01:58 - Attorney General's Office opioid settlement presentation.
30:24 - HF4265 (Olson, L.) Opioid settlement proceed deposit and allocation provided, two accounts established in the opiate epidemic response fund, separate opioid account in the state treasury eliminated, time frame modified for eliminating the opioid manufacturer registration fee and reducing license fees, and municipal claims barred against litigants in settled opioid cases (informational only).
39:02 - Governor's 2022 budget recommendations: Healing Communities and Addressing the Opioid Epidemic.
-Department of Human Services.
57:09 - HF3086 (Stephenson) Department of Behavioral Health created, and state agency duties transferred (informational only).
1:18:29 - HF4534 (Fischer) Commissioner of human services required to appoint behavioral health special advisor (informational only).
Runs 1 hour, 32 minutes.