote hearing may be viewed live via the following method:
Live stream via House website: Meeting Documents will be posted on the Environment and Natural Resources Finance Website at: Testimony:
• Please note that a majority of provisions of HF28 (Hansen) have already received a full hearing during the Regular 2020 Legislative Session.
• Members of the public with questions about this process or who are interested in testifying at this meeting may email committee staff at
• If you wish to testify, please contact and copy at least two hours prior to the start of the remote hearing to get instructions.
• If you plan to submit written testimony, please send to by 8:00am, Tuesday, June 16, 2020.
If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require assistance to arrange the necessary service to participate as a testifier, please contact Blake Wilcox by emailing him at or by leaving a message at 651-296-8803.
The MN House of Representatives is currently working on establishing the processes and technology that allow remote meetings to be held that are accessible to the public. We expect many refinements to come over the coming weeks. Thank you for your patience as we adapt.