HF 2051 (Elkins) Insurance; model regulation conformity changes made...
**We are hearing the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the data practices provisions in Article 4**
HF 1146 (Dehn): Mileage-based user fee pilot program provided;...
**We are hearing the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the data practices provisions: lines: 2.10-2.28**
HF 285 (Koznick) Department of Human Services and Met Council data sharing ...
**We are hearing the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the data practices provisions: lines: 1.16-2.2**
HF 1349 (O'Neill) Treatment courts funding provided;
HF 1502 (Fischer) Salt applicator certification program established, and liability limited.
**We are hearing the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the liability provisions.**
HF 2538 (Mahoney) Revised unclaimed property act; ...
**We were going to hear the bill for limited purposes. The scope of our jurisdiction involves the data practices and court process: lines 31.1-31.10; Article 9 and Article 10**
**If you wish to testify on the above bills, please contact Laura Taken-Holtze at
Laura.Taken-Holtze@house.mn Testifiers will be asked to limit testimony to 2 minutes each**
**bills may be added or removed and may be taken in any order**