Governor’s Environment and Natural Resources Supplemental Budget Recommendations Presentation
HF4407 (Hansen) Natural resources reports due date modified; snowmobile registration, state trail, state park reservation policies, timber permit due date, walk-in access program enrolled land use, special permit issuance to use motorized vehicles in wildlife management areas, resident license requirements, and firearm provisions modified; blaze orange or blaze pink requirements for ground blinds established; nonlethal hazing of deer and elk causing damage to crops authorized; angling allowed with two lines; and rulemaking required.
HF766 (Hansen) Additional seed label information required, certain seed uses prohibited, and product stewardship required for corn and soybean seed coated or treated with neonicotinoid pesticide.
*Amendments are due for all bills by 1:00pm, Wednesday, March 30, 2022.
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• Members of the public with questions about this process or who are interested in testifying at this meeting may email committee staff at
• If you wish to testify, please contact and copy at least one hour prior to the start of the remote hearing to get instructions.
• If you plan to submit written testimony, please send to by 1:00pm, Wednesday, March 30, 2022.
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