H. F. 23 (Davnie) A bill for an act relating to elections; requiring the secretary of state to amend rules to recognize a medical bill as a proof of residence on election day; authorizing rulemaking.
H. F. 9 (Greenman) A bill for an act relating to elections; modifying provisions related to voter registration; absentee voting; establishing a system of early voting; eliminating a restriction on the number of voters an individual may assist on election day; modifying standards governing access to Help America Vote Act funds; regulating intimidation, deceptive practices, and interference with voter registration and voting; campaign finance; regulating small donor political committees and funds; establishing a small donor state match program; establishing a Democracy Dollar coupon program; exempting certain candidate expenditures from aggregate expenditure limits; repealing the political contribution refund program; repealing the campaign public subsidy program; providing principles and procedures related to redistricting of congressional and legislative districts; establishing a criminal penalty; requiring reports; appropriating money.
*Agenda items may be added or removed.
TESTIFYING: If you would like to testify or submit written testimony, please email the committee administrator at amanda.rudolph@house.mn no later than 5 p.m. the business day before the hearing. Testimony will be limited and as time permits, therefore written testimony is encouraged. Please plan accordingly.
HANDOUTS: Handouts must be in PDF format with Optical Character Recognition ability and emailed to the committee administrator at amanda.rudolph@house.mn no later than 5 p.m. the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the State Government Finance and Elections Committee webpage
ACCESSIBILITY: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.
RULE 10.01: Meetings are held in accordance with House Rule 10.01