HF3815 (Moran) Quality Parenting Initiative funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF4217 (Agbaje) Foster and adoptive family recruitment, engagement, and support requirements modified; grant program established for foster and adoptive family recruitment, engagement, and support; and money appropriated.
HF3477 (Vang) Headway Emotional Health Services grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF4273 (Pryor) Medical assistance eligibility requirements of employed persons with disabilities modified.
HF35 (Elkins) Council on Disability authorized to accept and disburse grants and other aids, and money appropriated for grants to cities and counties to improve website accessibility.
HF4124 (Noor) Minnesota family investment program (MFIP) income reporting requirement modified
Additional agenda items may be added.
Public Viewing:
This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page:
Members of the public wishing to submit written testimony should contact Yingya Vang at Yingya.Vang@house.mn by 12:00 PM on Tuesday, March 22.
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