HF 2861 (Howard) Senior housing unit funded by housing infrastructure bonds portion authorized to serve individual of any age with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
HF 3143 (Agbaje) Housing infrastructure bond usage expanded and regulated.
HF 3287 (Agbaje) Stable housing mediation grant program requirement established, funding provided for the stable housing mediation grant program, and money appropriated.
HF 3549 (Hausman) Housing finance agency policy provisions adopted, agency debt limit increased, bond issuance authority expanded, agency funding use and eligibility requirements expanded, housing infrastructure bond used clarified, and technical and conforming changes made.
*If you are interested in providing written testimony, oral testimony, or a handout, please email the Committee Administrator and copy the Committee Legislative Assistant by 12:00PM the day before the hearing.
CA: Owen.Wirth@house.mn
CLA: Katie.Hirsch@house.mn
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