The agenda is updated to include the formal bill number on the previous HFXXX (Becker-Finn).
This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to Rule 10.01, which you may view here:
HF133 (Becker-Finn) Conveying state land interests provisions modified, state parks added to and deleted from, and state land sales authorized.
*Amendments are due by Friday, January 15, 2021 by 6pm.
Overview of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page: NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.
If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122.
Any meeting documents will be posted on the House Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy committee website at
Public Testimony:
• Members of the public with questions about this process or who are interested in testifying at this meeting may email committee staff at
• If you wish to testify, please contact and copy at least one hour prior to the start of the remote hearing to get instructions.
• If you plan to submit written testimony, please send to by 1:00pm, Monday, January 18, 2021.